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Chance Jackson

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Everything posted by Chance Jackson

  1. Say "two" & "too" out loud; need I say more? 😂
  2. How about allowing players to buy AI controlled copies of their other characters?
  3. I've heard of this kind of thing happening on the old forums
  4. ok got it
  5. Really?
  6. Definitely missile massacre backpack
  7. I vote yes to self-visible invisibility
  8. I meant to breakdown an unneeded Ancient nictus fragment, and I would have been 6 shards away from a tier 4 Cardiac but somehow I brokedown something worth 2 Notices & 32 Shards for all of 8 fing shards, needless to say I was pissed at myself but why is this even an option? No one in their right mind would breakdown the only Favor they have on a toon for all of 8-12 shards. Mods can't/won't come to the rescue on f ups like this.
  9. Animes with long names are adapted from "Light Novels" with long names. Oops someone else explained that I imagine there are lots of Homages in game but no one wants to get genericed
  10. As I understand it, ncsoft got a huge tax write off when they ended the game so the game would have to sell for significantly more than any tax penalty incured for selling a game ncsoft already got a huge tax write off for, any hypothetical loss of revenue due to competition, the cost of lawyers working on negotiations & any cost associated with tabulating all the costs.
  11. This, back when alignment missions were the only way to get alignment merits which were only good for transferring into 50 reward merits
  12. I've taken to transfering 50 emps from my last fully incarnated 50 to my new 50s. I use the emps for threads & salvage to get my newb up to t3 alpha. I use shards to take my alpha up to t4 while saving the rest of the threads, emps & associated salvage for the other slots.
  13. I noticed all the angel-ey incarnate characters were removed (Astral Christy, Empryan Michael) so I figured Gabriel was a victim of the same purge.
  14. You can't get all of those powers into 1 build, decide whether you want to be an MM, Def, or Controller
  15. Is dominatrix tougher than Ms. Liberty? I think the latter was the first even level av I ever soloed back when the game was live lol I almost ran away when she popped invulnerable/unstoppable, became immune to immobilize & wrecked my bots.
  16. I tend to pair resistance based protection sets with +def granting attack sets like MA, Kat, BS, TW, Staff the first one can't double stack but Grant's def to all, while the other 4 help you get lots of melee def early
  17. Are there any more tributes to our fallen?
  18. Is that the same case for Todagut in RWZ?
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