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Everything posted by Aeroprism

  1. My friend used to play a Dark/Time corruptor and he claimed it was the best thing since sliced bread. And then he quit playing. But that's probably not because of his corruptor.
  2. Took me a very, very long time to get there but, there we go. Sounds adjusted and replaced, thank you most kindly @Solarverse, @Oubliette_Red and @AboveTheChemist
  3. Never had any issues there. Granted I still dabble in the low/mid levels so, no raid stress or no complex TF pressure so far. But as far as normal teams go, a CoH leader only has to recruit and select a mission. You don't really lead anyone on a map. We just jump from spawn to spawn as a collective bunch. Everybody knows every map by now, an active leader is not required in normal game content.
  4. 100% QFT. I wish I had been there. This is the teaming I want and love in this game.
  5. Probably going to re-quote a lot of people here but here's my take: New story content. (New zones are NOT necessary to me, PLENTY to do with what's already there.) GM presence. (Game Master, not Giant Monster). A game like CoH is about immersion so this can take on two aspects: Controlling undesired behavior AKA: Game police (Names, attitude, trolling etc) Sporadic events (In Everquest, there were a bunch of people called the "Quest troupe" who would take control of NPCs and spawn random mini events.) Re-think the difficulty system. The best part of this game is the hectic action of a 8-man team. Well, it was, before everyone and their sister became gods. Give us challenge again Expand on your cell-shading video feature. It really makes the game 100 times better, make sure to polish it and fix all little issues, like contact portraits that are missing parts when you activate this system. I won`t join the crowd of "more powersets, more ATs". I will be very happy if that happens, but there's already plenty to choose from here. I would however love to see fixes for the glitches on what currently exists. When you jump into a group, activate a power and no animation plays, the time you spend wondering "did it go off or not", your chain is pretty much blerg. I really don't care if there is a monthly sub. This game is mostly for grown adults, I can afford it and if it helps recruit people to improve the game, go for it. And I'm in no hurry. I will be there to join the crowd when it happens, however long that may take.
  6. I'll be brutally honest: I'm your biggest fan. Your genius and your situational grasp of the market amazes me. Every time. I'm trying very hard to learn from you. Edit: when you give someone high praise, the least you can do is avoid typos. Also: English isn't my first languiage,
  7. You must seed a whole lot and be very patient to end up with low purchases like those. I never, ever got anything remotely close to that.
  8. You just need to assume your decision, be polite but firm, and leave. On one side, rude behavior is not acceptable, that much we all agree on, but then again, if a team is steamrolling stuff, you can't expect them to stop just because. It happened to me 2-3 weeks ago. Was trying a new Ice tank, she was somewhere in her low tens. I asked in LFG if anyone was doing anything, I was immediately picked up by a team of endgame steamrollers. I could not contribute to anything at all, heck, I'm not that skilled of a player so I struggled just to keep up with the group. And levels were coming in so fast, I was mortified, I was not at all learning how to play my character, I was being powerleveled and this was NOT desirable. So I just stopped, sent a group tell "Sorry, I was looking for a small group of people of my level to do radios or a TF, thanks for the invite, enjoy yourselves." I waited 5-10 seconds, the leader answered me in the lines of "No biggie, have fun". I left, never played her since 😛 (i have too many alts) So we were both at fault here. I was not specific enough in my request and they sent me a semi-blind invite without saying "PL group, want in?" It happens. Believe it or not, some people actually love small, casual mission groups and aren't looking to have their character PLed to 50 in two hours. Communication is the key.
  9. Thank you so much for this clear and complete answer! I gathered some of it on my own yesterday night when I activated the power and noticed the buff icon top-right so I right-clicked it and saw all the mezz ptotection and the other buffs. Very, very nice. And I was getting interested with trying an Ice/Ice dom. Seems I have a knack for sets that don't dominate well, unfortunately.
  10. So you guys say that elec doesn't play very well with domination. What DOES domination do anyway? How does it build up and recharge? As for KB issues, I thought about making her fly about. Hovering just above so KB becomes ghetto-KD. Thoughts?
  11. Thank you so much for your answers. I was questioning my powerset choice but not anymore: I'm looking forward to levelling this character. I actually rerolled him into her because I can't stand the male running animation, it looks like poor Phazeon has a Nemesis staff stuck up his pride. And I wrote her a really neat bio so she's all set and ready to roll.
  12. Just to make sure that my slightly irrational post was not misunderstood: I would never ask for everyone to get auto fighting pool. Heck, I almost never take it. I simply dream of more than one way to achieve crazy unstoppable characters. Balancing act. Almost impossible I know, there will always be "one best" option. Also: not having a crazy unstoppable character (AKA: the vast majority of my characters) is a perfectly acceptable way to play.
