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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Wow! No I hadn't! In the stacks of the University and the clump of NPCs near the Gazebo! It would be great if clicking on Infurno conveyed some useful information (as he was wont to do), but that's very nice! Request fulfilled! (FYI: Null the Gull will not send you to the Winter Forest during the event, but you can get there via the TUNNEL system.) Thanks, Devs! As usual, you guys are on the ball before I realize there IS a ball!
  2. So true! He's the only reason I comprehend anything about the Incarnate System!
  3. EDIT: The Devs beat me to it! Thanks, Darmian, for setting me straight! So maybe we can just share some stories about him? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Yeah, this should probably go under Suggestions, but more eyes look here. (I may have committed advertising in my mis-spent youth.) RoboTechMaster was one of those players that made both worlds better by his presence. He wrote many excellent guides, with a breezy style of which I am envious. (He was a writer of documentation IRL, and surely amazing at it!) In-game, he was a persistent purrveyor of punny feline characters, a terrific mentor, and a hell of a lot of fun to team with. This is the guy that could turn the infamous Doctor Q TF from a 10-hour slog into 2 hours of frantic fun. (His secret: he generously bought Team Teleport for anyone lacking it, and coordinated its use.) He died tragically and suddenly from a hit-and-run driver, which is ironic considering how vehicles and PCs work in the game. It's been over a year since he died, so I hope it won't seem ghoulish to suggest he be memorialized in Paragon City. Something in the Shadow Shard, perhaps?
  4. My alts are already in SGs, but we're similarly inclined and would love to coalition! Hit up "Sanctum Santorum" and we'll have some classic fun! (OK, the leader may have been under the influence when founding the SG... Thought it would be kind of punny, but now can't see a way to change the name...)
  5. KB. Is it annoying to certain types of characters? Yep! Is it amazing fun and a really sweet way to keep the bad guys helpless? Yep! Have I been having a literal blast on an SG team using KB for mitigation? Absolutely! We always announce the KB focus when LFG, which is, I think, the real issue here. It's not anti-fun, it's a different kind of fun! (Irrelevant aside: Do I enjoy being knocked back? Yep, again. It makes me feel like I'm in a superhero battle! C.f. The Thing vs. Hulk!) Have your fun your way, but taking a tumble is not The End of the World, OMG!
  6. My understanding is that Korean MMOs are basically free to play, and sustained by microtransactions (some of which can get pretty damn macro, as I see it). From that perspective, you can see how CoH looked like a non-starter to the bigwigs at NCSoft. They made a cursory attempt to recast CoH in their mold, then folded it and concentrated on their license-to-print-money flagships. As far as Jack is concerned, he deserves a daily nerfbat to the knees. There should be a lottery as to who gets the privilege of delivering same.
  7. I love /devices! Every power in it has its uses, except for Time Bomb. (Which frees up a power pick for a pool power.) Check out the new pools, you'll find some thematic sets. Have a blast! And, as others have said: Welcome home!
  8. Too easy for Karl, since he can play Judge Dredd and Doctor McCoy AND the ringleader of the Boys. Give him a challenge: Make him play Penelope Yin!
  9. Greg Cipes as Percy Clancy Brown as Lord Nemesis Michael Rosenbaum as Doctor Aeon Khary Payton as BAB (Yeah, my fandom is showing. Tell it to Kevin Conroy!)
  10. Well if we're going seasonal: And I certainly hope your Christmas* is special. * Substitute as appropriate: Yule, Saturnalia, Chanukah, Erismas, Hogswatch, Festivus, Sol Invictus, or Winter Solstice.
  11. Thanks, all, for whittling down my ignorance a bit! Yeah, that's the part that was getting me! /macro BOSS quit$$dialogyes only works this way.
  12. I can confirm, questus interruptus will keep them around. Eventually, you'll run out of mission slots, but that's a small price to pay to keep that holiday spirit all year long!
  13. Thanks 1.0x10^6! I'm playing with these, but I keep wondering: I've seen in several guides that the game parses binds from right to left, yet most examples run left to right. Do we know for certain which is true? Or if it's even consistent?
  14. Mine stuck to EVAC, also in Vietnam! And never stopped enumerating the joys of the ol' Hercules.
  15. The power to move slots around without doing a full respec!
  16. A Full Reroll Retcon! Now THIS idea I can get behind! I'd love that option! And someone above mentioned an insta-50 server? Your wish is already granted: Welcome to Brainstorm!
  17. Yeah, my friend drives a Paragon city bus and he's been stuck in the snow for 17 years now!
  18. Immersion. I'm a flavor roleplayer (i.e., when I feel like it) but the characters where powerset meets concept and I can, for seconds at a time, forget I'm dumpy old me and feel like a superhero. An inspired costume is just icing on the cake. (But cakes without icing... Meh!)
  19. Literally beat me by 1 minute! All the cool kids are doing +to-hit! Seriously, though, if you are indeed going to take good advice and monitor & log, I suggest you move combat log into it's own tab. Much cleaner that way. And I have been disappointed with Sentinels, also. The slight boost to survivability isn't worth the hit to damage (and range!).
  20. "Mom! srmalloy said the L word!" Back in the days of CD burning being a bit of a black art (when SCSI voodoo was a thing), I'd save all the mis-burned CDs and package them in a plastic CD cakebox and give them as gag gifts. The label said "Hand made laser-etched coasters" and I wish I still had the text I wrote for it, but it was a bit like a Pet Rock owner's manual, and concluded "as a final step, the artisan says a special incantation over each one".
  21. I was so upset when they changed to CDs. AOL and my hole-puncher had been providing my Amiga with free floppies for so long!
  22. Another good reason to wait, for me at least. Give the community at large a few years to figure out what all the new stuff does, and how to make it stop!
  23. I'm running the Edu version of 21H1, and as far as MS knows, I'm still under 13 years old, (to minimize data collection). I may be a corner case, but last I heard it was supported 'till fall of 2025.
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