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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. Bear in mind that sphere radii exist to control the effectiveness of AoEs. Play a sentinel (smaller target caps) at a large team size setting with a rain-type AoE, or any character with a toggle AoE/PBAoE, and you'll notice that the target cap isn't fixed at the time of activation. Enemies which were unaffected at activation will be affected when other enemies exit the AoE or are defeated. Consequently, removing that limitation would entail adding another limitation, such as reduced effects or even smaller target caps. So before going hog wild theorycrafting massive radius AoEs, consider what you'd be willing to give up to obtain them.
  2. It's not a display error. It's not the result of having multiple IOs slotted, I only have one. It's not the power in which I have the IO slotted (High Pain Tolerance, sentinel), I also have Numina's Convalescence +Recovery/Regeneration slotted in that power and it isn't stacking. Every time I change maps, another 0.10% of Regeneration is added... and it's not limited to 5, either. The only constraints on this are the 120s duration of the +Regeneration and the player's map load speed. I just popped into and out of my base several times to make this screenshot, took me less than a minute to accumulate that much +Regeneration. For comparison, this character's total should be 3.74%. I have 15 stacks in this screenshot, and I could have stacked more. I would've noticed this sooner, but I didn't have it slotted in the correct power on this character until my last couple of respecs (had it in Tough as a mule, never turned on, so the boost was never applied). Then I started seeing my total Regeneration varying, wildly at times, and woke up this morning with an urge to investigate. Guessing that, when +Regeneration was added to the IO, it was flagged not to stack with other IOs, but not flagged not to stack with itself, like other +Regeneration boosts (Numina's, Regenerative Tissue). That would make it a legacy bug, but considering the exploitability of this, it really should be addressed.
  3. If that were the case, @Bill Z Bubba wouldn't be AWOL. And I can say that there have been numerous changes that I didn't particularly like, but they happened anyway. The new sentinel inherent? Not a fan. The removal of Empyrean merit conversion to reward merits? Kick in the naughty spot. Glue Arrow being set to location-targeted? Hate it so much I don't take Glue Arrow on any of my TA/* or */TA characters. Toggle suspension on offensive toggles? Strenuously argued against it. Look at my post count. Look at my rep. Did those numbers have any sway? Nope. If they were making an effort to satisfy me, they failed miserably. But that's the thing, they aren't making an effort to satisfy me. Or @Bill Z Bubba, or @Troo, or @Snarky, or any individual or group of individuals with a high post count or rep. They're trying to do the most good for the greatest number of people. Sometimes that means some of us don't get what we want. Sometimes it means some of us have something taken away. But it also means others do get what they want, or gain something. That's life. Being garrulous or popular doesn't give anyone control over development. Nor does coming in after the fact and having a snowflake meltdown. The HC team does their own thing, we're all just along for the ride.
  4. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/entity.html?entity=pets_terror https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pets.terror.cloak_of_fear&at=minion_pets https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pets.terror.terrify&at=minion_pets https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/21-dominator/
  5. Cremate's endurance cost should be 10.66, not 18.98. Psychic Shockwave's damage is set to scale 0.6031, whereas the other versions (blaster and dominator) are set to 1.1 and 1.0954, the recharge time was never doubled as is intended for *PP powers (it's identical to the non-*PP variants (20 seconds)) and the 18,512 endurance cost is wrong (it's identical to the dominator Psionic Assault power, which is otherwise identical to the blaster Mental Manipulation power, except with an inexplicable 80% increase in endurance cost (why is the dominator variant that expensive?). Pulverize's endurance cost should be 10.66, not 8.53. There are more, like Thunder Strike, Midnight Grasp... lots of sentinel *PP powers aren't following the formulae.
  6. They're annoying when the mission requires defeating a boss spawn and they keep rezzing.
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