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Everything posted by Xeres

  1. Rotten Tomatoes has 40% reviewers / 71% audience on the first one. Take that how you want.
  2. Yeah I'll try not to spoil, but I watched it as well. First of all, as a movie, this movie should be split into three separate movies. I'll rant about this later. This movie is better than theatrical release, but that's not saying a lot. To me, out of 10, it's maybe a 6.5 or 7. Now for the rant. The state of this movie is due to DC or WB wanting a quick payday. BvS should have been 2 or even 3 separate movies also. And then you have Marvel, and it's almost impossible to not compare the two. Marvel did it right, and look at the result. DC did it the way they did it, and look at the result. Whether this is Warner Brother's fault or DCs fault I'm not in position to say. But this movie was 4 hours long, and it almost needed to be to tell the story Snyder wanted to tell, and the complete mess that was left after BvS which Snyder tried as best he could to deal with. I'm more of a DC fan than a Marvel one, but DCs -one- job is to tell stories, and they're bad at it. At least in most of their movies with some exceptions.
  3. Diuturnal - of long continuance. Lasting.
  4. Roleplay for me doesn't come easily, so doing it all the time is just much. No, I don't -have- to do it all the time, but telling people "no I don't want to RP right now" just feels weird. So I want to RP sometimes, but not all the time but people want to RP all the time, and that becomes much. So I just stopped doing it again.
  5. I wish I knew what you typed but the text is too small.
  6. I just picked this game up again. Leveling a Guardian now. I enjoy it, but usually doesn't last long. We'll see about this time around.
  7. The ping-pong shove back that occurs when 2 people are standing close to each other at a base portal, exit from a train, Ms. Liberty, etc.
  8. Yep. MA/WP scrapper based on Wonder Woman. I like MA a lot. Originally she was MA/inv scrapper on live but that was before WP, and I like WP better. No matter what alts I've rolled, I just keep coming back to this char.
  9. Nah, I don't think them being "boring" is a problem. In Talos, you have Tsoo, COT, and Freakshow. I don't think any of those 3 are boring. Not every group has to be overly unique I think.
  10. Eagle's Claw. Yes, I take a drink as the animation plays. But I do a flip, and flips are cool. Yeah.
  11. I'm sort of on the same page with Rathulfr. If I like the character enough by level 27, I'll IO set them out up to that level and continue to 50. Then at 50 the question of incarnate comes up - y or n? Some I don't - they're not some all powerful being, but more a street thug sweeper type. I'll play the "incarnate worthy" chars until I tier 4 the incarnate slots. Then onto the next char.
  12. I didn't read all the posts so forgive me if some are repeated. Doors. Not portals, just an openable, closeable door. Curtains. Preferably adjustable to open, drawn, partial. An easier way to build over the base than we currently have. Adjustable grid that overlays the floor, and a snap to it. But visible. Edit: And able to be raised so if there is something on the floor I can raise the grid over it.
  13. To answer the question in the subject - no. You cannot assume that pre-50 chars have IOs. Post 50 content can be, and maybe some should - around IO set potential, and around incarnate potential. We may have that now, but I think the post 50 needs a little tweaking.
  14. No. Leave it as is. We get it, there's a number of people who want to raise the cap. And if it were a new discussion, that'd be cool. It's not.
