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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Absolutely love the use of this gif. My favorite song of all time.
  2. Real life aside (no disrespect meant), it's just as easy to write away perceived problem itself by the writers saying that there are super heroes out there who help the 'homeless' or folks who have homes but reasons abound are not occupying them. Heck they could say a super hero has magical powers that remove all mental durress, reintegrates them in to society without any stigma, and prevents future situations from occurring that lead to these unfortunate outcomes like economic inequality, mental health awareness and rehabilitation, and the like. Or they could say an alien took advantage of the situation and the hero is saving the day by defeating the alien and call it a story. Glad to hear some solid plot development from a creator in this community and I'm excited to see what you make of the story.
  3. Summer Blockbuster events! Player led, any time you want.
  4. Kraken fighting Jurrasik in Crey's Folly. Kronos Titan chasing after the Arachnos Flier in Grandville. Winter Lord fighting Baby New Year.... 👶
  5. Well, I mean... type /ah in the the chat box and buy yourself a win. Get as many reds or yellow inspirations as needed (or green, orange, or purples). I've done the monster mash solo, without inspirations, no Incarnates, all the stuff and I'm of the opinion that Giant Monsters were designed during a time where IOs didn't exist and players needed to team up to overcome a challenge. Newer GMs (think Boomtown Council Warwalker) have new gameplay mechanics to spice it up a little, but it's still a bag of health. It's still fun though! 😜
  6. That's why it's an incarnate power and it's use prohibited during Master of runs.
  7. You're not missing anything. I would argue that jumping head first in to a raw sewage container would be healthier than listening to some people speak(?) on Discord. I'm pretty sure for some is entertaining, but for me it's right up there with eating glue and licking windows.
  8. I've seen this aversion and honestly I think everyone is entitled to play however they want. Adding on requirements to have outside resources to play is not conducive to increase a game whose population is mostly returning players that more than likely relied entirely on in game chat and emails to communicate. For new players, this game probably seems a little archaic on that regard, but communicating over headset can really improve coordination during play. Just look at PvP, where spiking damage on a target (i.e. everyone activates their attack at the same time on a target to maximize damage output and defeat the target). Or 'Master of' badge runs, where defeating an enemy or staying outside of a killer beam is paramount.
  9. I'm not a fan of this. You can already pick up a P2W power that does exactly that. And there are temporary powers too that can also do that. And Incarnate powers as well.
  10. I don't have a clue what you are saying. I responded to your suggestion and offered other ideas. I didn't say I was a dev or anyone else.
  11. The enhancements listed are the same as every other healing set. The set bonuses you suggested are the only difference it seems. I think if you look at all the other healing sets and find something unique, really something to distinguish the set from other healing sets, this suggestion will gain more traction. What about a purple set for healing? What about a proc that increases healing value instead of regeneration, absorb, or recovery? That kind of stuff.
  12. If you don't stir the pot, the contents will burn 🔥 lol
  13. That's a great example of well designed power changes.
  14. The beta shard has no AE missions loaded in it. Great place for folks to play if they're not in to that. Players can also click a button to level up to 50, grant themselves infinite inf, and grant every badge in the game. Come to think of it, why doesn't everyone just play on the beta shard? 😁
  15. There's definitely reason to adhere to design standards.
  16. Void Hunters now have their own defeat badge. Should be reason to rejoice for any badge collectors when a Kheldian joins the team.
  17. Hey if anyone didn't know this, you can expand the team window manually by dragging it. Makes the icons bigger and easier to see IMO.
  18. Ah thanks for the catch! I must've been thinking of some other pets that buff, I am pretty sure they are sold at the P2W/T4V vendors.
  19. I'm not really sure why they don't persist. Is it a hardware or coding limitation? Their buffs are trivial, but they do bring a coolness factor I wouldn't mind seeing persist like the summonable crafting Workbench.
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