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Chance Jackson

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Everything posted by Chance Jackson

  1. Uncanny , Spectacular & Amazing
  2. I love it when I can trust that my team mates can handle their business which frees me to seek my own challenges. I told this story before but it is a favored memory from before the shutdown: On an LGTF I told the group that I would go ahead & solo the Clockwork King while they were fighting their way back to the front door. What follows for me was one of the most difficult AV Solos I ever attempted(without dying) after the smoke cleared I reigned supreme & my team then caught up with me. I guess someone on the team wasn't paying attention to the chat log & asked "what happened to the Clockwork King?" someone else mentioned "Liege Cheetatron X(my toon) soloed him" what is more super-hero-y than that?
  3. I'm pretty sure i only have Sorcery/ROP on one of my toons & that is the one with the greatest thematic match, why is this pool being further weakened at all? I also never agreed with Weaken Resolve getting nerfed either🙄
  4. Don't be coy, spill the beans
  5. What is/was the GM merit farm? I never heard of it till now
  6. I like it but all of the most direct "obviously FMA" references like "Dwarf in the flask" "equivalent exchange" have to be removed or made more ambiguous think how the OG devs introduced bank mish detectives by basing them off of TV or Movie detectives but using synonyms for their names(ex. tubbs vs basins) making them lawyer friendly.
  7. Unlike the others I think Black Scorpion might actually spawn as an AV in DA(i might be wrong)
  8. I'd prefer that beanbag stay or was an option
  9. I like it with the alternate tier 9, though i wish the energy manifestation wasn't just a tier 9 tho
  10. Just let attuneds be boosted becoming unattuned +1s that's how i thought it worked until i found out the disappointing truth the hard way.
  11. You could use the animations from Arachnos Mace blast attacks to suplement the available animations & you could make it a more general "Staff blasting" set to make it equally compatible with magic & sciencey origins
  12. Assault Rifle APP for all Melee ATs There is very little that ties the melee APPs together some have buffs others might have debuffs, some have multiple aoe attacks so I'm giving myself the latitude to copy Patron Pool pattern brutes get These powers are either from Assault Rifle, Soldiers of Arachnos or Mercenaries -Burst -Venom Grenade -Wide Area Web Grenade (AOE Immob with -kb) -Heavy Burst -Seasoned Veteran, a rifleman pet equivalent to a PPP pet, same powers as the Commando henchmen but with the the Spec Ops henchmen's rifle, outfit & snipe power Seasoned Veteran flavor text: This rifleman has survived many armed conflicts, doing murky things at the behest of self-serving nation state power brokers for pennies on the dollar, now this soldier will only contract his services out to those he believes in, for causes he truly believes in (or for top dollar)
  13. Martial Prowess/Mixed Martial Arts As for unarmed martial artsy sets I really do feel the game has many elements covered punches, kicks(ma & stj) karate chops(psionic melee) chi energy strikes/blasts(kinetic melee) but you can't have it all & the latter 2 sets have no leg strikes at all so I propose a set that has a mix of powers from all 4. Sorry I'm on my phone right now & I don't remember the names of all powers or their tiers I plan to update the set later. 1. StJ t1 2. PM t2 (with & without particle effects) 3. StJ t2 4. MA palm strike(w/ crane kick & axe kick alternative animations) 5. StJ rib cracker 6.PM cone attack (with & without particle effects) 7. Utility power: KM range st attack or MA focus chi as an alternate power 8. KM or PM pbaoe 9. Wild card: your choice of the heavy hitting ST attack t8 or t9 of any of the martial artsy sets + the option of knock out blow because I think the animation is pretty fun.
  14. Thank you for the shout out, thank you for reminding me & thank you for bringing this thread to my attention Zepp Street Assault Combine Street Justice Melee attacks & Whip/Metal Chain whip attacks that use the 3 Whip Animations from MM>Demon Summoning. Pop Culture Examples: Iron Monkey from well "Iron Monkey", Kurapica from Hunter X Hunter, Ivy from Soul Calibur, Bandit Leader from Claymore, Belmonts from Catlevania, Indiana Jones from you get the point, Gun Fu/Gun Kata Combine Pistol Blast Set Attacks with Street Justice or a mix of Martial Arts & Street Justice melee attacks with some altered animations for when pistols are drawn. Pop Culture Examples: Tequila from Hard boiled, obviously All Gun Kata Practitioners from Equilibrium, Spike Speigle from Cowboy Bebop, Just about All fighters from the Matrix, Hitgirl & Bigdaddy from Kick-Ass & way too many more to name even 1/100th of them.
  15. Armor T9s generally super skippable
  16. "slow-food restaurant" Reminds me of an episode of reboot Al's Wait & Eat
  17. It's interesting. My 2 cents: I think "kick" is one of the least interesting looking animations in the game so i would make that animation interchangeable with the Air Superiority animation & make the T5 Cross Punch & then make T8 an upgraded version of the Speed pool's punch power.
  18. can the dmg aura be moved so that players get it sooner
  19. This Being able to add significant S/L res to a def build has significant impact
  20. Set proliferation Proliferating Assault Sets to Sentinel AT Creating new pools & APPs out of already created powers Custom Powers
  21. juat skip the vahz giving science contact, all of the other 1st of origin contacts are unlocked now
  22. I wish defiance &/or Aim/Buildup provided mez protection
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