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Everything posted by DougGraves

  1. The Mistborn trilogy has massive world building along with the story. And in the end you find out that almost every detail that has come up as the story went along matters. It all ties into a massive plot that explains everything and depends on everything. Very satisfying in its way. In Marvel comics, things are messy. 60 years of history with lots of different comics, storylines, etc. Things exist that are unrelated to one another - and then they bump into each other. But the MCU rewrites Marvel to fit the Mistborn model. A Stark or alien technology explains almost all advanced technology. Tony built Ultron instead of Henry Pym. Vulture gets his wings from alien technology. While I love Mistborn, I reject the same everything ties together in the MCU. I don't want the entire world of superheroes to have just a few things that drive the whole world. CoH has lots of different villain groups, organizations, etc. It also has Nemesis. And when you play arcs you discover connections between different groups. So how do you want the CoH lore to go? Do you want it all to ultimately make sense? These are the sources of power, the things that changed our world into the CoH world. This is the grand plot behind everything? Or do you want it just chaotic and random. Hellions worship demons and the Banished Pantheon worships evil gods and someone else worships demons and there are no connections between them - there are plenty of demons to go around? There are endless mad scientists creating freakshow, sky raider technology, etc. It is not all a Nemesis plot.
  2. Tell me you guys have a refrigerator somewhere full of severed human thumbs? Ok, let's agree to never discuss this.
  3. I have removed my agreement with Luminara that it has been since 2003, I am sorry I believed her. I have not removed my stance that IO sets are a huge problem with OP characters. I would love to see someone create a character with only SOs and solo +4/x8 content on a blaster. Show me that it is not significantly harder to do so with SOs than with IO sets.
  4. So we agree. It is IO sets, incarnate powers, and PPs that cause the problem.
  5. I must have been confused by all of the threads about soloing +4/x8 content with IOs, incarnate powers, and PPs. I did not realize that it was not those things that made it possible to solo +4/x8, but that the existence of the other ATs was making soloing +4/x8 content possible. Because that is the complaint. Not that teams working together can do +4/x8 content, but that teams are just 8 characters soloing the same mission.
  6. I agree with you almost precisely. My highest level characters are 34. I just don't play above that level because it is boring. I have characters with XP turned off at levels 13, 19, 23, 29, and 34. It is easiest to get a team in the teens (lots of Posi TFs) so I log in with a 19 and then switch if a team of a different level is recruiting. I prioritize lower level teams. If there is a Hollows or KR team I join those first. I do Frostfire on a team once or twice a week and the KR Skull arcs a couple of times a week as well. Lower level teams are better. And mission teams are much better than TF teams. Characters are not OP so tactics matter and teamwork matters. And the players are more interested in having fun. There is more chat and overall it is just a better time.
  7. I don't think so. AE has a no powers room. But there are plenty of unused trainers. Just visit Back Alley Brawler, he's lonely
  8. This is a great video explaining what happened. It is an engineering video, so it has no politics or blame. Just lays out how a grid works and what happened before and during the storm.
  9. Is that an in-game option? I lose my mouse on the screen with alarming frequency.
  10. Anchors don't go away when the enemy dies anymore. In fact you may not realize you still have it running on a dead enemy in the last spawn you defeated.
  11. I first played CoH on a laptop without a dedicated graphics card. It is amazing how good the game can actually look.
  12. Baseball Furies are a different gang with much cooler costumes
  13. I'm not bothered by MS owning something as such. But I also assume that they will ruin it once they buy it.
  14. I've never thought of him as Bond, but he would make a good one.
  15. I don't watch people play computer game. But we started watching Tabletop and watched people playing board games. It's pretty fun to watch. Then I started watching people play RPGs. Relics and Rarities is a great D&D campaign. We've watched several others.
  16. What did you think of the tv shows? I enjoyed the Highlander show (haven't seen it in years) but never tried the Twelve Monkeys tv show
  17. My worst days in CoH are not bad teams. They are days when I can't find a team and I waste my time waiting for a team instead of soloing.
  18. I played GW2 until I found CoH again. I think GW2 has better design for solo characters than CoH. But group combat is so much better in CoH.
  19. No one can be paid to work on CoH or else they are making money off of it. Making money off of someone else's IP is clearly a violation.
  20. I play low levels almost exclusively. The old contacts missions at low levels are often terrible. You get sent to street sweep in PP, do patrols, and other boring or really hard missions. Only after the old contact missions are cleaned up should any new players be pointed to them.
  21. Ice control is my second favorite control set after electric, and I primarily play controllers or dominators. I fundamentally disagree with the OPs assessment. Ice Slick is one of the best ways of avoiding an alpha strike because it can be dropped from around a corner. The enemy cannot attack you at all when you place it. I slot with 1 range to help with this. Arctic Air suffers from drawing aggro. Unless there is a tanker or brute taunting, I will draw a lot of attacks that my controller cannot take. The only change I would make to the powerset would be to have arctic air drew less aggro.
  22. The warriors movie is based on a charismatic gang leader trying to unite the gangs. They are killed and the warriors have to flee back through the city and other gangs territory. And Piecemeal does not want another civil war in a gang. So let's take the original idea and put it into the game. The Warriors are trying to organize the gangs to stop fighting one another. There are different factions in the Warriors, but the goal is unity. Start with the Skulls Arc theme - they claim to be giving people powers to protect themselves. The Warriors want to train people to protect themselves - no death cult and on dyne needed. They may be competing with the Skulls and Trolls to recruit people, or trying to recruit Skulls and Trolls into an alliance. The Warriors are trying to find a leader to unite them. Since they look for peak human performance, they hold an Olympics for it. I would make the Olympics part of the story, but not do missions of the Olympics. The Freakshow got the Freakolympics idea from the Warriors. But the Warriors have an enemy. A villain group that opposes them. This is probably the Freaks based on their rivalry in Talos. Warriors want human improvement, the freaks want to just replace the human with technology.
  23. I would like superhero movies to use James Bond as their model. I don't want an origin story for Bond. I don't want his social life, etc. I want a spy adventure. And if you want to change who is playing Bond, just swap in a new actor and keep going. Don't reboot. Don't tell the origin story again.
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