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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Thank you for your good will. I also say this as nicely as possible - sharing my experience on Indomitable helps players who are experiencing the problem described in the original post. And it helps inform players of the benefits of playing on Indomitable. It is helpful and I am happy to share.
  2. It means players can have a lag free, no-need-to-queue, always room for more experience if they desire 🙂
  3. Indomitable enjoys starting Hamidon raids in the Abyss on time and without issue - no need to show up early. Folks should come join us sometime!
  4. That's fantastic! I'll leave my original post up for anyone else in the future who might be thinking the same thing.
  5. Can we get the other servers' status (Brainstorm, Transfer, and the other ones if players have access) added to this section of the launcher?
  6. I think one lego movie is enough for me, but then again I'm not the target audience.
  7. But Nathan Fillion is Green Lantern in this one...
  8. Page 7, Issue 27. Pick up the Payphone.
  9. Hello, I am happy with the current end game content and rewards. I wanted to know if anyone had a table, graph, or a wiki page made with all of the current end game rewards. For example, doing [insert reward requirement] grants [shiny object]. Or [insert # of shiny objects] can purchase [vanity pet or nice fit]. I don't care about how high the requirement is, I just want to be made aware of it so I can pursue it. [Note: I am not looking for a list of all the Prismatic Aether Costumes, those are clear to me]. If spoilers are necessary, please use them. Thanks!
  10. This is what I do! I actually think you told me about this years ago, it's been in my SG MoTD ever since 😄
  11. Did you need to board a train?
  12. They can also be used to purchase Anniversary Event inspiration from Luna, traded on the Auction House, or stored for next year's event. It's worth mentioning that this was the first iteration of the event, there is a likelihood that next year's event will have additional things that the Anniversary Tokens can be used for.
  13. Can you provide additional context, such as: Were you on a team before and after? What level were you before and after? What server were you playing on before and after?
  14. I think you mean prosper.
  15. My supergroup base is in my mind palace. I store all my inf, salvage, vault salvage, recipes, enhancements, inspirations, temporary powers, auction house orders, emails, and character items there. Hopefully nobody knocks me out or I go and forget the password... again.
  16. The unofficial Homecoming wiki was locked to read only while it's being transferred to new hardware. This started back in March.
  17. It worked for me on Brainstorm. Like Rudra said, what are you trying to Teleport?
  18. Take out the Singularity.
  19. Conroy will always be the voice that other voice actors emulate or incorporate in to their interpretation of the voice of Batman. Such legendary quality, a true icon of his craft.
  20. I don't know, but I'll bet the answers you're looking for are in this classic guide from one of the community's big contributors:
  21. Hollywood learned it from Detective Comics, arguably from the 1930s retcons of Batman and Superman. https://therealbatmanchronologyproject.com/fictional-canon/multiple-timelines-as-per-dcs-major-revamps/#:~:text=In a sense%2C this “first,of the Pre-Modern Age.
  22. I don't mean to imply there is anything wrong with that approach. It's worked for them (and Marvel) for a half century now. It's just not fun as a comic lover when the reboot happens more often than original story telling. I think I've read every Batman story arc now dozens of times, not the same comic, but the same story told over and over again using different approaches. Long Halloween is still my favorite. I did like how they incorporated the Court of Owls a decade ago. It's not all bad!
  23. My god man, are you playing on a potato?
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