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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. I'm running the Edu version of 21H1, and as far as MS knows, I'm still under 13 years old, (to minimize data collection). I may be a corner case, but last I heard it was supported 'till fall of 2025.
  2. I'm usually pretty heat-seeking, but I still haven't seen any upsides (for me) to 11.
  3. Looks like the RTX3060 models are all sold out, no surprise there! (BTW, I'd avoid any "open box" offers, as I've heard of some scammers buying bundles, swapping out the gfx cards for a similar but less desirable one, and returning the machine, a sad state of affairs.) I have the RTX2060, it's a very good GPU if you're not playing 4K. I have a 2K monitor, which is plenty to my eyes, so I'd recommend one of those boxes. Looks like the iBuy or the HP models with the RTX2060 would both be good choices. Just my $.02. Either way, have fun!
  4. A couple of tech tips: These days, you have to take what you can get for GPU (graphics card). It's good to get a discrete card, though the Ryzen APU is acceptable. No Intel integrated GPU compares. One of the most overlooked GPU features is connection bandwidth. Try for a 256 bit-wide card or better. Don't go below 8 GB of RAM. Slots to add more are good. SSD fpr your your system drive is a big plus, but if not included, make sure you have a NVMe slot so you can add one later. Good luck!
  5. I'm testing Dual Blades now, and I'm again seeing the longstanding bug where I see my weapons but teammates don't. Is this a settings thing?
  6. C'mon, folks, remember the superhero gestalt! Does this sound familiar? "Only one chance! Musty use my Super-Kablaam-NOVA power, even if it kills me! This is for you, Mom!" >KRAAKKAATHOOOOM!< * "Whew! It worked! Now I need a nap!" (Then your Tank brother gives you crap for being such a show-off!) However imperfectly, these powers were designed to bring that trope into the game. Now, they have been turned into powers you slip into your attack chain. Not the worst compromise the translation from pulp to pixels has necessitated. (Although.... We might invoke some of that spirit with a 1 time/day accolade that multiplied the effect of the next power you use.) * Sound effect copyright 1999 Walt Simonson. All rites reversed.
  7. I know it's rough, but the whole Incarnate system is better than it used to be. 2 or 3 passes from the HC Devs and it'll be a cool part of the game. A perspective from the great RTM: (May he rest in peace!)
  8. In my case, it's: /altinvite name /promote name /promote name /promote name /promote name /emailsendattachment @globalname Cha-ching! 10000000 0 0 "Happy Birthday from $name!" /quit$$dialogyes (Oh, how I wish we had scriptable macros!)
  9. Pay no attention to the Dev who tells you to ignore them!* * "All Ephebians are liars!" -Sir Pterry
  10. Three things: The Stealth granted by Super Speed is not noticed by pets. If you are a Mastermind, you can be stealthy without your pets losing their bonuses, wandering off, or demanding pay raises. Add any other Stealth effect (including the IO specials) and you are effectively invisible to foes, again without demoralizing your pets or losing bonuses. Have you tried running around in first person view? Hit Steel Canyon and spend 5 minutes in heaven running around town, then tell me SS isn't awesome! CJ is usually plenty for the 3D stuff, but jump jets and temp fly powers are enough up for most purposes.
  11. LOL! Yeah, the Kheldian Curse was a big surprise back in the day. If only there had been a way to hide your actual origin, it could have played out like a murder mystery, a game of Werewolf, or a really fancy version of Among Us. As it was -- if I recall correctly -- the leader would kick everyone, log off, and go play some WoW. Missed opportunities.
  12. Fingers crossed! Just custom colors would be tremendous!
  13. Oooh! Nice one! As far as Shang-Chi, I have to give it: 1 star for Jackie Chan tropes (Bus & Building fights) 1 star for Wong cameos (2 Wongs make a right!) 1 star for Trevor Slattery 1 star for writing and sfx and -.5 stars for overly CGI ending So, 3.5 out of 4 stars Frankly, any time I see one of these Marvel movies bringing a comic to life, I am reminded of this hilarious scene from the classic Doctor Strange #55, by Roger Stern and Michael Golden (Oh! How we laughed at the very idea!): Imagine anyone crazy enough to make two Doc Strange movies!
