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Everything posted by Ael

  1. Indeed. I currently run a triple fire blaster who herds everything she can, at max settings to boot. Tanks and brutes aren't needed as much as they might have been in the early days of the game.
  2. Been having this issue for the last two days, off and on. It's *not* our connection or computers.
  3. "I'm not gonna change the way I play, even if it negatively effects teammates." Attitudes like this are the core reason why I *always* turn off group fly at Null, on every last toon I create. Never had an issue with it here, but back on live? Yes. People would use group fly just to grief and be a royal PITA with it. No one I ever ran into with it was any more accommodating than you seem to be. "Nope, gonna run it if I want!" was always the answer, even if it caused issues. Not everyone knows about Null, either. Kind of ignorant to assume the thousands of players who play, know about it.
  4. Black Scorpion, as others have said. I used to autocomplete the kill all, too, but when you're set to the lowest settings it's pretty quick to zip through. I tend to autocomplete the mission you get after speaking to the arbiter again, investigate malta base, something like that. No, I do not want a clear all malta mission with heaps of ambushes. I skip that one every time now. If I'm speeding it, I can get the arc done in under 20 minutes or so.
  5. I have a bots/traps MM all kitted out. It can solo +3 AV's. It's insane. My guess is, those 300 people didn't like how it behaved during the leveling process. It can be slow going, especially if you haven't slotted many set IO's. If they don't like it while leveling, chances are they won't even bother getting it to 50 much less kitting it out or doing anything with incarnates. Once you have, though, /traps on a MM can destroy just about anything. I'm tempted to pair it with beasts now, just to give that combo a try.
  6. That's fine. I don't owe you proof. *shrugs*
  7. On each and every toon I roll, I take them to Null and make them immune to group fly. Can't stand it.
  8. Musculature for blasters. Pretty much always.
  9. On the character select screen in the top right corner, right next to the "delete character" button is one that's for renaming your toon. Click the "Rename character" button, type the new name into the field and hit "OK".
  10. Halloween! Trick-or-Treat! That's what I'm eagerly waiting for: doors that spit out monsters when you brush up against them a bit too closely, giant pumpkins (Eochai) wandering through the city streets, 'ol Jack, stomping around. Oh, it's gonna be fun, especially the huge ToT leagues.
  11. I was about to post this exact same thing. I was like, wait, suffering? Oh, you poor, sweet summer child. Bless your heart. You are not "suffering" because you no longer get to take part in a 15 second zerg Hami, and are now going to be forced to pull your weight for all of five minutes.
  12. Nothing is "needed" anymore, never has been. With incarnate abilities especially.
  13. I don't run them, either. Ran them once on live and that was more than enough. Nothing will ever convince me to run them again. Ever. Hard pass.
  14. I have severe misophonia so...yes. Whenever I play my thugs MM, I have to have the sound off. I cannot deal with the high-pitched whistle used to call in the henchmen. The dark wolf pet...the continuous "Bark, bark bark!" every ten seconds; excuse me while I violently shiver. Beam rifle and sonic both bother me a little bit. The sounds just bug me for some reason.
  15. I'm both inspired and seriously intimidated. So many of these designs made me say, "Wow!" Some very talented folks we have here. I've always wanted to get into base building, but man, I don't know if I have the patience. XD
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