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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. That was my first thought when I hoped on to beta - PvP Temporal Warriors gotta stay in their zones.
  2. I've tested this change out on beta and I didn't experience what you're describing. Though I'll admit I had ample capacity to fully IO out the test character however. Enhancements are necessary, absolutely. But this is a giant step in the right direction for the PvP community who have been advocating for this type of change. Lowering the barrier to entry is a great first step.
  3. There are PvP equivalent accolade powers as GM Impervium correctly pointed out, but there is also equivalent factional powers (Hero, Rogue, Villain, Vigilante) as well. These can be purchased at any Arena Vendor or in any PvP zone. Their purchase is permanent as well and only cost 10,000 inf per accolade if I remember correctly.
  4. This is a great idea and glad to see it hit the beta shard for testing. Hopefully we can get some testing done to ensure no unintended shenanigans can be had.
  5. Oh shoot, sorry. Meant those summonable pets, not teammates! Good catch
  6. Light Form is a solid self buff, and Glowing Touch is actually a pretty solid pocket heal for teammates pets/summons. Peacebringers are not the worst solo AT in my humble opinion (though I'll forfeit the fact that their inherent does rely on teammates lol).
  7. There is rain in a mission setting at the end of the Who Will Die story line.
  8. Damage dealt imo harder than damage taken. Edit: I haven't had any concrete earning to time ratio to expand upon the rarity or cost to benefit. It would require a bit more time than I've got to spend at the moment. On the other hand, I see collecting these new costume badges as optional and I don't really care what the grind is because if I want it, I'll earn it.
  9. Yeah the badge thread is getting pretty heated! 😁
  10. General feedback: I'm supportive of the incremental increase of Toxic/Psi resistance to melee archetypes. I'd like to see similar changes added to Kheldians as well via their shields. Peacebringers already get 22.5% res to Psi damage from Quantum Shield while in PvP zones (but not in PvE). Warshades already get 15% res to Toxic from Penumbral Shield in PvE and PvP (and 22.5% res to Psi in PvP). https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=peacebringer_defensive.luminous_aura.quantum_shield&at=peacebringer https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=warshade_defensive.umbral_aura.penumbral_shield&at=warshade
  11. Good point! Let's advocate for it to be added in to PvE content! (Also for our WS brothers and sisters comparable shield!) Edit: Actually, WS's already have Toxic resists in their Penumbral Shield https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=warshade_defensive.umbral_aura.penumbral_shield&at=warshade Maybe add the comparable for Psi resist to their shield (and mirror it to PBs comparably?)
  12. I didn't see it in the in-game description on the live or beta shards or in the Combat Attributes Window (in PvE), but I see it listed here: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=peacebringer_defensive.luminous_aura.quantum_shield&at=peacebringer Looks like its PvP-tagged only Psi resists.
  13. Yeah just hit beta for testing. A couple new patterns actually.
  14. Are Toxic and Psi resists added to Kheldian shields on the menu or...? Actually looks like there is a healthy 22% psi res bonus on Quantum Shield for PBs. Maybe the in game description could get that added? Am I missing the WS equivalent?
  15. If a mob is stuck, truly stuck, and not actually somewhere on the map hiding, I'll give my friendly neighborhood GM a support ticket request and they come faster than most T9 powers recharge. The GM can help with stuck mobs, and are pretty awesome at it three years in to this volunteer project I might add.
  16. Oh okay, good lookin out! I'll admit I've only ran it once on Homecoming, and that was in 2019 lol
  17. I could've swore they made this soloable.
  18. Sometimes I put my global handle in the player description, sometimes I write a good background. I've seen folks write anything under the sun, within the CoC guidelines.
  19. Can't say I've seen a conversion guide anywhere, but I've not looked too hard either.
  20. They're mostly veiled teasers in all honesty. The HC team makes a point of not over promising anything, but also recognizing folks are interested in knowing where things are headed try to ensure a few hints are given. Even when things hit the beta shard for testing, changes can still be made to revert it back and the HC Team wants to ensure there is expectation management for this. Best place to look for any updates is in the beta patch notes thread once they are released for testing before they hit the live shards.
  21. Check pages 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 for GM and Dev provided information on the upcoming content.
  22. It's worked like this for the life of the games, there hasn't been a compelling reason to change it.
  23. Sentinels are not Blaster. Sentinels are not Scrappers or Tankers. You shouldn't compare Sentinel's blast sets to Blasters and you shouldn't compare Sentinel armor sets to Scrappers or Tankers. Just looking at Dark Blast, your single target attack rotation should be Aim (+Range, +To-Hit, +Dmg) then Gloom, Abyssal Gaze, and Antumbral Beam. If you're interested in outputting more damage per cast, drop some procs in to them. They have decent to high proc rates and will add more damage to your single-target rotation. If you are more concerned with AoEs, there's Umbral Torrent, Dark Obliteration, and perhaps Blackstar - mind you that Blackstar recharges in 90 seconds and drops enemy To-Hit, so that could potentially be a part of your attack rotation if you have enough global recharge or recharge slotted in the power.
  24. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Dr. Aeon SF is the only thing with unique Relentless rewards right now?
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