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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Absolutely irrelevant note here, but the game is also blessedly frugal with bandwidth. I have a crappy (and cappy) Verizon wireless link to the net, and CoH deals with it just fine. Designed for dialup FTW!
  2. I bought a pair of prescription glasses with special blu-block lenses. Didn't much help with eyestrain, because they scratched like crazy. (Apparently just by brownian motion of air molecules.) There's a guy I like to watch on youtube who reviewed a similar pair: An ophthalmologist friend later said to stick with the tinted lenses if you really want to avoid blue light. And he agreed with Doctor Xenosone that red works better than amber...
  3. Good on you! And good on the Devs! I'd argue, though, that they are not so much true to the Original VisionTM as they are true to the spirit of the Superheroic mode. Which is ("Comtrya!") better!
  4. I feel so stupid. I never thought of skiving off on Ouro mishes to adjust level. Great idea!
  5. I'll re-set up Linux and see if it persists. PS: Have you checked to see if Windows features such as Sticky Keys are turned off? Those accessibility features can be a real pain in the ass if you don't want them, because Windows is so eager to "help."
  6. Real randomness is notoriously lumpy. It's one of the ways research fraud is detected. When people make up fake random numbers, they are never as streaky as real random ones are. (There's even Benford's Law if you'd care to bend your brain.) The real world is streaky, why shouldn't the game be? I would like to know the game's randomness source. As KauaiJim stated above, it's probably a pseudo RNG. A lot of the old PRNGs were based on things like the last few significant digits of the number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970. (True story!) The best RNGs use real world things. Even lava lamps.
  7. /em raisehand I'm one of the people. If it was IE or Edge or Safari, I might buy it, (all way too integrated into the OS) but Chrome is in its own sandbox. Unless your controller uses Chrome for its driver, I don't think that's it. I suspect that's why clearing chrome cookies seems to help. Changing programs probably reloads the keyboard configuration. Might be worth a try to change to Chrome and do something else, like create a new bookmark, and see if that helps as well as clearing cookies does. (Not that clearing Chrome cookies isn't good practice, just not what's fixing it, IMNSHO.) Anyway, I don't have Chrome installed, and I've had tab-targeting failures that got my character defeated. Something is glitching.
  8. Fair enough. Comics don't always translate directly to Real Life (dammit!) and sometimes not even to games. (Heck, by some standards -- Marvel in the 70s, I'm looking at you -- every teamup would be preceded by a PVP hero fight. Then you can team up!) I personally don't mind the -1 offset, but I wouldn't object to it being a Notoriety knob you could twiddle. Or possibly as part of the general "challenge settings" for all missions proposed elsewhere. Here's hoping it would be an easy and popular change.
  9. OK, weighing in with a highly subjective opinion. One of my favorite comics I own is "For the Man Who has Everything," by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. (Adapted as a JL episode while losing much nuance, but the DCAU version has its own charms. Talking about the comic here.) In it, Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman visit the Fortress of Solitude on Superman's birthday. Turns out Superman has been Trojan Horsed by Mongul, who sent him a flower. But that's not the point. The point is, Wonder Woman takes on Mongul one-on-one while Batman tries to free Superman from the fantasy projected by the Black Lotus. Cool fight, WW uses the weapons in Supe's collection to good effect, Batman takes Superman's place in the illusion reality projected by the Black Lotus... And Robin manages to be the one who defeats Mongul, by essentially clicking a glowy. (Turns out the weird gloves Mongul is wearing when they meet him are for safely handling the Black Lotus. Robin figures this out, pulls it off Bruce, and throws it on Mongul.) The point is he wasn't fighting Mongul. He wasn't supposed to. Just as sidekicked heroes aren't supposed to be doing the beatdowns in CoH. Buff. Click glowies. Debuffs won't work so well, but are worth a shot. Just don't feel slighted if you aren't dishing out the hurt on the bad guys.
  10. If you are outside, try Wormholing a group straight upwards to the maximum range; they take up to 1/4 of their health when they splash down. Warn your teammates first, though!
  11. OK, CK9 is being quite insistent: "SIX SLOT YOUR BOTS!" I guess that's a strong vote. Also, I know your control of your minions is a force multiplier. Make sure you have the advanced pet controls active, and practice making them all attack one target. It's a simple strategy. but it works surprisingly well. At the very least, make a macro that says "petcomall attack defensive" which lets you nuke a target without letting your bots go berserk. Good luck, and good hunting!