  13. Easy wish? A way to filter out costume pieces I don't like and never again want to see when I make a costume. Shameful secret: I hate making costumes, I'm REALLY bad at it. If I could cycle through the shoulders and belts and boots without seeing skulls and spikes and all the other things I will not ever use, it would make my life so much better. Easier wish? A way to filter out map types in radio/newspaper missions. Please. No more purple caves. ever. Easiest wish? Orange color for my ice powers. Is that so much to ask? I just fu**ing love orange. Extremely hard and will not ever happen wish? Adapt the combat system so there is more to life than "soft capping defense". Every build and its sister out there is about soft capping defense. When CoH came out, it was about six-slotting reds everywhere. Then ED came, which to me was a godsend. After that? The endurance situation and everyone had to fit swift/hurdle, health and they stamina in their build. Talk about a bore. "So what did you do at level 6? I made my character run SLIGHTLY FASTER. I feel heroic!" Then fitness became auto on everyone. Yay. But still, to this day, if you're looking at anything but soft-capping defense, you're doing it wrong. The system is a one trick poney. Mules everywhere, it feels like a donkey farm. Every time I look at a build, I'm depressed. I feel like the game forces all my character in the same direction. What if I want a character that doesn't care to be hit because he has resistances up to the wazoo? Or because he has a build that allows him to heal six times infinity every tick? Or a character that has skills that come so fast that you could say he's... perma-hasten? What? This exists already? You know. Examples. I suck at them. Or: I could play non-optimized characters and be happy with them. Just give me my goddarn orange ice already.
  14. That, right there, is pure awesome. If there was ever an ode to the game and to a truly loved character, there it is. And I'm not talking about the vet level 1000, that's just a number. I'm talking about the personal tracking of challenges and achievements. The reason why I'm alting like my life depends on it is because I'm still looking for THAT character. THE character that I will love so hard, I will do all that. I will push the limits of what I can do within the borders of the game and I will love every minute of it. No power-leveling, no farming, no double-exping, no sugar-coating (interpret that last one however you wish, I just want to make sure I have all my angles covered). i sincerely hope I will find that character. CoX is worth the search just the way it is.
  15. Put that way, I want to include it in my build now! 🙂
  16. Muling and proccing 🙂 I'm going to have to learn all this. I`m still partly the sort of player who innocently thinks a power can actually be used 😄 Ok so Will of the Controller is clear to me but what is this Energy Font you mention? What does it do? I don't really have a problem with "notify" powers, Illusion doesn`t sleep a only has one confuse which i don't plan to use. I agree that healing is the least desired form of mitigation. Damage you don't suffer doesn't have to be healed. Always something new to learn with this game!
  17. I am very grateful for all that knowledge! One thing is for sure: This looks like amazing fun but I won't have the stamina to slowly level a second Ill/* controller so I'm going to roll that and PL it to the early 30s with my farmer to try it. It looks like a build that's going to be easy to understand; I already have Dark Affinity on a level 30ish MM so I know the drill. VERY survivable. As for our friend Wrong Answer (My Ill/Traps controller): I think that Seeker Drones will be a good leveling tool, until PA comes up often enough to spec Drones out. I like caltrops, it keeps things semi-in place. The mortar is a good debuff, not relying on it for damage. The FF generator is just pure, epic love. Havent seen the poison trap yet. Trip mines looks like the major selling point of the set and i will agree, Time Bomb looks impractical. Unless maybe with someone who can recall foe? Just a thought. I also tend to agree with @Riverdusk, Triage Beacon is underwhelming, I can't ever really say it ever saved me from any doom. (And at level 19, I face-planted quite a few times.) I guess it could be kept for a Heal Set it that's pertinent. Which brings me to my next question: I don't see many Ill/ builds with Controller ATOs slotted in. Are they not good?
  18. That's sad to hear. Time bomb looks so awesome on paper. Though I guess 15 seconds of waiting can be a very long time in a game where everything moves really fast.
  19. Topic necro, just because. My controller has been leveling slowly but surely (too many alts, I'm sure no one else has this issue). I made him Ill/Traps but I will probably try Ill/Dark in the future because to be fair, Illusion control is just bananas. I wanted to know: what trap powers are considered skippable? Because from where I'm looking, I think they're ALL good. Also: does Assault boost PA/Pet damage? Thanks guys!
  20. You know what... I just might have. I've been leveling my Ill/Traps controller Redside and he just hit 18 with Phantom Army. This induced all sorts of giggles on my part. It's the first time in many, many alts I don't want double XP (that and, let's face it, the writing is SO much more fun redside) So maybe. We'll see.
  21. You know what the funny part is? Beside my farmer, I only have one level 50 and the reason he is level 50 is because I thought I could farm with a Tank (You can, but it's slow). All that Inf spread over all my alts, always thinking "I need more so I can afford all those super cool builds." The builds. On the characters I don't have. Yeah. I think I just love the market game 😉
  22. I sell rare salvage ALL THE TIME and it never sells over 500K. Never. Yet you show us this. I sell common and uncommon salvage EVEN MORE ALL THE TIME and I never get more than pocket change, yet the other day in another topic you showed how someone paid you three point five Bezos for something trivial like Iron. I think you're blessed. Or cursed. Or really really lucky. Either way, I have no particular questions. My marketing strategy is already well implemented. Not as fast as yours but certainly as efficient and, as you once said in another topic: placement, patience, volume. You have knack for finding new strategies. I suck at it, abysmally. I would not spot a niche/opportunity if it hit me in the face. What I'm really good at is take existing strategies and improve them. (I did internal ISO audits for years as a living so, improving systems is pretty much a thing I enjoy).
  23. Aeroprism

    Ebil Oops

    Unfortunately 😞 Sorry buddy... (Mine are SUPER cheap if you need more 😉 )
  24. I also use Mocking Beratement and I agree 100% with this. The maturity of this game means that most viable builds have been tested and proved so new players will just copy/paste and natural exploration of other builds get lost in the process.
  25. Aeroprism

    Ebil Oops

    I have a few for sale, I'll check tonight if those were mine and if they were, I'll compensate no worries.
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