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Everything posted by Xeres

  1. I cant be alone in failing to see what the big deal is. AE is here. It's an option. You want to do it fine, you don't, that's fine too. I think more options are better than less. Part of the fun for me is doing the older missions again (after many years). Nostalgia and all that. Besides, I don't really care about what's quicker. But not everyone plays the same as I do, which is the point of what I'm trying to say. Even a refresh of the old content if that were to happen should be an option somehow IMO (different server, or maybe a dialogue for each contact with the alternate mission content as a separate "Click to accept" option, or whatever).
  2. There's some good advice here. I'll try to add some more. Clave, the PC you have is probably just fine for what you posted what you want to do. I guess the question is how familiar are you with the inner workings of a PC? Do you think you could replace a hard drive and install Windows on the new HDD yourself? I ask because the best recommendation I see is getting a SSD hard drive (probably SATA because I don't think your PC will have a M.2 slot). Now, if you go that route, like what was previously posted a SATA SSD will run you between $200 - $300 USD for a 2GB. Is that enough space? I ask because I am wary of HDDs that seem to be malfunctioning. Hard drives, to me, are a proactive thing rather than a reactive thing - you want to "fix" it before something happens. So IMO, the HDD that you're using I would consider on borrowed time and not reusable. So can you fit what you need on 2 GB? If not there are different things you can do. As far as a new PC, to me it really depends on your level of troubleshooting capability. You can have one built for you but will that person / company be available to troubleshoot if something goes wrong? Are you able to do that? Based on that to me determines from whom you should purchase the PC from IMO.
  3. Yeah Flat Screens. Everyone walking in Paragon would be looking down at a cell phone. I think Faultline should be built up more. Boomtown should be in a state that Faultline is in now. I think on the red side Arachnos should be more in control and have built up more strongholds int he Rogue Isles.
  4. I had a similar outlook as you, Abraxus, on this. Was it worth the time, resources, planning, etc that was necessary to plan out (or research) a proper build and outfit it? My initial thought was no, that even having level 50 "regular" I/Os would be plenty good enough. And, for the most part it is. But after starting attuned IOs on two characters that I am leveling and noting the difference in the performance, I now give my leveling characters IO sets as I level (with some help from my alts) - as long as I have a good build to go by. I do it to a point - the IO sets that I can actually equip based on level. So I do think it's worth it but that's just my opinion. Play how you want.
  5. Yeah I get some tells from time to time if I want to team. That's them reaching out to me. I'm sure there's way more advertising on LFG.
  6. Well, I use Win 10 at home and I like it. If you're worried about being tracked and all that stuff, well, maybe you should be. But realize trying to not be tracked these days is like asking for privacy on mass transit during rush hour. What you think is potentially tracking you is the tip of the iceberg.
  7. I've never bothered with enhancements at all until level 12 except for the ones that drop. At level 12 I would recommend DOs. My rule of thumb when purchasing DOs is Accuracy in attacks, End Mod in Stamina, Defense / Resists in toggles, End Redux in Toggles, Damage - in that order. At 22, I do recommend IOs (not sets yet). Yes, they can be expensive, but in the long run are worth it. Now if you're struggling for inf my suggestion to you is if you have a orange recipe you can craft, craft it and see how much the market is demanding for it. If it's not much, convert it a few times to see. What you're looking for is a decent set IO that sells - defense, resist, IOs that proc all sell well. One of these can sell for 4m influence which is plenty at 22 to afford mostly what you need for IOs.
  8. You're a stalker and there's a boss or higher among the mobs ahead. You stealthily creep up on the unsuspecting boss using all of your sneaky powers, hit build up, maybe even pop a few red insps to make your assassin's strike that much more lethal! This boss will never know what hit him or her... ...and still doesn't know because you missed. The boss is just standing there still fully unaware of your ineptitude as you sulk back into the corner wondering if you should have taken up botany instead.
