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Everything posted by dtjunkie

  1. Am I trying to survive solo or am I trying to keep a team alive?
  2. Valet - reduces the cost of purchasing the Team Transporter
  3. Go to Perez Park and call from there. Immediately beat up as many Hellion bosses as you can until the inspirations wear off. Don't worry about the minions and LTs, just go for the bosses. NOTE: Be sure to slot some lvl 10 DMG SOs to really take advantage of this.
  4. Other bluepath: DFB, DFB, Posi I, Posi II, Penny Yin (Heck yea skip Synapse), Moonfire (Atlas Medallion!),
  5. Street Justice / Willpower Brute
  6. 19-9-54 Controller Dark/Poison - Okay.... I have a concept in mind... 79-20-35 - Sentinel Beam Rifle/ Fiery Aura Hmm. All my sentinels are dualists (elec/elec, ice/ice, dark/dark, rad/rad, etc.). Can't break the pattern. 22-74-21 Controller Illusion / Empathy - Nah. Already did Ill / Kin and one time through with a secondary that does nothing for PA was enough for me thank ya very much. Going with Roll #1. Snake-based toon. Started with the name Dark Asp, but that felt too generic. Miasma Mamba had some cool alliteration, but then I looked up the villain group and noticed it was "Mamba Blade" and "Mamba Fang". So I've decided on: Mamba Umbra.
  7. Once I had just started a Posi II when the doorbell rang. I was so surprised the doorbell rang I got up without letting the group know. Unfortunately it ended up being a thing and I didn't make it back for about 30 minutes. Obviously the group had kicked me, but when I sent a tell to the team leader I found I was ignored as well. Felt real bad about that one.
  8. This. Just don't knock on any doors in the Fall or open any presents in the Winter and you shouldn't have any problems.
  9. Super excited it's back. I bought four of the variant covers yesterday.
  10. I like running themed Penny Yin TFs on Everlasting. I've done the following all ATs: Blasters, Kheldians, Defenders, Dominators, Sentinels, Stalkers, Tanks. All were great fun. Here are some of my other favorite themes: Stormers! Hold the door! All Gun Fun Run The Kin Yin! (Kinetics or Kinetic Melee) BURN THE DOOR (Fire something)
  11. Here's what I have. It was a nice reminder I still need to contact Cryptic and let them know they sent me two copies of Issue 2 instead of Issue 1.
  12. Yes! My two scrappers would immediately do what they always do... run in and start wailing on the biggest baddest dude in the mob. Whereas my blaster is just gonna hang out, stealthed, in the back, waiting for just the right moment.
  13. So all your alts immediately find themselves transported to an area specifically designed for this scenario and for plot reasons have to fight to the death. Who is walking out of the fight alive and why? For me, I think my lower than 50 alts all get wasted in the initial lore pet judgement spam fest. That leaves 24 lvl 50s fighting it out: 7 Tanks, 2 Scrappers, 1 Defender, 3 Controllers, 2 Blasters, 8 Brutes, and 1 Sentinel. Much like a WWE Royal Rumble everyone turns on the big guy (in this case my nigh unkillable Stone/Ax Tank) and eliminates him first. Atom Slicer (Rad/BS Tank) and Atom Gunner (Beam Rifle / Atom Manipulation) are the same character (Atom keeps waking up in front of Ms. Liberty at lvl 1 with at least one radiation powerset the second he dings 50), and so if they are in the same spot at the same time it creates a temporal paradox that erases both of them from existence. I think things are really going to go bad for my endurance heavy alts, because my Electric Blast / Electric Armor Sentinel is like a AV level Sapper / Super Stunner and my Kinetics/Sonic Attack Defender brings that same pain with transference. In fact I think the Controllers, Sentinel, and Defender team up to take out the Melee Toons, but in the process only the Sentinel and the Earth/TA controller make it out alive without getting critical'ed by the scrappers or a rage + fury + knockout blow one shotted. Unfortunately, as they stumble away from each other, readying themselves for the final confrontation, they fail to notice that the AR/DEV blaster has quietly setup a giant trip mine field. General Zaroff (based on the same named character in the Most Dangerous Game - it's public domain!) gets the W. Follow-up questions: 1. Same scenario but with the Freedom Phalanx 2. Same scenario but with Arachnos
  14. I was putting in my buy order at 7:59 this morning and BAM too late sucka
  15. Maybe? I rolled a Seismic Blast / Fire Manipulation Blaster named Coal Chamber. I wish I could get the seismic blast powers to be a more solid black color. I also kind of want to reroll him as a Seismic Blast / Fiery Aura Sentinel whenever the set gets proliferated to Sentinels.
