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Everything posted by Grouchybeast

  1. Knockback enhancements are on their own schedule, too, and they're a lot more powerful than the Schedule A enhancements. A full set of Kinetic Crash will get you 174% boost to KB.
  2. Well, it's technically against the Code of Conduct, so I guess it could be. But the best way to get an answer would be to open a Support ticket via the link at the top of the page, and ask the GMs directly.
  3. The fact that idea 'get shut down by the players' means nothing, since the players aren't the ones making changes to the game. The HC devs have so far made the changes they felt were necessary for the health of the game, even when some of the players threw a giant tantrum about it.
  4. I should've used a 😉 face -- I was trying to point out how overpowered it would be to let people slot multiple versions of the same set IO in the same power.
  5. I was going to say -- if we have to revert to the 'original' meaning of the roots of modern words as being the only true version, English is going to look very different. We can start with not using 'English' to mean this newfangled modern nonsense. English refers to and ONLY to the language spoken by Germanic settlers in the British Isles. Habbaþ gōdne dæg!
  6. Yeah, it's a very modern addition -- presumably made by someone who wasn't very good at anything in particular :-)
  7. The game doesn't even list Dominators as a damage AT. If you look at the character creator, it pairs Doms with Controllers as a Control AT, and also lists them under Support. If we're saying that the Villain ATs 'should' match their Hero pairs in damage scaling, then Dom damage should line up with Controllers, right? 0.55 for melee and ranged. Or we could be really generous and split the difference between Controllers and Blasters/Scrappers, and give Doms 0.85 for both.
  8. And it would be even nicer to be able to slot all the quad aspect IOs multiple times elsewhere :-)
  9. We have very different tastes in mission design :-) I really enjoy Marchand's arc, as well as Croatoa.
  10. The Dom damage scalar is already 1 (a smidgen under for range, a smidgen over for melee). They have the third highest damage scalar in the game after Blasters and Scrappers, equal with Stalkers and VEATS.
  11. Probably a silly question, but you didn't happen to have a sustain toggle with a big AoE aggro range running, did you? I only mention because I'm always forgetting to turn off mine and then wondering why every group of mobs I run past is suddenly shooting at me. (I actually kind of like this one, and the one to stop the pumpkins escaping. I often run characters through Croatoa, because it's a bit of a change of pace.)
  12. Have you tried the tip missions system? It doesn't pop up much in discussions these days, because Null the Gull lets people avoid it when they want to side-switch, but it's actually already pretty close to the kind of system you describe. Personally, I enjoy the missions a lot and one of my hopes for the game on HC is that they'll eventually add more to the pool.
  13. Just to let you know, I'm getting a warning from Malwarebytes (Website blocked due to Trojan) when I try to use the Check for Updates option in Mids. I think you can ask on their forums for sites to be removed from the block list, if you want.
  14. Maybe how obvious it is depends on your specific graphics settings? I've definitely noticed it. Mind you, like a lot of the power FX in the game, looked at in isolation it's fine, but as you layer on more and more effects the combination of even quite subtle effects starts to get overwhelming. It's great that things like the glowing hands for Hasten can now be turned off, and I'm always in favour of allowing that option for more powers.
  15. I feel like Empathy was limping along at the back, just about hanging in there, and then Thermal Radiation was proliferated to Defenders, and Empathy sighed and sat down in the dust at the side of the road.
  16. According to the HCWiki, proc damage depends only on character's level, and is unaffected by the level of the proc IO.
  17. Multi-billions top-end forum builds, featuring 2 billion PVP IOs and massed ranks of purples were way out of reach on live. But even redside before the market merge it was possible to put together reasonably priced IO builds that were miles better than SO builds. I got an awful lot of mileage out of Crushing Impact and Thunderstrike on live. The main issue with Sets is that they're stupidly complicated, and follow Byzantine and non-intuitive rules that even people who've been using sets for years frequently misunderstand. Personally, I love playing with IO builds. However, I don't think any content in the game should ever be tuned to require IOs. I absolutely think that a reasonable response to looking into Sets is 'life is too short for this nonsense' and slotting SOs or Common IOs instead.
  18. I thought that harder content for the sake of harder content was the entire point? People are dissatisfied with the challenge, and want harder, more challenging content. If they're actually fine with the current level of challenge, and would only want to play harder content for higher rewards, it seems like a waste of time. Otherwise, you're moving to a new question, which is, how can I talk the devs into giving me more stuff?
  19. In the same patch, buff the Alpha incarnate level shift so that it makes T1 and T2 pets con at the same level as the MM. The MMs will be so giddy with joy that they won't notice anything that happens to controllers.
  20. The Rikti end up dividing along Hero/Villain lines, with the Traditionalists making peace with with Paragon, and the Restructurists allying with Recluse. So you could actually have parallel arcs, red and blue, with missions to strengthen their respective factions.
  21. I mean...that seems pretty logical to me. :-)
  22. I duoed a Dual Pistols/Martial Combat blaster with a Thermal/Sonic defender. My blaster has a nice build (Sets are my love language) and plays pretty well on her own, but in the duo she is playing in God mode. It doesn't matter if damage gets through the +def bonuses, because it runs into a bunch of resistance AND two heals. Tough opponents have been kittenified by Heat Exhaustion, anyway. Mez? Nah, none of that here. Not to mention the delicious stacking of Forge, Melt Armour and the -res attacks. Defenders are awesome.
  23. Silly question: are you high enough level? ETA: Ah, I just noticed which piece you were trying to slot. Do you have Gaussian's: Chance for Build Up slotted in another power? It's a Unique.
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