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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Where's Vin Diesel? I thought this was part of the Furious saga 😄
  2. Oh oh and the hard modes add higher xp and inf for each tier as well! I believe additional 40% at 4 star.
  3. I've definitely fell in to this myself - I've poured time and effort in to concepts and theory crafted or Mids Planned builds, only to farm the character up to 50, vet level 6, unlock the T4 Alpha, fully slot all the IOs, then realize it's not what I wanted or expected. I've made this mistake too many times, and only recently discovered that Mids has an export tool to the Beta server! Now I have a safe middle ground to try out the build before I invest the time and effort. Not a full proof solution, mind you, but definitely less painful than the time and inf investment.
  4. Love this reference! Finally got around to seeing the movie! Definitely recommend watching if you haven't seen it yet.
  5. Totally understand this! That's one of my favorite new corners to try as well - what works but hasn't been tried. At this point in the game's life, pretty much everything has already been tried by someone - but I haven't begun to cover all the builds I want to throw at the game.
  6. Great post Ukase! Saw a lot of parallels in my life similar to how you framed your play time and hobbies. I've been finding playing the game with a playlist or podcast going or a movie/ tv show is also a nice way to zone out or decompress. Hard to do when it's a PvP setting or big moment in an Incarnate raid, but easier when farming or running easier content. P.S. I was a sucker for the cheese and cracker sticks back in the day when I'd play lol
  7. Oh for sure! I got in to that in my second post - I created goals in game to enjoy.
  8. Definitely felt that first part when I hit login for the first time back in 2019. It was like I couldn't believe my eyes that I was seeing Atlas Park and the costume creator, let alone throwing attacks at Hellions and hearing that satisfying level up sound. I'll say after about a year that wow sort of wore off and I started to focus on specific things. Collecting all the badges, doing all the incarnate content, exploring every zone in great detail (to find all the ways out of each zone in particular), Hami and MSR raids, PvPing, completely finishing every story arc in the game blue, red and gold, soloing every GM and AV, really everything I could do on one character. Then I started to enjoy building characters for different purposes. Then I tried my hand at base editing and roleplaying in first person. Lately I've been content with testing things out on the beta. I'll wager I've tried everything a player can do by themselves in this game (and on teams when the occasion presented itself). All that to say I've made things enjoyable for myself and playing the game continues to be rewarding.
  9. Risk versus reward discussions tend to pop up after a patch goes live and I'd consider that a standard occurrence across all video game genres. My philosophy, which I'll gladly concede is my own opinion and not a fact or rule, is that the journey is the fun part, and the destination or goal is the motivation to continue playing the game. For the folks who have taken a hiatus and returned or the folks who've finally found this great community once more and heard the trumpets of Atlas Park (or the red and goldside equivalent!) I wager they agree with my philosophy. I've never considered playing this game, or any game for that matter, to be described as work. I get paid money to do work, I receive enjoyment from my hobbies, and I get a nice level of relaxation from playing video games. I ask this forum community, what are your thoughts on the topic?
  10. That's a fair point. I'm not moving around too much during my Fire Farming, so that's not something I've had to think about. I don't normally have endurance problems either with Ageless going off, and even without Ageless, I've got Consume too. In fact, I'm not using a lot of end to begin with since I'm only running Fire Shield, Weave, Combat Jump, and the two AoE toggles. Burn doesn't cost me too much end either. If I'm really going for a quick run, I'll use the other AoEs from the Patron Pool, but I'm not in much of a hurry normally. Anyways, good perspective!
  11. I should've been more clear - I see folks snagging Super Speed more often than not.
  12. Excellent video! I admit I am nowhere close to being able to run this at max difficulty on my main, so I appreciate being able to watch others play through it!
  13. Thanks AA! I'm curious why anyone snags a travel power for their farmers? Considering the free ones from the P2W/T4V vendors give plenty of movement speed in between or during missions. Also curious about why fire defense isn't higher on the Active Farmer - I'm considering more attacks will be directed at the farmer if they're using a smaller map like asteroid, but if the mobs are spaced out, I consider 30% a fine amount of fire defense. I appreciate you sharing those map ID's - my go-to maps are still using mobs with lower xp/inf generation as they haven't been updated based on the p4 changes.
  14. More people need to start using different fonts, font sizes and colors! 😆
  15. Topped up! Thanks for another month with the lights on.
  16. Anyone remember how the TP protection procs work? Is it resistance? Or magnitude protection? Thanks!
  17. I don't know, I think the esquire part makes sense because the player is saving "the lawyers from the Circle of Thorns." So the people being saved are lawyers with their saluations in their name or title. To be fair to lawyers though, it costs about that much to pay off law school nowadays. I wouldn't be surprised if another NPC said they had to sell an arm and a leg too.
  18. How has nobody mentioned the changes in Echo Plaza!
  19. Homecoming Forums: A soapbox for everyone 😄
  20. This is beyond comprehension. You are clearly misinformed. Are you willing to accept information contrary to your opinion?
  21. Recommend reading through this thread:
  22. You'll enjoy the new costume rewards coming soon then!
  23. That reminds me of the Nvidia Titan cards that were Star Wars themed, those looked so cool!
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