  16. It would be easier to show this on video, but I got stuck in between 3 lvl 54 singularities and they bounced me around like a pinball. I wasn't knocked down, but it was like I was hovering around in the air getting pulled between the three of them. Kind of fun, but also kind of nauseating.
  17. Baker's Dozen: For flying through the Faultline Donut 13 times Firewalker: For spending an hour sitting in lava Taxibot: For using Team Teleport on a full team 100 times You Can't Have Any Pudding If You Don't Eat Your Meat: Defeat 1000 DE Monsters in the Hive Falling with Style: Take over 1M points of falling damage
  18. This update has been wonderful. Here are my favorite things so far: 1. I guess if I have one toon that's my main, it would be my Elec/Elec Sentinel (Vet Level 85 and counting). He was a blast before, but the changes to Electric Blast have really put him over the top. I was always just trying to survive the alpha until I could get the mob's endurance drained and now... well that comes much more quickly! Also love the Tesla Cage updates to have it jump and shock nearby targets. 2. My tanker Goldibricks was very happy for the new Goldbricker costume parts. She looked the part before, but now she rocks it. 3. Having fun so far with Stone Cutter, my new Katana / Rock Armor Scrapper. 4. The new strike force is really awesome. I ran it first with a PUG on difficulty level 3 and it was fun watching everyone get better as we went along at avoiding the exploding Goldbrickers, jumping out of the death puddles, etc. Then I ran it again on the easiest difficulty setting solo so I could read all the story and WOW! A ton of effort went into this and it was really a delight to play through. 5. All my Dual Blades toons thank you. I'm still waiting for a good name / concept to come to me for a Seismic Blast Blaster / Defender / Corrupter, but I'm excited to still have that to look forward to.
  19. I took Vengeance on a Nemesis themed toon purely for thematic reasons. I ran the new strike force with a PUG on the third difficulty level and I was firing off vengeance almost every time it was up.
  20. My kids (10 and 9) and I play together, so definitely not 100%! In fact, back when I first discovered CoH was back, about 4 of us from the old SG started playing with our kids. At one point I think we had seven 2nd generation players (I think three made it to at least one level 50)
  21. Thanks for taking the time to make this! I ran this with a War Mace / Shield Scrapper at +2 X 8. Mission 1: I had never seen this map before so that was really neat! At 2X8 it looked a little silly with all the security guards crammed in there. I think they outnumbered shoppers 200 to 1! I thought it was clever using the Red Caps look for Santa and his helpers. If I could suggest one thing it would be to add some more shoppers from around Paragon City. This mission actually made me think about what a Skyway City shopping mall would look like. Maybe there's a Hellion in there trying to find the right gift for his Girlfriend from Hell. Of course, those details might have been in there and I missed them because I was busy punching thousands of security guards. Mission 2: I genuinely chuckled when the speaker started playing Christmas music as I was punching it. Very nice touch! Mission 3: As I was going in I was expecting the Fashion Show map so I was happy I got it. I would recommend changing Mariah Christmas' costume to stand out more from her backup dancers. It was hard to pick her out when the mob was that big. Michael really stood out in black. The quadruple stacked sonic shields (Michael and his 3 boss friends) turned my war mace into a wet noodle. I had to disperse them and take them out 1 by 1. Poor Boogie Man got wasted pretty quickly after I rescued him. I hope he's down there in hell dancing his ass off to Christmas music.
  22. Today my 10 year old son, 9 year old daughter, and I are running Hess. During the final fight I was talking to them about how cool it would be to fight the Giant Robot. My son says, "When Archon Burkholder gets to half health he should hop into the robot's cockpit and then you have to fight him while he's inside operating the giant robot". I mean the robot is clearly set up for this scenario. The control hatch is open: I'm probably biased, but I think this is the best idea anyone has ever had.
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