  9. Pretty similar. I have a "off duty" costume which is just casual wear. One dressy outfit (dress / skirt or suit). Usually a more armored version of the primary costume and the alternate costume.
  10. My MA/WP scrapper has Cross Punch with Kick and Boxing. Cross Punch does more damage than Dragon's Tail.
  11. Graphics are a very big deal to me for new games. But they aren't everything - otherwise I'd still be playing Black Desert Online. I am not. I accept CoH's graphics as they are because that's the way it's always been and I'm fine with that. However, if the game was rendered in an updated graphics engine I'd be fine with that too. It's not something I'm actually expecting but would be the ultimate wish list item for me - if it was something that's feasible. I really don't know what's entailed in doing that (my guess is quite a lot). But the game is fine as is for me.
  12. It's nice to see not only plans for these servers but the greater COH community at large coming around and getting organized. Thanks for everything you guys and gals are doing.
  13. Ah. I'm ok with the policy in theory but feel bad for the GMs who's lap this was just put in.
  14. Well I'm just going to repeat what a lot of people said but feel the need to say it. Judging a larger group of people anywhere based and the actions of a few is a bad idea. This applies to anything. From my experience there's been plenty of helpful people who have answered some of my questions in Help.
  15. Helmet - Unsung Appropriate because they were an inspiration to many bands but fly under the radar a bit.
  16. Thanks for clearing that up. I hope this doesn't become an issue because it seems it'll be a real pain for you guys if you need to enforce this.
  17. I really really like Martial Arts. The attacks fire off so quickly and look good doing it. And Crane Kick is my favorite move in the game. Finishing off a baddie with a straight Crane Kick to the mouth and the resulting KB. The only thing that can top that is adding destructible elements and have the resulting KBed mob go THROUGH a wall or smash a crate or something. Heck yeah. Edit: Whoops I missed the AOE part. Er, MA doesn't have much of that. But it's fun anyway! 🙂
  18. If the game is shut down again that would make me sad. But I'd rather play and have fun now doing so than avoiding the game. I thought about this too when I started - all those hours wasted if the game is shut down again. But they're not wasted. Not as long as you're having fun while playing. That's my view on it anyway.
  19. First off can we get a sticky as to what constitutes copyright infringement? I don't get what does and does not. I'll throw out some examples: The character is named Superman, has the S logo (somehow) but the costume colors are white and green with cape? The character is named Mr. America, looks like Captain America mostly (including colors) but has the shield with stripes as the logo instead of the white star? The other part I don't get is, say Mr. America's original costume I just mentioned is too close and is considered copyright infringement, but the other 5 costumes are not? What then? No, I don't want to hear "we'll know it when we see it". That doesn't work because this should be common knowledge for people to avoid (assuming they actually try and look this stuff up).
  20. Yep! I forgot the SG I was in though. 😐
  21. So I have a couple questions about Attuning enhancements. First, if I attune a level 50 only enhancement (like Hecatomb), I can use it pre-50? Second, if i attune a lower level enhancement (like Kinetic Combat) will it scale up base max level - which I think is 35 or so? Thanks!
  22. Well. This could be a can of worms. Anyway realistically I'm just happy with how the servers are running now, fixing bugs etc. Buuuut, since you asked I'll throw in some "bigger" things I'd like to see. 1. I don't know the answer to this but I'd like to see an option to make a SG inter-server. Maybe something where if you make a SG it internally becomes SGName-Torchbarer but there would be an option to make the SG span servers. With that then if the SG wanted to do something instanced it wouldn't matter what server the members of the group was in, they'd all go to a separate instanced server. 2. More costume stuff. Because - more. You know. No, I don't have a problem! I'm fine! 3. Swinging travel power. Just rip it off of Champions Online. I'm sure they won't mind. 4. Hope you're sitting down for this one: moving the game to a updated graphics engine. I know, I know but one can dream no? I'm not holding my breath on this one so don't worry.
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