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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. A Bots/Time Mastermind is a fun ride to 50. I'm also partial to Willpower/Super Strength Tanks. And, not to toot my own horn, but Illusion/Rad controllers are a heck of a lot of fun. And a Storm/Ice Defender is a chaotic, noisy, blast! (/Sonic is even noisier, but fun, too!)* Those are all the ones I mostly soloed to 50 (Bots/Time on HC, the rest on Live). Good luck and godspeed! * Migraineurs and others with sound/light sensitivities may wish to check these sets out on the Beta server before committing.
  2. I was bummed to realize that both international Talk Like A Pirate Day and Halloween fall on Sundays this year! (OK, perhaps I derive too much enjoyment from weirding out University students, particularly on the former. It's harmless fun.) The good sports at the Uni will probably show up in costume on pre-Halloween Friday. Didn't happen for pre-pirate Friday, though. And I'm certainly not going to RP a pirate out here in the woods for my dogs. Well, maybe a bit.* So, that leaves Paragon City. Is anyone planning anything for TLAPD? I'm obviously insufficiently organized to host, but I'll be running around as Professional Pirate (~20s MM) on Torch. Willing to follow a treasure map to another server, of course. Fair weather an' a strong tailwind to ye, me hearties! * And the hat.
  3. Don't forget Embalmed Cadavers will switch sides with a little Confusion. I laugh every time one blows up his buddies.
  4. I personally don't count the CT to-hit bonus when considering it. It may just be my 3d6 of Unluck firing, but at least the Warshade clone of CT seems to make it LESS likely I'll hit.* * Of course, the plural of anecdote is not data. It's Someone trying to tell me Something.
  5. Thanks for the correction; my forgettery gets more powerful every year!
  6. In the spirit of going through the superbase's sofas looking for pocket change: I grab the "internal inspiration" power from p2w on all my characters. This gives you 3 medium or large inspirations 2 or 3 times an hour. You can sell these to any vendor for a few hundred inf, or, if the RNG gods are kind, glom something that sells for tens of thousands on the AH. (If you don't have enough slots free when the power recharges, use, sell, or email yourself a few insps to free up room.) You won't get rich, but especially for low-level toons, it can provide some handy walking-around money.
  7. Ah! You remind me of one of my favorite aspects of a WP Tank: No PSI-hole! OK, I'll never be the guy tanking Hami, but being able to seek out Rularuu, Psychic Clock King, Carnies, and Rikti -- where many tanks are too busy farming Council to bother -- is a sheer joy. "What can I say? I guess my mind is too small a target for your psi powers!"
  8. Agreed on the Willpower set! Once the anemic Taunt was brought up to par, WP became my favorite Tank primary. I understand the Devs wanted at least some Tanks to be responding to different threats with different defenses, but in practice having to switch toggles mid-fight seems less like Tanking and more like plugging leaks and patching holes. WP, once you get your END issues solved, is just more fun for me. As long as you don't accidentally hit your Stoppable button. (The self-pranking Tank strikes again!)
  9. Right up there with finding cash in the pocket of an old suit!
  10. Does that make you plussed, or do you just break even? Anyway, I agree, I hate it when designers plus you without asking. I would love some more maps. But let's not worry about replacing the ones we have, let's just add some new ones that are more logical -- and some that are deliberately maze-like! I suspect that would be a lot less work.
  11. Anybody else remember the classic "Badger" comic? I have 'em all... somewhere. He was "the psychotic hero for the nineties." Or maybe eighties? (Damn, I'm getting old when I can't recall my comic references.) "You got red on my suit!" But, on topic, sometimes ya just wanna play the Question. He's no Batman, but he still has his seat at the Watchtower. cf: The Cadmus arc in JLU.
  12. Wow. A... friend of mine just saw it and... there were laughs, there were way too many tears, there was a feeling of redemption for a certain game's sudden axing. Also, And a very timely cameo! My friend can't wait for the blu-ray, there were probably way too many easter eggs to count. If my friend can be trusted (and he has never been wrong -- he thought he was once, but it turned out he was right all along) it's a serious must-see. Amazing how much fun a well-placed musical sting can be. TL;DR: Go see this movie.