  15. I just made a DM/DA tank. I wanted as resist / defense as I could get. I chose dark melee because I get a heal and an end absorb power, and I'm very concerned about DA's end use. So I came up with this build: | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1464;668;1336;HEX;| |78DA6594D94F135114C6EFB453A0B46C22947D95B249A5EA3B111122D284A5F8DA4| |C70682B95926949F4D1C4F5CD35BEB8BEB93FA980CBBFE182FE0B2E890B8B683DED| |F7591B3B49FBBBF39D73EE9CFBCDBD13383EE47E3C72724069EEFD31239108058DF| |939D372048C707446C95530689846325228C35AC44243E6AC399F307D43863517DA| |671D8B5B1E460266CCA49E192AD7783C1EF30DC7A2E148B204E3F4303A1F2ECBDC8| |D99C611D34A44A20BEEBFF70B12F41C5888CEF806ADC5A4199A8A2FC64201239134| |AD1335D285577E4B4EF9D3D2EDA51CEAB55D29BFAE6C6F40FD2DF90E2C5825DF833| |FD2B58AB517F48C567491BC04165F26AF80EEABE09A938F955A6D562116064B2364| |142C3F4ACE81EB526B67ADFD3AE6DB7683BC096EBF45DE06ABEF802EB1DF815ACDF| |1C196D1DA57C1E7326F21BCD00A3D3268D4556B0DB82231276236E737ACBFE63BB9| |1B5C961C1772EC2EE6D431A76E0D6C58075F486E49C68194A36442436C126C9A228| |3E434D87218DC94DA32AC412F9B407F2D93E414FB0E92D3E04BA9A9606F15C532E8| |144F4AC1F6AF76B009FEDAC4A34ACCAF2AEBA0D945ABA256454F74D13CF4C4A363A| |E1D45647A2E6185E4D432A7F6BF1C2F73AA25A79EBDD50FA317EF08390ABF3A0F81| |5BB28E46F8A61AD9DB2BD19AD95B732BB45FA2B5D1DFB635BCFBCE757203ECDE247| |F925BE06FA9EDE0FEEA3805ADE73479863C0BEE3C479E0767A4CD2ED676DD65EC1E| |D8779F7C403E04773D024DA9ED656DEF13C69E92CF40FF12B94CAE801BD2B38F1EF| |8E84BA5F8DA4FAD9FBE34E8D933AB14F3BAF5EC3720D5931B4FC9A5FAF3147F9EB2| |274FD99BA78CE52A7D78F2B89EFD0A28AD179AB33C7BBA531F8B25AE31DE8EF8E77| |F9AA61DC44EB28D829F72F3BB90FF2557BB86933E20DBDBCF15FF01832EDE91| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| The only incarnate ability I have selected (for now) on this char is Cardiac Core because of End Redux. His totals are:
  16. I'll add one that I haven't seen here. In the default search results, please break up the results into categories. For example: if I search for unbreakable guard, I'd like to see minimized, expandable headers for recipes, enhancements, and attuned enhancements, etc - unless there's only 1 category, then have the header expanded. Or even a filter as you type. Unbreakable guard -r (omits recipes), -e (omits normal enhancements) -a (omits attuned) or a combination (-re, -ra, -ea).
  17. I made a TW/Elec Armor brute. I did take power sink as TW is pretty end heavy and no end is a big problem for everyone. I also built it to be a resist tank with a very large emphasis on Fire / Cold resist as capping smashing / lethal and energy resist is simple with Elec, and defensive sets have some nice resist bonuses. So I have weave and maneuvers six slotted. You may notice, resist set bonuses are mostly defensive, and defensive set bonuses are usually resist. Here is a link to my build: | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1479;696;1392;HEX;| |78DA6594594F135114C7EFB45390B62CA56C85B243A12CA5054C148944A51895268| |02C8F9349BD9431638B3343228F3EAA1FC0179707771FFC4A7E0065758F4B3D9DF3| |4F21E924CD6FE67FE6DC73FEF7DC69E6DE7CF0C3D5FB7342095C3175DBD62E5B3B8| |EF465F49C91F50A216AD2DB86EDE88E6157D353C48D6A19694A9958351C3DAF6D48| |7DBB90B7A31C99979B326FCB44DA9459C732B2DA25EB4EC11281A542C14C2C98466| |ECBA9E5FBD2AD91CFD5BB4F8B52BF252D7BCBD86EE468C1CA4AADB0A96D18A619A1| |16B289745E5AB95D2DA3DB8EB476B9CD366A2946BF4F2D025751159B84942AAA72C| |C335BA0C1F4DF66BE28BDAEB8393E91545CCD93022799EA1438CDAC3ACBFCDC8254| |CA5566BCAED67401FCED7139F007FCCB8CFD63BEA42C2FEA7A2F724EDD2CB3610EB| |CCB3D363AE00E334033F0715DE1EB676D9F7AA986F76A78F7C37B10DE83F05E07EF| |AF4B83E51E444D2F6BAF0801D63C8121BA1952453