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Everything posted by Sylapsis

  1. Isn't it a good thing to leave the thread as is, though? That way other people who have had ideas running along the same line can use it for future discussion? And even hypotheticals that you might not agree with have merit of letting you figure out why you don't agree with them, too. No harm in having the thread stay 🙂
  2. Yes, please! Give them knives and swords, in addition to the claw suite, so we can make faux-Artemis characters out of our Widows! Whether the animations fit for these weapons or not comes at a really far secondary to me 🙂 I'm ALL about taking a thematically niche AT and opening it up for many interpretations!
  3. Alternatively, what do you think about making taking several powers from the same pool more attractive? I feel like the Fighting pool is doing something really neat, giving synergies as you pick more and more from it. What if having both Aid Other and Aid Self reduced the activation time by a small bit, or making Injection give a greater range to Aid Other? Like having Field Medicine removes the interrupts. What if having Stealth and Grant Invisibility increased the stealth radius of both? And adding Phase Shift increased the +defence by a bit? What if, for each leadership power you picked, you get an increased area of effect of those powers? What if having both Pacify and Provoke added a small -defence and -resist to those powers? I like synergies, and like the idea of giving a small reward to heroes and villains who invest deeply in a pool.
  4. For me, the best outcome would be a re-envisioning of the three primary attack powers so that they fit in better with the theme of the AT: to bring in, and enable, your pets (which may, or may not, include your teammates 🙂 ). Taking a quick peek at the power sets and their attack powers show me this: Beasts: T1 Single target (-defence), T3 Single target (KB, -to hit), T5 Cone (-defence) Demons: T1 Single target (-resist), T3 Single target (KB, -resist), T5 Cone (KB, -resist) Mercs: T1 Single target (-defence), T3 Single target (KB), T5 AoE (KB) >>> Page 5 adds Focus Fire for bonus pet damage on all three powers Necro: T1 Single target (-to hit), T3 Single target (-to hit), T5 Single target (self heal, -to hit) >>> Page 5 adds chance to spawn unique spectre pet to each power Ninjas: T1 Single target (none), T3 Single target (none), T5 Cone (none) >>> Page 5 adds bonus pet critical hit chance on all three powers Robots: T1 Single target (none), T3 Single target (KB), T5 AoE (Stun) >>> Page 5 adds -regen on all three powers Thugs: T1 Single target (none), T3 Single target (KB), T5 Cone (KB) At a glance, I feel that some of these attacks synergise more with your pets than others. For instance, -defence or -resist are great force multipliers for your group, and -to hit is a good survivability tool. Knockback, though? That feels a bit more... situational (especially powers with unreliable chance to KB). I recognise that all of these powers have their riders inherited from their parent power sets. So let's add to them instead, just like Page 5 added to the others. And make those riders impactful. Equally, or even more so, than any damage the powers deals. Make those powers enable your pets to do their thing. This would move them away from being "just attacks", and the connotations we attach to that idea, and come to think of them as attack strategies. And that, I feel, would help making them fit the theme of the AT better.
  5. I feel like this ought to be repeated a bit louder. The three attacks in each mastermind's powerset are primary powers. Primary. If any other AT had a third of its primary powerset heavily penalized based on the argument the remainder were considered more intrinsic to the AT, my bet is that there would be some confusion. These three powers shouldn't be dead picks, or only have a token effect. They should be treated as primary powers, held to equal standards. And all primary powers ought to be meaningful and valid picks (even though some may be more situational than others). That's why I feel that the recent changes to Necromancy, Ninja, and Robotics are steps in the right direction: by adding a synergy rider to the powers, rather than simply raising damage. (But, as discussed above, the endurance cost ought to be looked at again, in the spirit of fairness.)
  6. Say... If you're already in there, poking around with the Illusion set right nooow... Could we maybe have a Mirror option for Phantasm, too? Pretty please? 🙂
  7. How about a karaoke emote? A shy, holding the mic with both hands version; and a widely gesturing, dancing version? Or a megaphone emote?