  14. Oh, absolutely! And Russel T did a bunch of great work, I just think toward the end he started falling for his own press releases! I honestly didn't think anyone could rival David's 10th Doctor (a toss up between 10 and 4 as my favorite) and then Matt Smith's mad, brilliant 11th came along, and he, Moffat, and the Ponds stole my heart! Peter's grumpy 12th grew on me considerably. I kept hoping Jodie's 13th would, too, but her North accent is thick enough to detract, and Chibnall is just not that good. If you want to check out a single episode, I think the Rosa Parks one is the best of the 13th, it was actually pretty cool, but it's the best of a poor lot. (And Michelle Gomez was right there!) FIngers crossed for 14 and a hopefully recharged and slightly less hubristic RTD!
  15. Ah! That's what I get for using Process Lasso as my task mangler, it will cheerfully let you shoot yourself in the foot in this way. Good to know the default Windows one has your back. I'll stick with Process Lasso, though, it lets me set core affinity, I/O priority, FG/BG priority and such. Handy for, say, processing video in the background while playing CoH.
  16. It hurts so much! I was sometimes embarrassed by the later Russel T Davies years, he can get self-indulgent and fall prey to the "save the world, then save the galaxy, then save the universe" escalation temptation that comics are prone to. But I can't wait for him to return! Chris Chibnall's hubris reminds me of lesser authors who decide to "do an Alan Moore" without actually understanding how Alan Moore goes about re-invigorating a title. The gender-swap wasn't a problem (though Michelle Gomez was right there!) but this series has just been hurting me where it counts, right in my fandom! Does anyone have any insights to ease my pain?
  17. Mmmmmm. In the independent gourmet coffee/bookshop I spent a couple of years working (they "paid" me, but the real benefit was stripped books and leftovers, plus teaching myself the UNIX inventory system) I tried every variety from Columbian to Jamaican Blue Mountain, and by far my favorite was Sumatra Mandheling. My guess would be this is one of those new D-Sync Endurance Modification/Recharge enhancements. (Although, being Starbuck's, they probably have figured out a way to over-roast it and overcharge for the privilege.)
  18. I'm sure you've solved it now, but I thought I'd post this for future searchers. I've run across this issue. In my case playing with the top 3 in-game resolution settings: 2560x1440, 2560x1440 (Desktop), and Borderless (Monitor 1) seemed to resolve it. Sorry, I forget what I started with and ended with, though. I did change it later without the taskbar reappearing. I keep my taskbar on the left vertical side of the screen, incidentally. With wider screens, vertical real estate is more precious than horizontal. FWIW, it's sometimes possible to kill explorer.exe and not be able to start it again. I try always to REstart it, just in case.
  19. That's great to hear! Excellent research! I'm afraid the link from 2019 doesn't work for me, but I have my browser set to paranoid mode. I do have a tiny contribution, in that the open source, cross platform GIMP handles .dds files well. Nice artwork, BTW!
  20. Good on you all! Siderophobia* is curable via desensitization! Good teammates can help a lot. (I have been known to resort to medication, but that can impair leadership abilities if not carefully controlled.) Keep up the good work! * AIEEEEE! An asterisk!
  21. I confess I'm all about the diversity. I don't want any powerset to be the OP FOTW OMG winner. I think they should all have their strengths and weaknesses, but there should be reasons to try every one. One of my favorites is Storm/* Defender. It plays like nothing else. It's a very... extrovert power set for a Defender. And a huge blast to play, once you suss it out!
  22. Weighing in to say, I love that Propel now shows the same weird objects to all teammates. It was pointed out to me that the position and orientation of these objects are still inconsistent among characters, after the attack we all saw them in different places. Not a bug per se, and certainly not a complaint, I'm sure the Devs have more important things to do, just pointing it out. Again, many thanks for allowing me to say, "Eat Buick, b*tch!" and not have my teammates think me insane (for that reason, at least).
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