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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Likewise, and very much agreed! There is more than one excellent reason for superheroes to have a secret identity!
  2. I'd also advise substituting a font that distinguishes between uppercase i, lowercase L, and numeral one. (Yeah, I was the guy on Live who annoyed the "parallel illusion" supergroup by successfully distinguishing between its members.)
  3. Sounds like /powexeclocation and I need to spend some quality time together! And I can't believe I forgot to mention the entire shift of focus from "gimme da moneys" to "let's have fun!"
  4. Phantom Army Customization Market Revamp QoL in general; it's no longer painful to play my favorite game!
  5. Among its many virtues, Offense Amplifier includes a +15% Recharge Bonus. The Base Empowerment Station Increase Attack Speed buff is +20%. Together, that's half a Hasten's worth of speed-up. Just the thing for characters who can't quite reach a recharge goal.
  6. Thanks a million, Zhym! I was looking for clues in the dialog, not an actual, clickable clue! (No idea why... I have played this game before.) A much more satisfying conclusion to the arc! And, yes, top ratings for best flashback surprise!
  7. FWIW, I'm probably being an idiot. Yesterday and today I played this arc through solo (on a controller, no less!) I didn't notice any difference. Both times were through Ouro Flashback, same character. I had done this once before, but I couldn't be sure it had been on the same character, so I put it down to incipient old-timer's disease and forgot about it (that part was easy!). What am I doing wrong?
  8. Can't speak to the latter, but symptoms include playing this game... (A symptom I also present!) As far as the former: I watch youtube at 1.25% speed, and with ublock origin installed. That would have saved you 7 minutes or so. It adds up. Incidentally, the youtube algorithm rewards narcissism and drama over informative, well researched objectivity. Compare the subscriber numbers of the admirable Project Farm to those of more dramatic review channels. Don't blame the folks who are pressing the buttons that give rewards, blame the folks who designed the Skinner box that is youtube!
  9. I followed PG for a while when I first became aware of HC. He provided some good information, but it was accompanied by a lot of fluff. I wandered off and don't miss it. However, if you are going to style yourself as "Positive Gamer," you should for Hami's sake hold yourself to a higher standard of gracious play! As my grandmother used to say, "Don't wrassle pigs! You wind up covered in muck, and the pig only enjoys it." Happy Hogswatch, and a better 2022 to all!
  10. DoctorDitko


    Illusion/Storm/Mace (for the force field) has been an absolute blast to play. In any situation, there is always a button to press -- a huge plus for me -- and much chaos ensues!
  11. Thank goodness we have the Discordians to help us keep Nemesis from taking over the Illuminati! The one thing Nemesis can't handle is chaos!
  12. IIRC, Options:Menus:Windows:Stop Sending All Buffs should limit the floating numbers to your own ones (and maybe teammates, too?). I can't find a suitable place to test it right now, but give it a shot.
  13. Sorta peripheral to the topic, but I discovered recently my 144kHz monitor won't run at that frequency unless I set the refresh in Nvidia's settings to a few kHz lower. Once I set it to 140kHz, stuff got glassy smooth. It's documented on Nvidia's website but not at all obvious. There's apparently some overhead you have to account for, or it defaults to a lower refresh rate. Who knew?
  14. I wish there was a respec-lite that let me move slots around! Several times I've added a slot to a power, only to discover that it doesn't accept the enh I had planned to slot it with. These days, I'm more likely to make a new build, rather than respec.
  15. That's the ticket! http://wayback.archive.org/ Peabody and Sherman are currently AFK, but feel free to use the machine!
  16. Well, it does add a burden of FAQ to the Devs when someone takes it as gospel and complains "it's not working like they say it should!" OTOH, I appreciate it as a historical reference that doesn't rely on the Wayback Machine.
  17. Someone has to do it: Real randomness is clumpy!
  18. Not to mention they are Anti-DRM champions, which is why I buy games from them instead of Steam, given the choice. And yeah, they also package up DOS games with the needed emulation to run well on modern systems. I've done it myself, and it's a pain in the proverbial. More than once, I've re-purchased a game I already own for that reason.
  19. I'm unable to cite references, but I suspect any time you find a Police Box in another dimension, in an inaccessible place, The Doctor should be your first suspect!
  20. A voice of wit and reason on the forum, and the person who made me dredge up more Latin than anyone else, ever! Quo fas et gloria mundi
  21. /noparticles 1 Will turn off a lot of sfx. Unfortunately including things like an illusionist's pets. But it sure is restful on the eyes! And sometimes "/noparticles 0" won't restore everything until you log off and back on.
  22. I think this is a vox populi kind of thing. As much as I hate me some Purple Cave missions, teaming with a seismic blast character in them wasn't just the usual I-wish-I-was dead annoying, it made me want to pull my eyes out first.
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