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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. Ahh gotcha..thank you. Never occurred to me it had a name.
  2. Currently I have a little over 8 billion on hand it seems. Much more than I will ever need at any rate.
  3. Nukes from Warburg are also a great advantage.
  4. Good merits to be had in Tip missions as well. Fun to run and enough variety so it isn't too repetitive. Believe it is 40 these days and I imagine the cool down period is gone so they can be done endlessly.
  5. I miss my cast iron frying pan. Lost it in the great split of 2010. Small price to pay for happiness.
  6. I was surprised to see that Walk didn't work in there. If there is an unobtrusive power it is that.
  7. I was looking for a place to do a little light marketing, out of the way and all quiet like. Then it occurred to me that AE has a quiet room where I have never seen anyone. The logos that the staff have on their shirts caught my eye. I would like that please. And if possible that style of shirt. Thank you very much.
  8. Sakai


    I ended up receiving 15 Amplifiers as well 40 Experience and 3 Windfalls. Oddly enough no Respec which I was "deeply saddened" by. All of the ATOs (127) were made into Superiors (Defender, Corruptor, MM, Stalker, Dom and Tanks were converted first as I do not have a 50) and then listed. I received enough Catalysts and Converters (with some merit's used) to not spend any actual influence. It took 2 1/2 hours to do (spread out over 2 days cause yuck so much clicking) for an average of 10 minutes/amplifier, this time out, which seems acceptable to me. Chunk of that time was spent placing storage tables in base, deleting IOs to make space on various alts, eventually making 3rd builds with nothing in them so I could just slot the ATO as close to the bottom as possible, shuffling the ATOs between the characters and making some chicken wings (forgot to turn off timer 😞 ). Given that experience, and work already done, I am pretty sure I can get it well below 2. One lesson learned is that lvl 1 characters do not have 100+ auction slots to work with. Forgot about that little fact so this added some additional time in the listing process. I imagine I will be doing this again at some point but am not sure if I will go through the Catalysing process. Guess it depends upon how long it all takes to sell, what my Influence/Minute ends up being and how quickly I burn through the Amplifiers. So if you find your Superiors aren't selling as well this weekend that will be my fault. My apologies but now we have some more data so it all balances out.
  9. I purchased a Samsung 32 " curved monitor last spring. Works beautifully. Much like @Snarky I find so much more space for actual game play. Issues I have are needing to find the space on my desk to push it back so it isn't right in my face. As well I lose my cursor often. This has always been a problem for me. Not sure if it is more common but it is a thing. I find myself switching to a very small windowed mode when Boosting IOs. Takes a long time to do so on full screen but that is an easy fix. All in all I love it. Wife hated it for the first few months as she was having issues getting used to the size when reading the news but she seems to have gotten over it. Or she has stopped mentioning it...either way works for me.
  10. Sakai


    Thats not bad honestly. Each one works out to be around 83 million and change. Plus I would have more costume tokens then I could shake a stick at. As well Converters and such but they are just a by product. I am in the process of clearing my bases/email of the various ATO/Winter Os I seem to have accumulated. After I finish that I will pick up a fat stack and see how it fairs. Maybe I could pick up another Windfall. Don't know if it actually does anything but it is fun to pretend.
  11. Sakai


    I was curious what kind of info we have on how many Amplifiers received out of 100 packs opened. My Fire/Dark corruptor seems to live by them and it isn't always convenient to hit a P2W when I notice they have run out. I don't think she is going anywhere so I figure I might as well try to get a bit of a stock pile.
  12. I'm glad it turned out to be fun. Mine was advertised without the level increase and I really wasn't in the mood for it. Another time perhaps.
  13. Keep looking at this one. Glad to hear it is worth the effort.
  14. Saw this forming up and my first thought was "Hell No". My second thought was pretty much the same lol. I stumbled into a Frostfire in progress that was +3 or 4 earlier in the day. Not sure what they were thinking (perhaps it was you 🤔) and that was horrible (for me anyways). Stayed for one mob, saw how long that was taking and did the math. I politely backed out, wished them luck and went back to putting a stop to the Devouring Earth. I haven't actually succeeded yet but I have high hopes. Cause no lol I am glad that you got some brave souls to join you and I'm glad you had fun.
  15. Not every character makes the cut for me. I play them for a while but they just don't have the spark. Then you find the ones with the Spark...the joy to play. Every so often I will find myself at the Steel Canyon Icon making the 6th costume for a hero in their mid 20s. This is a solid indicator they are here to stay. . It's not very often I have a concept when I start a new character but rather just pick sets that sound fun. Occasionally a back story pops up as I play. That will do it too. Tarragon Mist is so adamant on disrupting the Hellions for causing the three square blocks she called home to be engulfed in unholy fire. Her brother died that night as did Samuel, who ran the corner market and had basically raised them for the past seven years since their parents had died. She has long since moved on to the Circle of Thorn, and their efforts to free the Envoy of Shadows, but she makes a special trip back to Perez once a month to continue her fight. Yeah she's a fun one. The epiphany can come during a mission as well. That moment when you lay down Tar Patch...Fearsome Stare...Darkest Night...Aim...Rain of Fire...Inferno and everything just melts. Magical. Toss a fireball at the one fleeing Crey operative and look for the next mob. If I can get all three going at the same time so much the better. How do you know the character is a keeper? (I so love the attention to detail Serge's staff provides. Not just in the way they help me find the perfect shade of blue but remembering that I loathe certain boot and glove styles so they are never hinted at. Went to the one in Atlas once and was shocked by the poor quality of service. Took 3 minutes to get anyone's attention and when I did the fellow was standoffish and had a holier-than-thou attitude. Doubt they see much in the way of foot traffic though and why would they. Miss Liberty is right over there and offers so much more.)
  16. Did you eventually get the badge? Working on this too and haven't actually bothered to look at the progress bar.
  17. I have a psi/da at 50 and it is a great deal of fun...so many ways to control the battle besides just defeating everything straight out. It is true what the say about damage being not the greatest vs robots but there are lots of other things to fight.
  18. This journey inspires me Yomo. I have read countless times about self sufficient characters. I have tried a few times but usually lose heart somewhere along the way. I don't know what I am going to make but I will try the Miss T method. I've learned a lot watching your journey. No longer is converting IOs a dreadful slog, well it still is but not nearly what it once was. I make a fortune on Kismets as well, after all, who doesn't want to slot one. It amused me when you mentioned Rectified Reticle. It was the path to my first billion live and it was by mere coincidence that it was one of my first drops here. I was off. The market on that has definitely taken a bit of a hit since you mentioned it but I've been through that before. I'm playing in other fields now so I will just leave it alone until people get bored of it they always do. Then come back for my untold millions. I think this is one of the best guides there is. Informative, entertaining and interactive. Best of all I learned it is possible to solo Seeds Of Hamidon. Had no idea. Excited. Thank you.
  19. Ok...I will bite. How did Bilbo get his ring in the first edition? God knows I will never see one.
  20. Sakai

    Ebil Oops

    Bought 5 Overwhelming Force Procs for 95 million each. Oh well...hope they work well. Suspect this is why I stopped keeping more then 300 million on any one character. I will try that again I think.
  21. Is that what the little grey bar represents? Always wondered.
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