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Everything posted by Ohsirus

  1. I'm just watching it as part of a Multiverse of the books.
  2. I enjoy background playing youtube on my phone.
  3. Anybody else excited and nervous for its debut Friday?
  4. Don't have MIDs, but as a Tri-WS, Perma-Eclipse is your friend and will free up most/all of your RES needs. You will be popping forms so often to keep them Mires up toggles will only get in the way. Once you get Perma-Eclipse you should be able to keep three Fluffies out adding to the chaos also. Orbiting Death is a waste and Procs in Black Dwarf Mire are nasty.
  5. Thank you, will be needing this when I get my Steam Deck.
  6. Champion's Shutdown from Atlas Park. I remember that night well. Kept trying to time inferno power at shutdown. Final Broadcast was Sacred Light: Never gonna give you up! Never Gonna Let you Down! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vOktK2-VlQ&list=FLzeEWX4Lfck2HMAJoX-2oWQ&index=5&t=5s
  7. The game certainly did shift from the Trinity model into something that reminds me of Champions Online (when I played). No AT is really required anymore as everyone can build out a toon to plug whatever holes they may have. So many toons run 54 +8 solo now there's hardly any reason to wait for a tank as there is no challenge and teams just blow through content now.
  8. Wish we could have a Classic COH Server, Pre-ED, Agro, etc.
  9. Is this just a concept build as I don't see the purpose on live. I know everybody has different playstyles, but....... a fully ranged out Blaster would make more sense IMO.
  10. My WS leads with Eclipse, human Mire, Dwarf Mire, then I decide what's next..Double Nuke Usually and possible squid AOE/ cone if big group, hopefully my 3+ fluffies are there at my 6. @Honorbridge hit the nail on the head though.
  11. Deleted
  12. Once you get IO,d out honestly the shield toggles just become mules.
  13. I honestly only use light form for the really tough fights. IOs and Incarnates provide so much. I did build towards perma light form though.
  14. Wow, I have a Surface 7 and I couldn’t believe it would not run this blast from the past, but your tweak finally allowed it to run with no stutters.
  15. Pre-IOs ,Incarnates, Enhancement Boosters, I would agree. If you have the budget you can overcome the lack of slots easily nowadays. When they were first introduced it did feel like a sacrifice having to pick and choose.
  16. Example please.
  17. Logitech mx ergo is my current trackball of choice. I'm like you and haven't used a mouse for gaming in many years.
  18. The secret to good cornbread is buttermilk.
  19. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/18569-is-orbiting-death-that-useful-for-tri-form/?tab=comments#comment-206879
  20. When I was on live, I was all for it. Now though with Incarnates and improved IOs I'm like , Eh.
  21. Enhancements +range set bonuses now have 7 tiers (like all other types), rather than 3 This should have no impact on existing sets So does that mean we got some IO changes? If so are the changes listed somewhere?
  22. So I took your advice and rebuilt my PB from live and updated him to as Godly a Build as I could tweak out and have to agree with you. The current state of PBs are not as bad as I remembered. High-End IOs, Incarnates and Perma LF is a far cry from what I remember when I played PBs on live. I still break out the WS if I feel like going all uber balls blazing mode, but my PB just feels more of a balanced ride.
  23. I have it only on my WS alternate Fire Farm Build.
  24. I run adrenal booster on my WS as it helps me hit those 5 pets if needed. Another toggle issue I have is when you are in Nova Form and you wanna pop back into human for say hasten recharge, build-up, etc, you have to fall out the sky to try and buff back, would love to have hover queued up to stop the fall.
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