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Everything posted by InvaderStych

  1. @Major_Decoy ... I hear you've been having some trouble with your T.P.S. Reports.
  2. No idea how they are supposed to be used, but Ramen is my new favorite and default reaction. "NOTHING can stop NOODLES!"
  3. Is it old chestnut season already? 🤣
  4. Of that list Stalker's version of Burn is written with the team crit mechanic included. I've never used Fire Armor on a Stalker and I very much dislike burn, so I do not know if it actually crits while on a team. If you look at the entry on City of Data the team crit stuff is in there though. Nothing else from that list is written to generate critical hits for either a Scrapper or Stalker. It is not a bug; it is a design choice made by the original developers that has continued to remain constant throughout the history of the game. Never mind that Brute's Fury increases damage from these attacks, and Tanker's AoE size buffs also benefit these attacks - Scrappers and Stalkers are left twisting in the breeze by design.
  5. Back in the early 90s there Phillips briefly entered this market with their CD-i device. Video rental place down the street from me had one and the lady-friend and I rented it for a weekend with its full compliment (read: handful) of games. Performance wasn't horrible for the era, but the best game offering was a golf game that was only entertaining because the Aussie "color commentator" would talk trash every time a player botched a shot. "That was limp, mate!" ... and similar stuff. It was hilarious, even more-so as I am pretty sure it was an actor doing a bad imitation of an Australian accent. 🤣
  6. Because it is 2023 and those are the basics. More specifically, LFG transport was the easiest way to guarantee that no matter what part of Talos Island the OP was stuck within that they could get out easily and back to a zone that is within their level range. Sorry I tried to help. 🤷‍♂️
  7. Bruh, most days I don't even know that about myself. 🤣
  8. Open the LFG window found at the top of your chat box. Select "Dam Hero" or "The Rule of Three" from the list. Select the "Lock To Your Group" radio button at the bottom. (this part is crucial) Press the queue button. Press the go button that appears in the pop-up. Wait a few seconds and you'll be teleported to Positron in Steel Canyon. This works for any Task/Strike force contact which is valid for your current level, as long as you are Solo and use the Lock to your Group button it acts as an ad hoc zone transporter.
  9. "... and let me tell you something, it doesn't matter if you don't know the lyrics. It's Death Metal. No one will know the difference." You mean thusly? 🤣
  10. Ironically/coincidentally when I first opened this thread I was going to mention E.T. for the 2600. Never did get past the pit when I was a kid. 🤣 In pure code/game-mechanics E.T. probably takes the title, the other two are just so cringe though that they've got to be the worst. 🤣
  11. Because attacks in the Scrapper secondary sets not generating critical hits has been the paradigm on the game since 2004. I've never liked it either, I hope the HC team changes it, but I highly doubt that they will. It is the way it has always been and is not unique to Ground Zero. It is not a bug, it is an unfortunate design choice that has not been changed. I'm glad they made an exception for Brimstone Armor, but I don't see them making a blanket change across the other secondaries with attacks or damage auras. As I said, I've been banging my head against this wall of unfairness since the release of the game.
  12. WAI in the current implementation. Brimstone from Stone Armor is currently the only power in a Scrapper secondary with a chance to crit. This is a relatively new thing and I hope a sign of thing to come, Otherwise it has been this way since the dawn of time, and I've been lobbying for change since not long after that.
  13. One of my favorite toons during Retail was this combo on a Scrapper. It was an outright lawnmower; even after Interface was brought into line, no longer triggered on every damage tic, and went on the 10s timer in toggles. Single target wasn't anything to shout from the hilltops about, but it was definitely a fun toon to play. Should be solid on a Tank though with the buffs to AoE radius/arc they received a while back.
  14. Not as well as Savage Leap, if my memory serves correct. It has been a while since I looked deeply into it, but if I remember correctly: Charge and Lightning Rod are actual pseudo-pets and use that math for PPM. I think Spring Attack is the same. Savage Leap is not a pseudo-pet. It's a single-target, no damage teleport power that triggers a zero activation time AoE power, so uses the base AoE PPM math. It just happens to be in the recharge sweet spot for a 90% rate of return without having a bunch of extra downtime. UnFun-Fact: The zero activation time of Savage Leap AoE Power is the reason it does not benefit from Brimstone damage; or it didn't as of /Stone's run through Beta. I've not seen a patch note indicating that was fixed, but I might have missed it. Double-Edit: Someone with a better memory for these things correct me and I'll strike through my potentially inaccurate babble.
  15. Don't ask. There's history there with that one. Don't worry, they'll put you on ignore in a few posts and brag about it for another 17 posts or so. It's their thing. Welcome Home. Play your game your way, player.
  16. Dark/Stone is a solid combo. DC and SD trigger Brimstone on use (Brimstone doesn't take +dmg from buffs like SD/BU/etc though). That was one of my test toons when the /Stone revamp/port was in Beta. Almost rolled one for Live, colored it green and called it The Dank Crystal, but I'm not a teenager anymore so I went another direction. 🤣 ... of course that "other direction" ended up being a Stalker with an only slightly more thinly veiled Scotch whiskey based theme, so clearly I'm not that far removed from my inner teenager either. 🤣
  17. Wait, Lusca can actually defeat players? 🤣 I don't think I've ever seen that happen.
  18. Huh. Didn't know either of those were based on graphic novels. Enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow; didn't see Old, but I sort of gave up on MNS after Signs. Keep 'em coming gang; looks like there are more of these than I thought! 🍻
  19. What primaries are you using and getting good results with it? Tried a few combinations in Beta (Dark/ Rad/ I-forget-what-else/) and even slotting the Ice Mistral dmg/slow set I didn't find the slows to be terribly effective. Might have been the groups I was testing against. 🤷‍♂️ I've also found the Stalker version to be more endurance efficient without it. All the other toggles are the same cost on both ATs.
  20. Don't sleep on Brimstone. It is the only thing in a Scrapper Secondary that will Crit, and when it does it is for full up-front damage of all 3 tics, even if only the first tic hits. Mud Pots sort of drags the set down though; I prefer it on a Stalker as MP is swapped out for Hide. Geode is 100% skippable. At best it is a Combat Rest power that might buy you a few seconds of respite, but more often than not if you are playing against +2s or above it will just get insta-jibbed and be functionally worthless. Crystal grants endurance recovery, so it is a good place for a second Perf Shifter and/or Power Transfer. Minerals grants Mag 30 protection from Confuse. This is a rare protection to find. Rad Armor is another solid choice. New Fire Armor is good, but still pretty squishy and Firey Embrace still isn't as good as it should be. It adds decent damage, but on the matrix it falls behind Brimstone, and well behind the tools afforded by /Bio for adding dmg.
  21. The Radio. Television. Efficiency Expert Pither. Mr. G's entire series of arcs.
  22. They get a bad rap because of the story/deaths/silly choice of the Big Bad in WWD. Pandora's is better. I like running them while I level a toon for the easy merits. Heldenjager is super easy to recruit for as it is a great way to get Unveiler. On Topic for our resident Vamp: That one starts at level 40. 😉 The finale for Pandora's is a hoot. Good times in that last mission.
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