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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. This looks like a job for Captain'); DROP TABLE *; https://xkcd.com/327/ (Obligatory xkcd reference is obligatory.)
  2. I have wished for such a thing for a long time! And yes, a slot-mover should be valued similarly to a respec token, just with much less trauma (drama?). A full respec is a lot of work, and I know I never complete them without going back and starting over at least once. Pretty please?
  3. Thanks for sharing. I dimly recall someone created a pack-opening macro, has anyone tried that?
  4. Anyone care to share the problem they're seeing?
  5. I can certainly sympathize: my wife suffered from migraines and the triggers were many and varied. Can you try: /bind KEY "SuppressCloseFX 1$$SuppressCloseFXdist 300" And see if that helps any?
  6. There are screenshots in Superprism's thread. But for me the games currently looks like this: But that's not the fault of Reshade!
  7. From timing alone I would guess Excelsior crashed and a dev fixed it quick. Not that general dev praise isn't always welcome, so hear, hear!
  8. I would find it hard to pass up a Dark/* Defender. Why? Howling Twilight. Rez and heal a roomful of buddies and leave everyone else dazed and unsure of what happened? Yes, please!
  9. For what it's worth, CoH's graphics can be improved client-side. Some find the tweaks to be impressive, others, less so. Visit: https://reshade.me/#download To grab a copy of Reshade, a post-processing injector that can make some nice-looking graphical upgrades I personally enjoy. As mentioned, YMMV, but well worth a look. For CoH you will need to browse to the game/bin/win64/live folder and choose cityofheroes.exe as the executable and OpenGL as the engine. SuperPrism has a suggested preset here: GL, I hope this helps!
  10. Being a longtime fan of a certain artist, I really loved the Shadow Shard. But I remember being blown away by the sheer verticality of Grandville.
  11. I've always thought vertical flight was shorthand for "I'm so badass I ignore aerodynamics." I can't magine Darkseid flying like Superman...
  12. Although it works really well to pop over behind mobs so your Phantom Army do their damn jobs! Once they engage, you can pop back.
  13. I forget who taught me that Lady Jane is much less suicidal if you skip rescuing her until you've cleared the rest of the map. It works well, but I haven't tried the trick on others like Blind Makwa.
  14. If you go into "My PC" or "My Computer", you should see your C:\ drive (not a shortcut to same). Right-click on the C:\ drive and choose "Properties" from the menu. The Tools tab has an option to check the filesystem for errors. CoH doesn't use the registry or your browser, so I wouldn't mess with either. You may want to launch HC, click the "..." below and to the right of the big green Ready button, and choose "Verify Files." Let it do its thing. Then click the ... menu again and select "Settings". The 3rd tab down, Homecoming, should have an option to "Reset graphics settings on next run". You want to check that box, quit out, and try again. Since you mentioned a failed update, you might have a broken whatever-it-was-you-tried-to-update. The fix for that is usually to uninstall it, then try to update again. If it fails again, post the error here and I'll try to help. You best bet might be to reinstall your old version, and avoid that update. With Win7, you're likely going to have to get used to missing out on updates. Good luck, and I hope to see you in-game soon!
  15. The hell you say! You guys run this place much better than any of the owners ever did, and don't let anyone tell you different!
  16. I was tickled to get a couple of nice names on Torch: Rocketed from a distant planet, young L'kell was blasted by cosmic rays en route to earth. Landing, he was adopted by a kindly couple who were caretakers at a secret monastery. They raised him to believe in truth and justice, but were murdered by evil ninjas. The sympathetic monks trained him to the peak of physical prowess, but he was restless and decided to seek his fortune at sea. His ship was hijacked by pirates, but he learned their ways, rose in their ranks, and eventually retired to Paragon City, where he was bitten by a radioactive superhero. An attempted cure infused him with a super-soldier formula, causing a latent mutation to manifest. Donning a costume inspired by his father's pyjamas, he became the hero known as... Contrived Origin Man! Dr. Peter Ferguson came from a long line of scientists, and he planned to do them proud. He knew it was risky, but decided to test his time machine on himself. Unfortunately, a missed decimal point sent him not to the time of the dinosaurs, but to the age of lava and lightning. As his machine burned, he did the only thing he could, and hit the emergency stasis button. That interacted with the primal elements in a unique reaction, and he found himself locked in stasis, covered in lava, but still alive and conscious. He had to take the long way home. In the last 3 billion years, he has learned to be very patient, to control the time warp he had absorbed, and to use his lava-infused body as a weapon. He has long since given up on finding a cure for his condition, and settled for fighting crime in Paragon City as Geologic Time!
  17. I'm sure the OP -- and each of us -- is enjoying the by-play, but how is this helping him solo?
  18. Controllers are low damage output, especially at the lower levels. Containment is essential! Get in the habit of firing off a control before you go for the damage. It's not quite double, but near enough. P2W is your friend here. In addition to the procs, grab all the freebie damage powers you can eat. Blackwand and Nemesis lollipop are both great, especially if your origin matches, and the lollipop does KB! Don't forget the debuffs: Envenomed Dagger costs inf, but has excellent debuffage. Reducing a target's Resistance by 50% is close to doubling your own damage. Eat your candy. The Inspirations drop for a reason, and you don't have room for many. Munch them like a '70s stoner in a 7-11. And... Sorcery. It has a special synergy with Control sets. Time things right, and you can do almost triple damage, with an Arcane Empowered, Contained, Arcane Bolt. It is a thing of beauty. Add some good debuffs, and you can mow 'em down with the best of them. Enjoy my favorite AT, a little patience and it may become yours, too! Good hunting!
  19. On the other hand, when was the last time you saw a big new game launched without microtransactions, NFTs, or jerkass mechanics like "pay to patch" DLCs? CoH has none of that BS. That's certainly a draw for some gamers. It's a tough niche to find examples of!
  20. Good to know! My Mom lives in California! Steel has great theme music, a diverse population, and gigantic hero statues. What's not to love? (Oh, and I hear the Nazi problem will be under control any day now.) Personally, I'd beeline to Steel Canyon and move into the University. And hang out at the Midnight Club. Who knows? I might learn something!
  21. You know, that's not the first phrase I would use to describe them... The White Court and Red Court are from Jim Butcher's Dresden series, just to say. He used to play CoH, and got genericked for playing... Harry Dresden. I think it worked out after he explained it. Does he know we're back? I enjoyed Fred Saberhagen's Dracula apologia. Buffy's vampires were pretty straightforward. And then there was Underworld... What were we saying again?
  22. Thanks for all the excellent advice, folks! I am fundamentally disorganized, so the idea of keeping a spreadsheet of my characters? Enough to discourage me from playing the game. Nothing is worse than spreadsheets. Except PowerPoint. But I tend to log in from various machines, and my characters are usually scrambled around on new hardware. So I'm more reliant on things that most people skip -- like the Search field at the bottom of the character select screen. I ignored this thing completely on Live, and it took me an embarrassingly long time to discover on HC, but it's quite handy for finding my alts. You can search by name, AT, and powers. Really handy, especially if you are logging in from a work computer to show off the game to a colleague and can't find that nifty new character. Which I never do.
  23. Oh, I hope it's Nega-Bands! I understand Quantum Bands are also an option, but to me as a kid in the '70s, clashing wristbands together is second only to smashing your cane on the ground as a transformation emote. "Revengers Resemble!" Or something like that.
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