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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Don't sweat it, Rosencrantz! The Devs are fine with in-game allusions, pretty forgiving of in-game parodies, and will smash you with the Hammer of Justice if you call yourself "GM Kaiju." In other news, Torchbearer now has a freshly-minted Lady Mondegreen!
  2. I hope you won't disdain handing out the occasional rock. Seriously, though, this is very generous, and sounds more fun than my other options, so many thanks to you all!
  3. Which simply means that lots of us need to get a life! Disclaimer: I tried having a life after sunset: It's always in beta, you only get one character, and it's entirely pay-to-win. I prefer CoH.
  4. I'm sorry to have caused a kerfluffle, or was it more of a brouhaha?* As Shenanigunner deduced, I did indeed check the forums first. In my defense, thanks to effing Verizon, it seemed to me like a fairly substantial "surprise" patch. As a Discordian of many years (yes, I install ddate on all my servers, ever since it was removed from the standard unix tools by some damned Greyface!), I admit to a bias against Discord -- seems like cultural appropriation and it absolutely pollutes searches for Discordian topics -- but in future I will force myself to consult it before asking silly questions here. Then probably ask the silly question anyway. * "...ha ha ha ha" - Firesign Theatre
  5. Took me almost 15 minutes to download (effing Verizon!) Anybody know what that was about?
  6. From what I recall, the choice of Portal Corp's lawn is a (possibly superstitious) belief that zombies spawn best on grass or dirt. Combined with the easy availability of Police drones if things get out of hand. Thus the League leaders sometimes spamming "Back here! Stay away from the drones, they'll steal our zombies!"
  7. I know I've seen folks swarm up the side of a skyscraper with nothing more than Combat Jumping. Done well, it's a sight to behold! Could we arrange a mechanic to substitute for a fraction of their skill and call it Clinging? I wouldn't mind if it took learning a knack, much like TP does (or did, it's much improved!).
  8. That's how phasing works in Star Trek and SG-1: "Why aren't we left behind when the ship accelerates?" "Why aren't we falling to the center of the earth?"
  9. Dressing up for Halloween in why they throw us all those free Tailor Tokens throughout the year. (And it's the only time of year I feel safe wearing a blue, red, black, and gold color scheme on my favorite ex-sorceror!) Note: If you're going for radical body size/gender/model changes, the Pocket D Tailor in the Tiki lounge is your friend!
  10. There are few things in the game that respond to/enhance the look of your powers, so definitely keep it. IIRC, MM Bots will get the boot jets if you Group Fly them, also. It's these little touches that help me love this game! BTW, I vote for the small longbow jet pack. A huge model character with a cape will almost completely hide it. And of course my bots MMs take the Jump Jets from the P2W vendor, because of MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries fond memories.
  11. Excellent! I look forward to it! But I can't wait, I have to drag my SGmates there on our regular Monday team-up. Our base architect is gonna plotz!
  12. Yeah, better check your Vet level. And patrol XP. And talk to an NPC named Michael. (To paraphrase Black Widow "Paranoid? No, why, what have you heard?")
  13. OK, I'm used to bases that blow mine away but this?! This Witch's House blows them away! Not just amazing building techniques, but taking advantage of glitches to scary effect. Invisible things I didn't even know could be invisible. PCs as set decorations! It's outrageous! Well worth transferring to Everlasting to experience it! Can the GMs clone it to every server? (And give Dacy royalties?) All it needs is an AV fight at the end and it would be one of my favorite TFs! (My only tiny suggestion: It would be great if the captive PCs had bios that hinted at their horrid fates. But I'm a well-known Bio addict.)
  14. Yeah, it's worth a try. Never hurts to know. At the least you can keep in mind when deciding whether to upgrade your hardware down the road. And, yes, it keeps checking off items until you satisfy it. 3 years may be on the bubble. It at least a Ryzen 2 or 8th-gen Intel box? Then you should be good. Er, I mean, you may be vulnerable to temptation!
  15. Yeah, no body-mods to cram into a spider exoskeleton for me! I guess I'd go Carnival of Shadows, though I might be swayed to the side of Carnival of Light.
  16. Fair point! I'm old enough to remember the Balmer days of "Linux is a cancer," so for me they have a lot of karma to work off. But, yeah, apart from the telemetry stuff, they have somewhat cleaned up their act. 10 is objectively more secure than 7. Imagine if NCsoft said, "Homecoming, go ahead, have fun!" But they didn't make it official. That's kind of how I feel.
  17. If you turned off Secure Boot or your TPM chip in BIOS/UEFI (like I did, out of an abundance of caution for installing Linux) you may need to enable them to make Windows 11 or the PC Health Check util happy. I did. But only 1 i7 (the Intel Core i7-7820HQ Microsoft used for their $3500 Surface) is deemed worthy. Sorry! OTOH, it should work fine if you install 11 unsupported. You just may need to jump through hoops to keep it updated. BTW, it looks like the DCH driver system (the non-uninstallable, no choice-style-drivers that I avoid) is the default for 11. No word I've heard of on workarounds yet. I'm picky about drivers and insist on being able to roll back. I'll stick with WHQL drivers, thanks!
  18. Thanks for the correction! No idea where I got the notion from, as I haven't seen the HBO series. A review maybe? Forgettery superpower strikes again!
  19. Please do. It's well worth the trouble of hunting it down. The lackluster Wikipedia entry really doesn't do it justice.
  20. I haven't seen it, so probably not. But my forgettery gets better every year, so I may be wrong.
  21. Did someone call for Zebraman?
  22. Aw! Some of my favorite stories are when the villains and heroes work together. DCAU Justice League's "A Better World" comes to mind. Also Batman Brave and Bold (arguably the most COH-like of his animated adventures; all PUGs) "Deep Cover for Batman/Game Over for Owlman" complete with "Curse you for your sudden but inevitable betrayal!" moment.
  23. Close, but no cigar. Hooded Justice -- ironically considering the noose motif -- was a Black man under the hood. In fact I think that's why he felt he had to retire, when a fight wrecked his hood. Alan Moore giving Americans another lesson in what bastards we can be. (Don't feel singled out; he gives the Brits a lambasting, too!) Edit: I stand corrected, at least as far as the comics are concerned. See below.
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