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Everything posted by Zed

  1. Hello This label is more like a remnant of old version and has to be taken down some day. Background is forced to black no matter what you pick.
  2. I don't pvp so i'm no expert here. But just for this one, it looks amazing. Kudos as well for EA changes and overall power effects reliability.
  3. Hello, Thanks for providing the builds you're making experiments with so i can reproduce it. It's not a build problem, it's an issue with Mids' DB. To make it simple, neither PB/WS inherents and the enhancement had any awareness of the activation of shapeshifts so all the various bonuses would apply every time (when they should not). I managed to find a fix for it so it should be shipped within next release. FYI, affected enhancements are Kheldian's Grace: Form Empowerment, Superior Kheldian's Grace: Form Empowerment. Affected powers are Incandescence, Cosmic Balance, Dark Sustenance, Absorption. Good catch. Cheers ! 👍
  4. Hello, Just to be sure.... We are going to deal with two new enhancement categories or they are replacing existing ones ? Does that also means Swift will accept both + universal travel now ? No this can't be. People need to keep buying/farming overpriced Micro HO.
  5. Open the file explorer, navigate to %localappdata%\RebornTeam and delete the ConfigSP.json file there, then restart Mids. Doing so will fix it but you will have to reauthenticate for discord exports.
  6. English is hard... Not my primary language, i try the best i can ! No it's not lighting it... that would actually make it a *very* hot issue 😛
  7. Hello, Was recommended by @GM Korvin to post this here too. Under certain conditions, activating Gymnastics on a /TA blaster, with either /powexecname or /powexectoggleon triggers Oil Slick Arrow reticle instead. Also, using either of these two in a macro has no effect. I did some extra testing and found out specifics to this bug: Putting Gymnastics power in any tray (i tried #9, which is not visible in my UI setup), then use either /powexectoggleon Gymnastics or /powexecname Gymnastics directly works fine. Also /bind "trayslot" "powexectoggleon Gymnastics" works fine if it's in a tray. If i remove it from the tray these three trigger the Oil Slick Reticle instead. Still no luck on a macro, though. Macro command content used for testing: powexectoggleon Scorpion Shield$$powexectoggleon Weave$$powexectoggleon Tough$$powexectoggleon Tactics$$powexectoggleon Assault$$powexectoggleon Maneuvers$$powexectoggleon Eagle Eye$$powexectoggleon Gymnastics$$powexectoggleon Combat Jumping All other toggles activate (one by one), just not Gymnastics. Something tells me it's because Gymnastics used to be the T9... Any info appreciated about this one. Thanks
  8. Looks fine here. Do you see anything wrong ?
  9. Hello, Care to share the .txt build you're trying to import plz ?
  10. Hi Not sure i reported this before, if so, sorry for the duplicate. Some long power description goes off their frame when choosing a power from the trainer, or during a respec. Here are examples with Rune of Protection and Arcane Bolt.
  11. Hi there, jumping on the moving train... Testing this whole pool, this looks pretty good 🙂 Just when using Rune of Protection, the ring stays there until it fades off. If i recall this is an old bug that has been fixed before, but maybe it is intended this way now ?
  12. Follow up: i tried to run around for a bit, enough to trigger it and didn't see anything. My point was because i usually put super speed and the others on the 3rd tray and it's not always shown.
  13. Hello, Playing around with the new things... I noticed some missing stuff, but nothing critical though. Super Speed > Super Speed "momentum" There is no visual indicator for when it is ready to use. A tip like for Titan Weapons' momentum would be appreciated. Experimentation > Speed of Sound Sound doesn't play anymore when using the "Minimal FX" theme. (If i recall it is the same on Live) Hard to tell if it is on or off unless you keep your eyes riveted on character buffs. Quantum Acceleration (Peacebringer): This one is now a server tray but is granted in the main tray when available (level 2 ?). And what i'm pretty sure everybody has asked for already... Null's abilities hasn't been upgraded yet 😉 Cheers
  14. Hi, Thanks for the report, issue has been fixed and will be shipped within the next release 🙂
  15. If they *really* vanished completely you can try ro run Recuva and try to recover your files. But still, i don't understand why it'd do do ? Curious...
  16. Confirmed, this has been fixed since then. Update your mids and you're fine 🙂 It seems to happen a lot on ultrawide, low height laptops apparently...
  17. Pretty sure it's because Zlib is architecture-dependent, when everything else is marked as "Any CPU" so it'll adapt to whichever arch you're running it under. Double check if you're using a 64-bit Wine profile.
  18. I am reproducing this issue on my desktop if i resize the main window so its bottom hits the bottom of the info panel (the blue thingie on the left). Investigating on how to fix this.
  19. The buildsave command ? Underestimated HC stuff for sure - it has more potential than you think 🙂 I assume they added it, since i can't find any mention of it on paragonwiki archive. (And we thank you for this fine addition ^^)
  20. Ingame you can use /buildsave (name will always be build.txt, i do not recommend using this one) or /buildsavefile <filename.txt> to export your current character's build into your game directory\<account name>\Builds directory. This format can be read by Mids, In the file open dialog you can choose file type to either .mxd or .txt . You'll find (little more) info here: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/List_of_Slash_Commands#B Matter of window size maybe ?
  21. Hello. You're the lucky winner today ! There is a bug related to this and i'm currently working on it, along with new stuff and improvements for the recipe viewer/shopping list. The thing is, these don't have a recipe so to speak, i mean you can't craft them at a station. Since Mids' has no notion of what a catalyst is and normal vs superior are 2 different sets, i think i'll just show merit + catalyst cost as a hint only, not something deeper that implies new salvage in the db. Thanks for the report, if you want to help you can hop on Mids' discord (https://discord.gg/gAnYWRRwj9) and start from here =)
  22. Maybe it's normal since it's some sort of macro ? The fast travel menu cannot be opened with /powexecname . However if you drop it on a dummy bar it can be opened with e.g. /powexectray 1 8 (tray 8, slot 1) And thank you so much for including a way to check what has been unlocked for LRT without actually using it 🙂
  23. I have a few questions about LRT and special travel powers in general, sorry if asked already. You cannot unlock Kallisti as a destination for LRT right ? Because as far as i know Kallisti has no exploration badge and plaques do nothing (hint: there's one at 5875.3 47.6 2110.7) What's going to happen for iTrials when you're the last one standing in (e.g. MoM nightmare farms) ? Sometimes you get no exit button, and league/team window is gone. Base port was convenient in this case, but i wonder if we'll have another option ?
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