  8. (Instead of making an entirely new thread, I'll join this one instead. I couldn't find a consolidated costume idea megathread...) I have an ever expansive wish-list of things, but the ones I keep coming back to are: * Wristwatch (hand detail; either hand) * Thin bracelet (hand detail; either or both hands, metallic and matte versions) * Forcefield bubble aura (aura; In the style of Personal Force Field, with combat activation option)
  9. (I was going to start a new topic, but thankfully decided to do a quick search for similar ideas first.) It would be a very nice option to have, if picking Fighting Pool unlocked weapons in the character customisation. A character would default to "unarmed", and the standard animations from the Fighting Pool, but if they picked a weapon option (Like Broadsword, Battle Axe, War Mace), they would use an alternate set of animations for those. Because, let's be honest, those three weapon groups use the same animations. (Weapon) Boxing: The standard overhand swing from Chop, Hack, or Clobber (Weapon) Kick: The standard underhand swing from Swoop, Disembowel, or Jawbreaker (Weapon) Cross Punch: The standard heavy swipe attack from Pendulum, Slice, or Crowd Control As for Fighting Pool attacks not dealing slashing damage to represent using edged weapons? I'm willing to suspend my disbelief on that, in favour of getting more (better) character options. There's already existing examples of character "unlocking" weapon costume options by selecting certain pools (Mace Patron, Ninja Tools for Sentinels, etc), so I'm hoping this won't be outside the realm of possibility 🙂
  10. For stalkers customising their Hide animation or colour, the options lists Dark Regeneration. That's all 🙂
  11. Oh, yes please! It'd be so very nice to have a better overview of the mailbox content. Especially if you, like me, tend to shove every Awaken you get into the mailbox amidst various goodies intended for alts?
  12. I'm going to throw myself into the whimsy of hyperbole for a moment, but... For me? This is one of the greatest quality of life changes since they merged Yellow and Green Line! I don't mind 8 seconds at all (or whatever it ends up being). I just don't want to have to manually re-toggle everything (possibly being rooted with animations) whenever one of my poor squishlings gets hit by a sleep-stun-hold-etc. So, thank you for this addition!
  13. One thing that would also be awesome, although require quite a bit of more work I reckon, is a function to mark one or more items in each list as a favourite, and having it show up on top with a little star next to it or something? (And also the possibility of adjusting the font size, for small or large screens?)
  14. I wonder, what would the consequences be of setting the nova/dwarf form toggles endurance cost to 0, and allow human toggles to keep running (albeit suppressed)? That would lower the endurance load a little bit, and and prevent having to retoggle (if you're into toggles). Aaand... I guess it'd mean that Kheldians wouldn't drop forms if sapped to 0 endurance, either? Could be handwaved as their alternate shapes are as natural to them as their humanoid one, and not exhausting to maintain, maybe?
  15. Huh! I never realised that skin-showing costume pieces worked like that! Learn something new about this dear old game, every day 🙂
  16. Oh, this is a fun thread! So much imagination and creativity! May I invite you to evaluate and criticise a powerset I always wanted to see? FORCE MANIPULATION Blaster Secondary 1 - Force Bolt Ranged attack, single target, moderate smashing damage, knockback. Animation: Forcebolt (Force Field). This is the basic Force Bolt we've had for all these years, only with damage scaled up to match a tier 1 blaster secondary. 2 - Launch Melee attack, single target, high smashing damage, knock-up and chance for stun. Animation: Lift (Gravity Control). This is a standard tier 2 blaster melee attack, following the theme of expanding force fields throwing the opponent around. 3 - Force Cage Ranged attack, single target, moderate smashing damage over time, hold. Animation: Detention Field (Force Field). This is your average low-tier blaster secondary hold power. Maybe it could use another rider effect, like defence debuff, but it is probably good enough as-is. 4 - Pinball Charge Location Attack, area of effect, moderate smashing damage, chance for knockdown, self teleport. Animation: Shield Charge (animation, from Shield Defence) and Personal Force Field (aura, from Force Field). This is stolen from Martial Combat's Burst of Speed. Maybe the power can have the "3-uses before recharge" effect of BoS, or maybe just a single use? 5 - Infused Force Click, bonus damage, bonus to-hit, absorption shield. Animation: Build Up. This is the semi-compulsory build up of a blaster secondary, with the added effect of a moderate absorption shield. What percentage, though? 10-15%? Or higher, since it only lasts 10 seconds? Or perhaps let the absorb linger for 30 seconds, while the damage and to-hit buff expire after the standard 10 seconds? 6 - Personal Force Cover Toggle, absorption shield, endurance discount, small defence bonus, stun protection. Animation: Personal Force Field (Force Field). This is the sustain power of the blaster secondary. Many of these use regeneration and recovery boosts, but I feel endurance discount is underutilised. Maybe the bubble captures and recycles the energy expended by the blaster? Defence bonus could be similar to Shinobi or Gymnastics. Just a little bit, since it is a force field bubble, after all! Stun protection, similar to how Energize works, also harkens back to its distant ancestor in Dispersion Bubble. 7 - Repulsion Blast PBAoE Attack, moderate smashing damage, knockdown, disorient. Animation: Repulsion Bomb (reduced to 1.5 seconds?) (Force Field). This is the melee area of effect power that appears in many blaster secondaries. Similar to Psychic Shockwave, it offers a bit of crowd control at the expense of putting yourself in the middle of the fight. 8 - Feedback Field Toggle, effect radius 25 (?), enemy defence penalty, enemy stealth penalty. Animation: Dispersion Bubble (Force Field). I imagine this as a reversed-Leadership: Tactics. Instead of providing bonus to hit and perception, it penalises the opponents. Some sort of wide force field active sonar effect that impedes and reveals any opponents who wander into the effect? 9 - Compression Field Melee attack, single target, extreme smashing damage over time, enemy resistance penalty, hold. Animation: Repulsion Field (placed on target, and played in reverse). This is the heavy melee hit that many blaster secondaries get. The resistance penalty hits with every damage tick, showing how the field compresses further and further on the target.
