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Everything posted by Lockely

  1. I'm really sorry to see you go JJ, you've filled in so many options for so many classes that don't have dedicated build threads. The community will be lesser in your absence.
  2. Place down your remote mines, place a Remote Bomb in the middle, then fold space and queue up Remote bomb to go off as soon as FS ends.
  3. I'm really glad to see this wasn't a "me" problem but actually a common issue with her. I mostly solo and I've had to either use auto-complete or call in several friends to beat her when she shows up in missions. Other AVs? Literally no problem. Eat some purples, eat some reds, call it a day. SM shows up and I'm immediately alt-tabbing to Discord to assemble the (legally distinct) Avengers to take her out.
  4. Honestly been struggling a bit making a build while leveling, there's too many good options on both Prim/Secondary. A good problem to be had for sure. I have found Trip Mine to be extremely situational, whereas you can just sticky mine someone with Temporal Bomb so it always hits who you want it to.
  5. They shouldn't get any more confused than when we use Lore Pets of the same type.
  6. What you want to do is take Clarion when you have access to your Destiny Slot. I know that means you need to give up Ageless, and MMs are End hogs, but Clarion will give you the status protect. That or keep a dozen Break Frees on hand. Your pets continue to attack while you are mezzed, and continue to help mitigate damage to you while in Bodyguard mode, so you shouldn't have too much trouble. You can build up Mez protection with IO sets too.
  7. This is kinda an argument on the letter versus the spirit of the Graves quest. The Letter of that questline is to use the Ferry to travel to Cap to go to the University, but the Spirit/Primary goal is ultimately teaching you where to find the university and invention tables. You already were taught about using the Ferry in the 'go bother the shit out of some Arbiters' part of the questline far earlier.
  8. Something is definitely up with the AH though. I listed a ton of converters last night at 65k a pop on my main character (Lockely). A scant few of them sold by the time I woke up in the AM, which was weird. I logged onto my alt (Auric Bombardier) and listed a few, they sold by the next time I checked at 70k. Logged back into Lockely, none of his had sold yet. Logged into my other alt (Remarus) and listed a few just a few moments ago. Same price point, 65k. All sold before I had a chance to log off. Logged back into Lockely, all his are *still* listed for 65k. Did the AH develop a recency bias as to who it pulls the sell orders from? Edit: I complain on here and everything finally moves, including an enhancement I had listed for like over a week now. Still very odd that my alt's sales went through before my main's despite being same price. Still have 20 unsold converters at 65k though. Will watch them. I'm listing a bunch more on Auric again as I just downed Hami. We'll see if I can spot who moves first.
  9. It's unreliable. Sometimes it won't appear until you're right next to them. Sometimes it appears the second you load into the mission despite them being 30000m away.
  10. This is heavily affecting my Arsenal Dom, to the point where I have mostly shelved them from solo play until it's resolved.
  11. These have definitely not been forgotten (in fact they accidently enabled them on Brainstorm last month for a short while!) but they're not in any state for release. Considering they're unfinished, I wouldn't expect what had been datamined to be what we get at this point, and that's okay, but getting more tech/natural origin stuff is always very welcome.
  12. Hate to be 'that guy' but this belongs over in the Website Feedback forum, not the game feedback forum. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/63-website-suggestions-feedback/
  13. It's possible, A lot of times I'm flying above my bots without Group Fly and I'm not seeing exactly what is nuking them, only they're there literally one second and gone the next very shortly after engaging. There's often so much going on that it's very hard to tell what effects are coming from the boss vs players. I am targeting *only* the tentacles though and I keep the bots on Defensive. I usually never have any trouble once we get to the head option. I will say that on Everlasting at least, the coordination for taking down Lusca is very often "[LFG] Lusca is up in IP, who wants to go beat up a big octopus?" and then people pile into the zone and just join a league. A scant few words are shared for newcomers and then we just take her down one tentacle at a time with basically "Here" or "Same" being the only communication at that point forward. If you consider the fight working as intended, then it is what it is and I'll have to be content spending most of that GM simply resummoning and popping blues while everyone else actually gets to fight, as I simply cannot control the direction my PUG tank is going to aim it and I don't have a telegraph to react to, and my bots clearly cannot tank it for us. Thanks for looking into it!
