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Chance Jackson

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Everything posted by Chance Jackson

  1. Panacea proc got nerfed hard in powers like Triage Beacon & Spirit Tree
  2. Maybe you can ask the mods for a mulligan
  3. You don't... they get in contact with you
  4. How are you liking that combo? What is your 3dmark Firestrike & Timespy scores?
  5. Team members don't have to be shoulder to shoulder, they can split up to tackle different challenges within mission parameters, as is popular during that one TF (numina?) One of my favorite teaming experiences involved soloing Clockwork king with my bots/traps/mu MM during a LGTF when the game was live. No one complained about it, but someone missed that i said i would solo him so by the time they got Penny to the door someone asked "what happened to the Clockwork King?" Someone else answered "Cheetatron solo'd him" felt really cool tbh
  6. Pretty sure devs wanted to avoid ethno centric gangs & all the problems they can bring so you get a cadre of multi ethnic crooks
  7. I'm all for getting away from copraganda
  8. I won't oppose this, i usually clear trays
  9. I definitely like the idea of an metal based armor set with animations that give off big Tech &/or Magic vibes
  10. Short of giving boxing & kick access to the animations of other power pool opener melee attacks, I think those other power pool melee attacks should be available as power pool openers attacks in the fighting pool Admittedly it's not quite the same as OPs request
  11. Considering that the Dark Astoria revamp arc had you forcibly teleport into the zone where a cosmic horror scenario is playing out where the zone was being sacrificed to a dark god, certain missions had you fighting in the guts of said god, the zone was introduced at around the same time as Titan Weapons along with other elements I have to ask was the Manga Berserk at all an inspiration for that Issue? If not what were the influences?
  12. Someone has to be first
  13. I support the idea of powerset diversification as a way to bring about combos that aren't available or simply not available in the ATs you want them in but they shouldn't compete with established powersets for picks & slots, ideally should be available at level 2 & their own separate system sort of like how Incarnate powers work
  14. If you have a linux modded ps4 load up wine & give it a shot
  15. That really ought to be determined by values of the dmg buff vs res debuff & how much dmg is already being buffed *Dmg buffs effects base dmg of applicable damaging powers, players, pets etc at the damage cap(rare & for limited time only, buy today) can't benefit from more dmg buffs, neither can judgment attacks, nor pseudo pets summoned before the dmg buff, etc *Where as -res on a target boosts dmg done by any source on that target but effectiveness is resisted by target's dmg resistance(iirc) More often than not -res is better than +dmg buffs of the same percentage
  16. Machinegun Mastery APP for Melees There is very little that ties the melee APPs together some have buffs others might have debuffs, some have multiple aoe attacks so I'm giving myself the latitude to copy the Patron Pool pattern brutes get These powers are either from Assault Rifle, Soldiers of Arachnos or Mercenaries -Burst -Venom Grenade -Wide Area Web Grenade (AOE Immob with -kb) -Heavy Burst -Seasoned Veteran a rifleman pet equivalent to a PPP pet, same powers as the Commando henchmen but with the the Spec Ops henchmen's rifle, outfit & snipe power Seasoned Veteran flavor text: This rifleman has survived many armed conflicts, doing murky things at the behest of self-serving nation state power brokers for pennies on the dollar, now this soldier will only contract his services out to those he believes in, for causes he truly believes in (or for top dollar)
  17. I don't agree with OP, i see incarnacy as the Power Cosmic/Color Spectrum Rings/Chaos Emeralds you can be Magic, Mutant, Science, Etc & get a boost to your inherent traits, prexisting powers & gain new abilities & i don't see why that would be an undesirable path to power regardless of inherent origins
  18. Get well soon! Had i known about this contest i would have come
  19. I know i already posted a signature power creation request but i also want Copy powers! Characters with the ability to copy powers or steal them(copy & deny the use of someone else's powers) have been around for decades Megaman Kakashi & all Sharingan users Peter Patrelli & Silar Bankai stealing Vandenreich & 9th Espada Chrollo Lucilfer & Leol Etc I'd like to see a new grey faction of elite mercs who specialize in countering powered beings using copied powers along with their assigned power sets -Inferior copy, low accuracy, quick recharge, all abilities copied remain until copier's death (minions can only copy ST & PBAOE attacks) -Superior copy, Auto hit, only bosses & above get access, 2 minute recharge subsequent uses overwrite prior copied powers -Steal, only EBs & above get access. 4 minute recharge a stolen power can't be used by player toons for 4 minutes or until the thief is defeated(AVs & above can steal Incarnate abilities) Beat a Copy Corp AV for the 1st time & get all 3 copy powers as temps that last 7 days in game time & can't be refreshed until extnguished, subsequent charges last 1 day in game time. All copied abilities last for 7 days in game time, players can't steal other player's powers
  20. Lots of stuff I want has been suggested already so I'll just add that i still want a create a power system Allowing toons to have their own signature powers
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