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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Stores_Inventory
  2. 8n. Good tractor. One of the farms I'm working at has one, a '48. Beat up, one of the rear rims is starting to rust out, but it still works. Used it to bush-hog and disc fields several times this year.
  3. It was a decision made by the Homecoming Team. It says that in the quoted text. The date isn't relevant unless you have a more recent statement which revises that decision. The status of the representative isn't relevant either, as he/she was merely relaying the HC team's decision, and as of now, these servers are still being maintained, run and updated by the HC team, the group which made that decision. The Homecoming Team, together, made the decision. Yes, the team composition has changed over the years, but until and unless that team, as a unit, releases a statement which revises their stance, the statement remains the definitive stance on the subject. That's how teams work, even the HC team. They may work on separate things, but they communicate, collaborate and maintain a cohesive environment so they can all make progress on their projects and move forward together, in agreement. Can you or can you not provide a counter-statement by the HC team indicating that they've changed their stance?
  4. If you have some evidence to indicate a change in their stance, please share it.
  5. And the HC team doesn't. That's all that really matters. The HC team condones farming. The HC team condones multi-boxing. The HC team condones multi-box farming. Players don't control what HC condones or doesn't condone, they're an independent team with their own minds, and they made up their minds on that a long time ago. What a handful of players narrowly define as "playing the game" clearly hasn't prevented the development team from working on things that don't fit those players' expectations. I can honestly tell you that I wouldn't give them a second thought if they were directed at me or my play style, because a) there are more important things to worry about in life than whether or not I'm satisfying the expectations of strangers on a video game forum; and b) the developers wouldn't agree with their opinions anyway, so why should I pay them any mind? Why do you? The only opinions on your play style that should mean anything are yours and the HC team's, and the HC team's is, "Yeah, it's cool, whatever." I can also honestly tell you that I haven't seen anyone attacking farmers with the intensity and abusiveness directed at the HC team. I do have a number of people on my Ignore list, so it may have happened and I just didn't catch it because of that. But what I have seen has been comparatively tame, nothing that I wouldn't expect people to deal with on their own.
  6. There is no anti-farming league. It's not about farming. It never has been. The only people who believe it is are the ones who refuse to accept that anything can or does happen that doesn't directly and maliciously target farming. What there is is a rejection of the "This is my game and you have to satisfy me, fuck everyone else" attitude that those people portray. If the people espousing that mentality were as mature as you are, we wouldn't have threads like this.
  7. Wait, the game isn't on the forums?
  8. There's no XP for building a base. Standing in front of the donut shop and having a conversation with an NPC generates no drops. Participating in costume contests doesn't make progress toward defeat badges. That doesn't mean different activities aren't equally rewarding, but risk is always a factor in material rewards. Always. Zero risk, zero material reward. That's a foundation of reward structures in every game. If you want the best material rewards, you play the hardest content. Without that increased material reward on the hardest content, there's no reason to run it, from a reward perspective, other than challenging oneself. Material rewards are important, but they aren't the only rewards. I'm not the only one who logs in, gets to the character list and stops, thinking, "Wow, I really nailed it with that costume". Or built a base just for the satisfaction of having a little in-game home. Role-players role-play because they experience an emotional and social reward for role-playing. What's interesting is that none of the people who get 0 XP/inf*/drops for their favored activities are jumping on the forums and demanding explanations from the developers. They don't accuse the developers of trying to kill their preferred play style, or drive them out of the community, or making changes designed specifically to fuck them over. No, they all appear to be content with the rewards they receive for their preferred activities, because the developers do, in fact, understand that non-material rewards are as important as material rewards, and have gone to great lengths to improve the non-material rewards in the game. New items for bases, new emotes, new costume parts, permanent Halloween costumes, et cetera. Things that make people happy, even if they're not gaining XP/inf*/drops. All content should be equally rewarding, but not equally materially rewarding. You don't "deserve" the same rewards as Hard Mode *F runners when you're standing in one spot in a custom-built AE farm because you're not doing the same amount of work, you're not investing the same amount of time, you're not at the same risk of failure, you're not even technically required to be present at the keyboard. You receive less material rewards than the Hard Mode *F runners when you're AE farming, but you gain the non-material rewards of doing less work, facing a lower risk of failure, having absolute control over the enemies you fight and how those enemies are designed, being able to stay in one building for the entire time you're logged in, never having to work with a team to accomplish your goals, and more. While you sit there, being spoon-fed your material rewards, the Hard Mode players are investing more time and effort for what they want and/or need. They earn higher material rewards, but fewer non-material rewards, like taking a relaxed approach to playing, being able to get up and go walk the dog while the character does all of the work for them, having a low risk of defeat even when completely surrounded by enemies. You are, at any time, free to give up some of your non-material rewards in exchange for higher material rewards. And even that is as it should be. You decide your own level of reward in this game, your own balance of material and non-material rewards.