CC64CC5991E2A548BFAB5ED9CF| |786508FB5EA27B9FF43EA2984FD09AD11FA5431BE21DC3526D6F97962055C62A696| |996F0961AC1786472FD56DC69E357FE51A2DDFC0EFCCB61FE04F66FB2FA64AB9ADC| |86DDD47EC80193D048F985DC7E017E611F988C04704738E63CEF1733CCF91F3E00C| |38CB0C51DD0ED4ED68E073D31562F6348361B089D97B83D77E47599D9869E732622| |BE04D66FF2A73608DD948F5BAB16FDD98E9FBD296BA27B5E8E97B407D8529EF21F8| |88794C1E07E171101E63F0187BA2BA1C7A0A3E039F33FD34E4619C8761D40C9236C| |A7D28A3D7717EAE31F7A85602EF2746F9FD03D292D092385351B5FC3D0B016DE4B4| |56A44B242B9454853255A14C57280B6AF99FA0B8783A3ACE9597D4F2D72E14745DD| |3405F316BC53D3FC5B1F30A4EECC189E6557A7837C7A2CCF15E709D27B77F3A7F98| |F30F4F348F82C98D6172638F894DAAF8D85AEEB5F81FE1B3DA9B| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  18. It probably is the monitor but test your laptop on a TV first to make sure. It doesn't pay to get a monitor if the monitor isn't the issue.
  19. Like was said, try plugging your laptop into another display. Maybe use a free HDMI input on your TV. if you need an adapter to do this they're cheap. Maybe this could be a temp solution until you get a new laptop as putting money into fixing a laptop from 2014 just doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
  20. Oh boy. There's a lot here to talk about. First, let me get the easy part out of the way - with AE there is no reason for new zones. Now maybe new zones are the easiest part of all of this, but the limited resources should devoted to new missions and such, IMO. In fact, if anything, I'd like old DA and Galaxy City to return, and new DA be the "other" alternate zone. But we'll leave that alone, and just concentrate on the missions. I've never been a fan of hard mode versions of the same content. I'd rather see harder new content in existing zones. Now, I have a motive when I say this - I am a fan of the gear treadmill. I won't go into why I like it as that's a post in and of itself, but the future for this game is no longer leveling content, it's afterwards. But, like I said, doing a harder version of... say MSR, doesn't interest me. I think you're onto something with the new missions in I27, which could open up into harder, new incarnate-challenging content in i28, which grant better or new incarnate abilities or enhancements. Or even raise the level cap to 60, which would be needed for future i29 content.
  21. You said I cannot get there from here, baby And I don't care where I'm goin' Here's to your thin red line I'm stepping over.
  22. Yes, let me add to this. Thank you to all the Homecoming team, GMs, Devs, Administrators, and other people whom I'm not aware of, for not only giving us this place to play this great game, but also for keeping and updating it as well. I believe you are all volunteers which makes what you all do that more appreciated.
  23. Flash. Not so much the hero thing as much as the powers. Want pizza? I'll go to italy to get it, Making the pizza will take longer than the round trip.
  24. I feel exactly the same way. I don't RP but could expound upon some of my character's backstories in this section rather easily.
  25. I think one point that's being overlooked is the precedent set. Capes, auras and other things that I forgot are available to everyone from character creation. I'm not completely positive but I don't think there's any costume piece gated in terms of in game achievements (vs purchasing them from -vendor-) right now. So, why start gating new aesthetic pieces now? However, accolades and character buffs are gated in some manner, IIRC. I don't see any reason to alter either course here.
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