  14. It's difficult to position when you can't determine which of the melee are fighting for aggro/taunting and where the initial point of the cone (or the width/radius of it is) without a telegraph of some sort. Many GM parties I've been in just say "stay away from the boss entirely if you aren't tanky or you're going to get smashed" to new players asking for tips. My preference to avoid a lot of this is flight/group fly, but as stated here and in another thread, that often gets us yelled at/booted from the group if we don't disable it on anything not named Hamidon. I'm sure the water makes it difficult to even add a ground tell to give a second or so advanced notice of where the tentacle is actually aimed. Maybe a small bubbling effect would be doable?
  15. Team play. I never solo GMs, I just join groups when they pop. Brute/Tanker runs in and grabs the tentacle. I send in bots. Two to five seconds later my bots implode.
  16. If you're taking a look at MM/pet difficulties in this case, can you also take a look at Lusca's tentacles? Nearly every time I fight her, even with my ranged bots, they just routinely all explode into a shower of parts several seconds after engaging. I spend more time re-summoning and re-buffing than I do fighting against Lusca.
  17. I get the anger a bit as an MM main. We're probably the most solo-friendly AT, but when it comes to team content our pets are made of newspaper and a prayer. We've asked for buffs to their survivability and had the non-MM community tell us we don't need it. We've asked for improvements to resummon and rebuff our pets and been (reportedly) told by the devs1 it is absolutely off the table. We're being left out of advanced mode content because the perception of the hardcore players (who are permeating it through the community) is that we bring nothing to the table and our pets are dead too often to even contribute proper DPS. We need a little TLC and it's coming out as lashing out because constructive feedback has been shot down. If the AT won't be changed, then the encounters need to be. I think both could use a little bit of a touch-up, tbh. 1. I have not personally seen this response, but I have gotten enough people to say it that I believe it's out there somewhere.
  18. Yeah, I second this experience. If I'm not playing my Brute I get imploded as quickly as I notice the patch going around. I just jetpack on everyone now and fly high enough to be above the sphere.
  19. I highly disagree. World bosses should be a challenge, and even with the additional mechanics I've not once seen a wipe on them. Should those mechanics be telegraphed? Yes. Should there be counterplay? Also yes. Should the bosses be a simple steamroll? God no. World Bosses/GMs have a significant reward to downing them. They shouldn't be loot piñatas.
  20. I wouldn't say it's stupid or lazy, the devs are volunteers and not professionals getting paid. It sucks when these things aren't fully considered for things like GM updates, but it's better than the bosses being a 30s punching bag like they used to. But feedback like this is important and they'll get better at this through iteration and updates.
  21. You need to remember OP is coming at this from the perspective of an MM player. We're classified as 'support' as well, though most of our support comes through both our pets and our secondaries, and aren't as strong as a full blown support class in many cases. Things like Pumpkin Patch just outright delete our pets, and often delete us as we need to be in supremacy range to keep our pets even useful. If my pets get nuked, I have to spend a good 1/3 of the boss's HP bar resummoning and rebuffing, and if I'm not on one of my incarnates with Ageless, a significant portion of my END too. I also lose out on Bodyguard Mode and a significant amount of my own defense as a result. I won't even play my melee henchmen MMs in anything more than just mobbing or AE anymore. I stick to my Bots and use Group Fly (until I get inevitably yelled at by someone who hasn't disabled it at Null) and try to hang back. Something like that should have, at a bare minimum, a telegraph for counterplay purposes. Both to allow people in animation lock to have a moment to GTFO, but to also allow those of us with Pets the chance to move them before they're killed by the very first tick.
  22. I think if there's specific ATs being left out of the content, it's less about the content itself and more about AT balance. Granted, auto-hit really shouldn't be a thing and you should always have some form of counterplay (like for MMs, having to manually move your minions out of telegraphs/wind up strikes/ect as long as there's the ability to do so), but that's something that can be worked on and improved. Removing it entirely? Nah.
  23. Ideally for something like Pumpkin Patch there should be a telegraph on the ground *before* the spell goes off. They could do it with the same Psuedopet they use for Liquid Nitrogen, but recolor it orange or whatever. Have it go down and as it *dies* the Patch goes down in its place.
  24. Especially contacts like Dr. Weber that have to just going along with pretty heinous testing on *mostly* innocent people.
  25. We've had this discussion ad nauseum at this point. Please refer to the most recent thread before we re-litigate all this again... and again... and again.
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