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Everything posted by Xeres

  1. The one I remember even from "back in the day" were clockwork who said after they saw my character, "I hate <character name>". That seemed rather emotional for a machine.
  2. Ah the KB thing. IMO if you KB, just do it smartly. Don't KB that mob into another group. Have it go into a not-too-far-away wall or something. Do that in my group, no problem. But if your group is going to be pretty strict about these things then I probably don't want to be in your group anyway. And, TBH, I'm a pretty good teammate.
  3. I started playing the guitar a little more than a year ago. I have 3 guitars currently: Ibanez S670QM-DEB A Michael Kelly Patriot Instinct Bold Custom: And a Taylor Mini GS Mahogany
  4. Thank you for the info! I couldn't believe my eyes that Spines and Fire were the most popular set choices for Brutes. Who knew?
  5. Of course I can only speak for myself but one thing I feel works for all of this is the appearance of transparency with Homecoming and the monthly expenses, etc. It's a good idea to be as transparent as you can be otherwise this can all become a big mess. Keeping with that disclosing what you can when you can furthers that feeling of transparency which, IMO, is a good thing. I'd rather know what's happening as you can disclose that rather than a summary of events after the fact. But that's just my opinion. My other take is people seem to want D.
  6. Well I think you'll get a resounding yes from people here because we're all playing (I think). I doubt people would play a game they didn't like. For me, it is. When I heard COH was returning I was happy but wondered how much of it was nostalgia. I didn't stick it out till server shutdown. I think I stopped playing maybe 2009, maybe 2010. But now, I play COH more than any game at the moment and have been since I found out about Homecoming. If it were nostalgia only I think it would have worn off a bit ago for me. Now if your question is about something else, then... er... n/m everything I just typed. 🙂
  7. Yeah well, I have another character who costume is primarily red and the UI is red. Sooo... navy blue it is!
  8. Good thing there's 6 costume slots.
  9. I couldn't log into actually play, but I can do some AH checking, crafting, smaller things like that. But I can go on the forums at work. Like now.
  10. I think if NcSoft wanted stomping to be done it would have started already. If these negotiations or whatever fall through then maybe it happens anyway. I feel it's better to engage NcSoft and work out something (that doesn't suck) than hoping NcSoft just sits on their hands and did nothing.
  11. I am cautiously optimistic with this for one reason. If NCSoft is involved then the chances of them shutting everything down diminishes. The first thing that comes to mind is cash shop which, as long as it's not Pay2Win, I can live with that - so long as things aren't removed from the game and re-attainable as a shop purchase (see F2P SWTOR). So, to quote many people, "I hope you guys know what you're doing".
  12. A lot of people will play it. How many from here? Some I'd assume but most likely not a big impact. Just my guess.
  13. Well I didn't stick it out to 2012. I stopeed playing COH about 2010 or so. Since then I've played many MMOs for varying lengths of time (SWTOR, ESO, GW2, FF14, etc). Outside of that I started learing to play guitar a year ago. That's a process. Also I've done a lot to further my IT career in getting a few certifications from Cisco, Aruba Networks, Sonicwall, and VMWare. Had to redo my house as Hurricane Sandy flooded it out in 2012. I have produced a LOT of carbon dioxide throughout.
  14. I keep it at default mostly - I expand the bars to get 3 for powers and add a 4th temporary power bar next to it. Inspirations are undocked and along the bottom. Enhancement storage bar is always open over the other 3 action bars. Also keep the mission window open and undocked between the minimap in the top left and the compass in the middle. Also I have to make my UI color match the primary color of the costume.
  15. Back in live I slotted 2 accuracy in every attack to mitigate this a bit. It seems like at times there's the hit drought even though the numbers will break even after the whole gaming session is tallied. Doesn't make it less annoying. Heck the other night I left a mission just before the end to upgrade my accuracy IOs because at the time it seemed like I was missing a lot,
  16. Logitech G502. I've tried the MMO mice and I just didn't like them much. This works for me and the only mouse I'd switch it for is the old Logitech G9x but I'm not going out and spending $200+ to someone who still has one in their inventory.
  17. My feeling is I try not to worry about things I cannot control. If people keep or lose interest is beyond what I can control so I'm not going to worry about it. All I can do is just play and donate and be thankful that these servers are here now. Should the servers shut down, I'll deal with it then.
  18. Very solo friendly. Like other games, some classes are better at this than others slightly. To give you an idea, I have (7) level 22 characters and (1) level 27 character. That's 181 levels - all solo.
  19. Much better world. Better lore. Much, much better end game. Better graphics. Much better end game. I know I mentioned that but in WoW leveling is just a stepping stone. Most other games leveling IS the basis of the game and everything else is an afterthought.
  20. Crey probably. Good R&D, seems like they have nice facilities. I would think their benefits are better than almost everyone else. Do they contribute to my 401k?
  21. I did like the picking up world items in CO - crates, cars, etc based on strength. That was pretty cool. I also liked that you made your own villain for your hero. Also swinging - nice travel power.
  22. Usually the most difficult missions for me are the ones with the oddly placed mob groups. I remember one mission at level 12 or so there was a room with 11 vahzilok (10 aboms and 1 mort) all within aggro range. My char ran in there, didn't see all the mobs and died very quickly to the alpha vomit attack.
  23. Two bad stick out right away. Dark anything and that accuracy debuff. I get hit by a few of those and basically it's just wait it out or I'll be stamina-starved soon. The cargo ship missions with the kill all enemies condition. No matter how thoroughly I go through that ship there's ALWAYS a patrol I miss. Even worse, yesterday I get to the back of the interior of the ship and kill the "last" baddie but no Mission Complete. No red arrows on the map either. Until I go outside again and theres one! baddie swimming alongside the ship. WTH.
  24. I have an elec/elec blaster. I kind of tinker with the costume and auras. If I give my character a metallic suit then the electrical aura is all over. Spandex I keep the hand uncovered (long sleeve) and have the electrical aura in the hands only. Short sleeve shirt, aura in the arms and hands. Electrical eyes for when he's angry - think mr potato head from toy story with his angry face. Design is kinda tough - there's the electricity and lighting costume designs. Maybe a retro look with rings and such. Maybe even change the aura color to denote electrical strength like uhm, maybe purple for lowest and white for highest. Just really thinking aloud and typing. :)
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