  12. I think you can vary the field of view, which might help with first person. But, if you haven't tried it, next time you are on a toon with SuperSpeed or similar, try a first person street run. It's a hoot! (Extra points for playing March of the Swivelheads by English Beat as you go!)* Re: 3rd person, I believe the /camdist command lets you dolly out much farther than the default. It is great for MMs! * Yeah, well, I'm an antique. But Deadpool referenced the same movie, so I'm not completely out of touch! Of course I use a lot of exclamation points! I'm from the Silver Age! Why eat hamburger when you can have steak?
  13. My robotic friend CyberKnight9 says you have starved your bots of resources. He suggests you respec and spend the slots on your bots first (granted, he's biased). He thinks you shouldn't need the fighting pool if your bots are good at their jobs. Just a suggestion, good luck!
  14. I don't *think* of 50 as a destination, but I generally find myself wandering off to a new alt once I get there. It's just more fun to watch the odometer click over than to craft Incarnate whatchamacallits and slot for sheer powah. I notice I also tend to have stacks of freespecs sitting around on most of my characters. I try to think carefully about my power and slot choices, but fixing a few stray slots, or ditching a seldom-used power hardly seems worth the effort. Especially with the tray chaos factor. By the time I've got a character to 50, I'm pretty set in my tray arrangement. I need a big incentive to blow all that away and start over.
  15. I think a variation on the Civil Defense logo is most likely. Although, Monty Python made fun of the British Criminal Investigation Department, basically their plainclothes cops. (See also The Secret Policeman's Ball). NB: Google Image Search was extremely unhelpful. Good question, and good luck!
  16. Sorry, crashing, can't read whole thread, but remember when a certain nerfbat-slinging Dev spent a whole cross-country plane flight playing some handheld game, finally beat a level, then decided we all needed to share in his joy? (Dons aviator shades) Thanks, but no thanks, Jack!
  17. For what it's worth, there are some minimal sfx options available for the Sorcery Pool. And I was a big fan of paper-and-pencil Champions, which was mechanically based only upon the game effects, to which you could apply whatever visual effects or rationale struck your fancy. My namesake: Once a powerful and arrogant magician, he overreached himself and suffered a sorcerous backlash that left him unable to access the higher magics. In despair and wandering, he was taken in by a kindly relativistic physicist who taught him the ways of his field. Now, having achieved his own advanced degree, he uses his knowledge of both science and sorcery to make the world a better place. (Affectionate parody dedicated with love to Steve and Stan, who made MY world a better place.)
  18. I seem to recall several similar decisions in the early game that turned out to be based on false assumptions, then were doubled down upon. In many ways, this game was ahead of its time. Loving the new version to a much greater degree: Critical thinking FTW!
  19. For what it's worth, quitting the game ("turning it off and back on") has fixed every failed respec I've encountered.
  20. As long as teaming up with someone set-IOed-out doesn't semi-permanently taint you as Quant bait!
  21. Excellent discussion of copyright vs. trademark vs. Fair Use. Also, keep in mind the protection of parody. Mad magazine was able to publish SuperDuperMan, in a red-and-blue costume (though they had a delightful commercial message replacing his "S" shield, different in every panel) because parody is protected speech. A Superman clone with "this space for rent" on his chest is clearly a parody, and there is no likelihood of confusion with the original. Of course, the HC team has to avoid even the chance of a risk, so even parody is risky here. Also, RIP Captain Marvel. Could any reasonable person consider him a Superman clone? Magic vs. SF, a kid alter ego, etc. And C.C. Beck's art was elegant compared to the DC artists of the time. His only crime was the effrontery to outsell Superman. The DC ownership used to be such bastards. Hope it's better now.
  22. "Will pay 1 million inf for you to entertain me while I farm. PST!"
  23. I'm confused. Can't you get what you want by teaming with a leader who is in the appropriate level range? I have a friend I like to team with who runs lower level missions all the time, and when I join I'm sidekicked down, sort of like the old days. (You actually get powers a level or so higher than your current level, so it feels more super.) Also, once Darkseid had fought Batman how does he ever go back to fighting Mister Miracle? Anyway, props on the character commitment, and best of luck!
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