  13. I was delighted to learn that F10 Battlecrys can be fired off during cutscenes. One of the very few things you can do while the bad guys are monologing. (Apart from making a sandwich, walking the dog, or running out for beer.)
  14. My namesakes, Ill/Rad and Ill/Time controllers, have used Arcane Bolt in attack rotation since it became available. Because controllers need direct attacks and it's very thematic. Now it is even gooderer with reasonable animation times and the Arcane Boost. If you are a controller, getting the bonus damage from mezzing a foe plus the Arcane Boost yields almost triple damage: triple controller damage, granted, but still, it makes me feel like a damage dealer for a few seconds. (OT, but I still say Mystic Flight is the best TP power in the game! Set yourself on autofly and hit Translocation every time it recharges. You'll beat the speedster to the door!)
  15. Also extremely handy for NPCs that insist on dialoging under my minimap! Jerks!
  16. Does it need to be said that there is a way to label your character as a Roleplayer, which might raise your chances of connecting with similar souls? Menu: Help: My Status: Roleplaying It's a way to be visible on everyone's RP-dar.* * It also helps if you play nicely with others. Just sayin'.
  17. True story: After CoH was murdered, I was bereft, and my shrink gave me homework: meet someone. I reconnected with a 30-year-ago college crush and we wound up getting married. Good times. She later got cancer and died. Guess what came back? The timing was uncanny. It helped so much. I wish I could have showed her the game I kept going on about, but the timing was not to be. When I say I love this game, I mean it.
  18. Excellent point! The only downside being, sometimes with Storm you actually push the bad guys into the wall. Targetable, but undamageable.* Which can be a pain on "kill-all" mishes. Walls are my Stormy's Kryptonite. * Yet another plug for the Teleport pool!
  19. Trying to use Shadow Slip (with ridiculous 2 min recharge) to TP foes to my Warshade. Works as expected, 95% chance to hit, UNTIL I use Starless Step. Then, not only do I never hit, there isn't even a mention of using the power in the combat log. I think it's supposed to give a bonus, so this is not a good thing. Basically, in not-Kheldian terms, my TP foe fails if I ever have a bonus from my Combat Teleport. And apparently never even gets logged. My power is still recharging, though. So i can only try again after 2 minutes.
  20. I find that when I TP far enough away from my pets, the game TPs them to my position anyway. So Group Fly more useful overall with ranged pets. Team TP can get the team through a small crack in the wall, but is otherwise only rolled out on the first of April.
  21. Team TP was and is mostly a prank power. (Actually can be useful if a teammate is AFK and you want to keep them with you, as long as they trust you enough to turn off TP confirmation.) If it only had an Assemble Team effect as well... Works well to freak out the occasional PUG though. But all the rest of TP pool got nice buffs and fixes (like TP range boost and letting you hover long enough to be actually useful). You can skip buying Hover now and hardly miss it. So the only travel set that could get you killed, and required another travel set to really work, is now (Comtraya!*) better. Bounce around for a few Combat TPs and TP Target (nee TP Foe and Recall Friend) might actually hit. The TP set is now worthy of copying your character over to Brainstorm to try out. * /em clap
  22. Dammit! I'm tired of cool people dying on my birthday! RIP Sonny. You will live on in your movies (and slow-motion action sequences).
  23. I suggest: /bind f10 local "Wow, this is a bit long for a battlecry! I wonder if keybinds are involved?" Edit text to taste. And please, folks, use the "principle of charity" and "steelman argument." We're all heroes here, even the villains. Picture the DCAU Flash meeting the Trickster in the dive bar where his Rogues hang out: "James, you're off your meds, aren't you?" "Better off without 'em. Take 'em if I start feeling down." "You know that's not how the medicine works. You're not well." "I'm fine. Wanna throw some darts?" "No. Listen, James, you're wearing the suit again." "I am? (Looks down at himself) Well, whaddaya know?" It's a great scene, and it ends with: Orion: What about your enemy? Flash: Oh, right. (to the Trickster) Dude, as soon as you finish your drink, turn yourself in. Trickster: (raising his mug) Got me again, Flash!* * "Flash and Substance," the fifth episode of the third season of Justice League Unlimited.
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