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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. I like playing sets for different reasons. Energy Melee for its red pomp pomps and huge single target damage. Water Blast for its set mechanics. Stone Armor before and after the changes. Combo mechanics aren't a pro or a con for me. I haven't played a Dual Blades primary yet though so who knows.
  2. This is an odd one for sure since it has happened so infrequently. Hard to test or troubleshoot unless you've got the final arc mission that sets it off and you copy over a character to beta to try a few times to see what's up. Good luck!
  3. Yes we do - please look in my signature to see a Tour of Pocket D, where I explore the two ships outside in great detail. If you're on a mobile device, here's the link to the video:
  4. There are indeed many Sentinel suggestions in this sub forum. I think I'm correct when I say that some kind of Sentinel change is the most made suggestion overall. Whether the merits of your suggested change to the Inherent would work or not, it would require testing, (which I'm all for). I'm not sure your suggestion is any different than what's already been said previously on the topic. Maybe @Wavicle can speak to tha?
  5. Oh yeah... uh.. I need more rep too, it's for a friend really! Every thumbs up ensures an angel gets its wings and stuff. Like and subscribe 😆 Edit: Oh and I forgot to mention the prince in Nigeria 😄
  6. Can you provide any screenshots or ingame data to help explain to others who are experiencing this issue what the problem is? Have you heard of the beta shard? You can copy a character on to it (or just create a character there) to test out builds or niche ideas and not have to spend billions of influence or much of your time to do so. Power details and descriptions: --- Power Boost from the Patron Pool: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=epic.corruptor_soul_mastery.power_boost --- Controller Arctic Fog: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=controller_buff.cold_domination.arctic_fog&at=controller Corruptor Arctic Fog: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=corruptor_buff.cold_domination.arctic_fog&at=corruptor Defender Arctic Fog: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=defender_buff.cold_domination.arctic_fog&at=defender Mastermind Arctic Fog: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=mastermind_buff.cold_domination.arctic_fog&at=mastermind
  7. ___________________ CoD says Heal/EndReduc. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=boosts.hamidon_heal_endurance_discount.hamidon_heal_endurance_discount
  8. In my experience souvenirs for non-TF/Incarnate content only award to the mission holder. Not saying this is the rule, but I solo a lot and that is my experience.
  9. This is an interesting way to accomplish the badge - did you see the post about getting it in less than two days? 17 days seems like a really long time considering all of the alternatives that have been posted in this thread.
  10. It was actually the entire HC dev team - a lot of information on the who and how was found in the Dev Digest that Cobalt submitted.
  11. Council and 5th Column have an endless supply of recruits. Investments in body armor are a bad business practice.
  12. What do you need help or support with?
  13. Psy Blast can hit like a truck on Blasters and has great acc and range. The timing of the attacks is part of its charm and sets it a part IMO. So nothing needs done.
  14. Dang, it must be the FreakOlympics Medal souvenir then - hopefully you tested this copying character on to beta (because that is a loooooong ass story arc!)
  15. Sad to see you go, happy with the work you put in to this game!
  16. Last time I checked the badge requirements were tied to the story arc souvenirs.
  17. The real target cap is 255 entities, friend, enemy, or pet combined.
  18. Damn I was hoping for a hyperlinked video attached to your underlined bolded text. Something like:
  19. The solution is simple - remove enhancements from the game. But where's the fun in that?
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