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Chance Jackson

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Everything posted by Chance Jackson

  1. So strange, not sure how much time there was between GDN, ED, additional regen nerfs & the launch of COV/Masterminds but I left due to the former & only returned due to the later being available during either a free COV trial or a free weekend, I couldn't get enough of the Bots/Traps which would go on to be my main on live
  2. Neon Waifu Evangelion
  3. Eff energy blast in visuals & especially in 2ndary effect
  4. Make it a trial, some baddies are trying to summon a GM to do bad stuff you have to beat them within X time if the team fails the Team Leader can't try again for y hours
  5. You might be thinking of "Focus Chi" which is Martial Art's build up clone. "Reach for the Limit" is not a click power it's an Auto but it still takes the place of a build up type power that most other blaster Secondaries get.
  6. I totally support a energy beam set that has it's own animations & associated 2ndary effects. The MM Assault Bot has 2 beam attacks an st & a small cone that I have thought would be perfect for a Beam power set since live it would be a perfect opportunity for TAOE orbital satellite Beam attack power or an erupt from the ground PBAOE attack power
  7. "Reach for the Limit" is MARTIAL COMBAT's closest thing to "build up" but "Reach for the Limit" has no slots to accept enhancements & it's not a strong enough power to justify that imo so I'm politely asking for a change.
  8. I was playing around with it last night, It's interesting but I wish it were available for more than just defenders, used more than just peacebringer visuals, and was pom pom optional
  9. This, & i as well as others have suggested as much.
  10. Bodyguard didn't come out until months after COV launched
  11. even on my tankermind I still only take kick & crosspunch
  12. Unless I am really missing something, that is a much sturdier build than the one you post in the original post
  13. Neither CAK nor DT intentionally do knockback, DT is set to do KD on most opponents. Affaik only Crane Kick intentionally does KB
  14. No, at most I'll have 7 or 8 powers of either primary or secondary chasing the soft cap usually demands 5 - 6 picks
  15. Can we get Psi Sweep's animation ported to Spines' Cone attack & vice versa? i have toons with both power sets who it would be an improvement if i could choose the alternate cone animation.
  16. Rest takes regular IOs but it doesn't take heal sets or end mod sets, the only sets the Sprints take are run & jump sets
  17. The powers are there for it, I'd certainly love some of both & i even suggested an Assault Rifle APP patterned off of Mako's PPP a few days ago
  18. I like the idea of a martial arts control set but I think a bunch of melee control powers is the wrong way to go about it.
  19. I'm not referring to kb to kd IOs or knockback boosting IOs; I'm talking about "chance to KD" IOs like the one in Ragnarok & the one in the Ice PBAOE set and specifically how those IOs work in powers that already have a "chance to KD" like Martial Arts/Combat/Assault's Dragon's Tail Power or Footstomp
  20. This was my reaction
  21. There are so many great badges some are rather difficult to get but you can only wear one as a title; if possible I'd like to be able to choose at least 5 & the order they appear to describe the toon, their mood &/or their history. Example: Toon: Liege Cheetatron X Selected Badge Titles: Ex-Archvillan Incarnate Peerless Master of The Magisterium Kitty's got Claws
  22. I'm loving my AR/MC but looking at the iirc 50 Fear on ignite I never took it
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