  17. So, the Carnie stockings are awesome. Very cute. But, would it be possible to add the option to colour the underwear-portion and the hose-portion separately? Thank you for making this game available to all of us again 🙂
  18. I'd very much love it if, like Vindicator suggested in their opening post, Praetorian alignments could be retained and game-system-wise be recognised as their Primal counterparts without actually changing for the character. I wonder what it would take to introduce new alignments (or alignment designations) into the spaghetti-code? Until that day, my poor escaped Seer will just have to languish in the liminal spaces with that one mission remaining, tauntingly: "The Rift Enclosure"...
  19. I went on to test this myself, but I couldn't replicate this bug. When I toggled on Chilling Embrace on my tank, it aggroed a nearby trusty Hellion test-subject, coated it in the chilly aura, made it move very slowly, and decreased its attack rate. Do you have any other powers, temporary effects, etc, which might interact with your Chilling Embrace in odd ways? Can you tell a bit more about the circumstances when you first noticed this? (Or, uh, just making sure - were you fighting warwolves or minions of igneous? Because some enemies just don't care about slows, they run around anyway. They're clearly hopped up on something.)
  20. These suggestions go along with what I've been wanting for sentinels, too. I especially like the idea of increasing the secondary debuff effects of attack powers to provide support to the team. Further back in the thread there was also discussion about being able to peel attackers off of more vulnerable team members (as well as the recurring request for higher damage numbers). How would it feel if a sentinel had, instead of Opportunity, a click-power (like Lazarillo suggested)? For this discussion, let's call it "Overwatch". Overwatch Click Duration: 30 seconds (or less?) Recharge: 2 minutes (or more?) Effect: +25% damage, +2 threat level You can use this while soling to get a damage boost, like a mini build-up, but more importantly you can use this in groups to rapidly out-threat a teammate who is getting in over their head. This would allow you to do a bit of ranged-tank alpha strike in teams without tankers or brutes? If we want to get really fancy with it, maybe it could also share the secondary effects of your primary power set with all nearby allies. Like, Dark Blast providing all allies with a to-hit debuff on their attacks? (Though, on consideration, sharing Energy Blast's secondary effect with the whole team would cause complete chaos. But, hey, that can be fun, too!)
  21. On a happy note, it seems like the Sentinel version of Genomic Evolution now correctly provides its range bonus while in Offensive Adaptation stance. BUUUUUT... Yeah, while in Efficient Adaptation stance, Sentinel's Genomic Evolution provides 0,05 max endurance. Not 5, or 5%. You gain 5 hundredth of an endurance. That's... that can't be right. Right? 🙂
  22. All those free prestige powers you can pick, like Origin Attack (taser dart, apprentice charm), or Sands of Mu, Athletic Sprint, Secondary Mutation, etc? You can renounce them, allowing you to pick another option for free instead. This is nice if you ended up not liking something you grabbed and want to try something else. <sings> There is no eeeend to the possibilities!
  23. There are so many great suggestions in this thread! One thing that I've been missing since forever, though, is an aura that looks like a Force Field or Kheldian bubble. ... I just to have a bubble, sometimes 🙂
  24. The veil-less Gunslinger bows are very cute! Thank you for making them available!
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