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Chance Jackson

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Everything posted by Chance Jackson

  1. definitely hoping for the day we can control our transparency
  2. Definitely the former, hell they could even buck the trend set by APPs & PPPs by making these new pools primarily have defense armors, sky is the limit as they say
  3. Whrn it comes to the Patron Pools I have a list of grievances and you're gonna hear(read) about them: -All but 1 pool has resistance armors. -The only one with a defense armor locks you into a tech theme with just about all other powers -The resistance armored sets lock you into rather magical or at least magic adjacent themes especially with the pets (the matermind versions get this the least since they don't get pool pets) To alleviate those issues & provide players with new powers to play with i suggest alternate pools inspired by the New Praetorians that follow the same structure as the Patron pools; *Alec Parsons for Tech/Science *Pendragon for Magic/Natural *Aurora for Mutant (& a decent place to put the defense armor) *Grant Guston for Tech/Natural
  4. did they relax the dual boxing restrictions?
  5. Do some marketing & you can accumulate serious INF
  6. 2 billion inf across my alts & floating in my inbox last i checked but i estimate i could get over 4 billion if i liquidated my top builds
  7. Wow, been playing since issue 0 & i think this is the first time i've ever heard that about Procs. A proc triggering and then missing when the main power hits is wack.
  8. Dark blast allows you to stack a lot of -tohit on enemies, a cone immob & you get a self heal attack then pair that up with Martial Combat which has mez protection & a pbaoe KD & you're good Alternatively any secondary with a ranged hold like /Rad should be good
  9. Thank you, you have given me lots to reconsider Thx
  10. Doesn't one of the APPs have a web grenade power or am i misremembering?
  11. Bots no longer do KB? What is better to slot for procs caltrops or acid mortar?
  12. I'm not opposed i have only really had it on a cone based toon so as a pbaoe it only really work smoothly for me if i use the pbaoe nuke right after
  13. Instead of a run speed movement bonus which might make navigation more difficult for some people or on some maps how about taking a page from domination, by providing a self teleport power that becomes available at a sufficient level of fury to represent the "oh sh**" suddenly ultra fast movement of an enraged beast?
  14. I support this APP suggestion i suggested something similar based on a rifle years ago Edit: Shameless plug
  15. Usually KB protection on immobs just prevents KB still allowing targets to be KD Edit: It appears I confused Protection for Resistance
  16. Doesn't this already happen with player casted pseudos on death?
  17. I don't mind it, seems like it could be cool
  18. That is a joke right? A (potentially?) weaker nuke every other mob that at most kills LTs & lower is not "power creep" compared a to a single nuke that had no target cap that could kill pretty much the entire map in one shot, if a tanker who also had no agro cap could herd them all for the blaster It ain't about the meta, target caps killed herding the whole map & damage cap nuking the entire heard
  19. Did you have a blaster when the game launched? Any with a nuke used to be able to rival Megumin's favorite spell. Tankers could herd entire maps & bring them to a blaster to annihilate in one damage capped nuke not a spawn or 2, the entire map (I don't recall if bosses survived that nuke at damage cap but that it's a question is a testament to the power that was lost). Power creep is not a real thing in a game that didn't have Various specific IO nerfs, 90% cap PPM nerf, Slotted Recharge PPM Nerf, HO nerf, AoE caps nerf, Global Defense Nerf, Enhance Diversification nerf or any number of other nerfs when the things they nerfed were first introduced & "power creep" is certainly irrelevant in a discussion of a legitimate QoL change that isn't clawing back 1/100th of what was lost in a single one of the nerfs i mentioned.
  20. Iirc Mez resistance unlike Mez protection only lowers the time you're under the effect of said Mez, immob not even detoggling back when that was a thing makes immob resistance even more negligible than resistance to any other mez
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