  9. The content with the hardest foes, which warrants higher rewards due to the increased difficulty, higher likelihood of player defeats, stricter requirements of builds and more stringent necessity to interact with the game, versus the content which requires... an AFK account logged in and one power set to auto-activate? Seriously? You're throwing Hard Mode content out as your comparison? No, my argument is not void. If a solo player could go AFK in Hard Mode Task/Strike Forces and complete them, they'd offer the same rewards as going AFK in AE farms. If players could specify enemy attacks and damage mitigation in Hard Mode content so they could create ideal situations for their characters, they'd offer the same rewards as active farming. Expecting carefully tailored AE farms, designed to be as easily and rapidly completed as possible with as little risk as can be devised, or which can be completed while not even actively participating with the content, to offer rewards on par with the hardest content in the game, is just entitled whining.
  10. OH NO! You have to spend 28 extra seconds to get to the Architect building in Kings Row! That's a 0.00156% increase in the time it takes to race to 50 in 5 hours! This highlights the warped perspective I refer to in my previous post, and others I've made recently. The AE building does not contain or consist of the entirety of the content in the game. There are story arcs, *Fs, Trials, Giant Monsters, events, badge missions, one-off missions, tip and morality missions and an endless supply of scanner/paper missions, but when anything is changed, people with this perspective leap straight to the conclusion that the one thing, the only thing, that the change was for was to "nerf farming", as though farming was the only thing that this game existed for, the only purpose of the set or power to be in the game at all. You don't see a change to the game, you see an attack on farmers which the developers are trying to hide by also changing in the rest of the game. Megalomaniacal much? Should one activity be the single best activity for everything? Wouldn't that imply that there is a "right way to play", and everyone who isn't doing it is "doing it wrong"? Making AE content rewards equivalent to standard content is fair and right, as it ensures that no one play style stands so far above every other than it becomes the "right way to play". You do not "deserve" a higher reward rate than other players simply because you engage in your preferred activity. You aren't "owed" triple XP, or 2.1x inf*, or two extra chances for drops on every defeat, just for being a farmer, or a role-player, or a story arc runner, or a *F speed-runner, or anything else. You get what everyone else gets. That's equality. If you can't handle being equal to others, stick to single-player games.
  11. Really? I thought most of us realized that infrequent, sporadic updates with a narrowly targeted focus of destroying one highly specific approach to playing the game by making game-wide changes intended to disguise the real purpose and drag the process out over the course of years, while continually being thwarted by players making minute adjustments, would be an incredibly poor and unnecessarily complex way to accomplish such a goal, not to mention a monumental waste of what little spare time the development team has to work on the game. But okay, maybe the HC team really is that incompetent, inefficient and insidious, and we're all completely blind to it... except the farmers, who see the truth as clearly as the noses on their faces.
  12. Sorry, he/she meant "vision impairment". Why you gotta be so PC, PF?
  13. They're not useless, they're early selections. Powers acquired later tend to obviate early selections. But if the game permitted players to bypass everything but the strongest and/or most utilitarian powers, other problems begin to surface. How, for instance, do you make an attack chain at level 8 with Total Focus and Energy Transfer, if the game permitted one to take those powers at that level? Your global +Recharge is hilariously low, you don't have the slots to dedicate to making those two attacks great... it's a non-viable approach. While you're standing there, waiting for something to recharge, you're being beaten to a greasy smear. That's why restrictions like this were implemented in the first place, to ensure that players weren't trying to make a non-viable character. Archetypes, pool limitations, they exist to guarantee that players never make a choice so bad that a character can't be played. The game needs powers like Boxing and Kick. The game needs T1s and T2s and T3s, in pools, in sets, in *PPs. Those are the powers we use to get to the point where we can complain about how useless they are. No, they aren't great, but they're not supposed to be. Great comes later. Before we reach great, we have to settle for good enough, for things we know will be useless later. Additionally, circling back to my original post, once you do this for one pool, it has to be done for all pools, including *PPs. That opens up a nasty can of worms. Several cans, in fact. Cans we really don't want to open, such as, if we remove the prerequisites for pool and *PP powers, shouldn't we also remove the level requirements on primary/secondary powers? Or, if we're making it even easier to access the most commonly taken pool powers, what are we adding to replace the powers being skipped so players don't go ape-shit on the developers when they decide they're being "forced" to take "useless" primary/secondary powers? Or, if we can get everything we want without paying power selection "taxes", and we don't want "useless" primary/secondary/*PP powers, why can't we have six pools, or eight, or just remove the pool lockouts altogether? Lastly, Fighting isn't mandatory. There are other Defense and Resistance powers available to every archetype. Every character, every build, is a balance of compromise, a blend of choices we make. If those compromises, those choices, are removed, we end up with a bigger homogenization problem than we already have. Look at the Fitness pool, where is that now? Look at the comments made about Hasten and how it should be inherent, since "everybody takes it". How far down the road of making "good" powers inherent do we go before we stop and realize that all we're really doing is removing customization and personalization? Yet another can of worms to stare at as they wriggle around on your plate.
  14. It takes more than oblique sexual references to get a thread locked. Believe me, I know.
  15. Because if it's done for Tough and Weave, it has to be done for Misdirection/Tactics/Spring Attack/Invoke Panic/Enflame/Burnout/Fold Space.
  16. Pro-tip: behaving like a lesion-covered foreskin doesn't win friends and pacify enemies. Especially after you've been caught plagiarizing other peoples' contributions. And this isn't your house. You don't give orders here. You aren't entitled to place restrictions on who can say what, where. If you can't tolerate responses to threads, don't create threads.
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