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Everything posted by FrauleinMental

  1. A heist movie in the real world, a la "Leverage" or "Now You See Me", perhaps coupled with in-game action around shutdown and rebirth in the spirit of Dead Gentlemen's "Gamers" series. (My main's bio is strongly tied to the shutdown/rebirth, and it's as much a part of the meta for me as anything else in the game.)
  2. Just make Recluse spam the Bane Spider Executioner summons like he does outside the TF.
  3. My guess is that it's something like the Halloween costume temp powers (from ToTing), except not temporary. A cool twist might be a power that linked to the winning costume but otherwise worked like the ToT powers, effectively freeing up a costume slot.
  4. Thanks!
  5. @Fraulein Mental, now playing on Indomitable.
  6. I've definitely noticed a change in the market on Indomitable since quarantine began. I was selling Catalysts reliably for 3M each, now I'm seeing them around 2.1-2.2M. I was selling Boosters reliably for 1.5M each, now I'm seeing them around 1.1-1.2M. I have some sitting in the market, just because I'd already posted them, I don't need them immediately, and I'm trying to wait out the market a bit. I can still sell ATOs for 7.5M, but it tends to take more Converters to get them into favorable forms and even the Brute ATOs are under 10M.
  7. Updated count. Power set: Mind/Kin. You can post my global: @Fraulein Mental
  8. I didn't say everyone ran DFB: Even "taking it slow" isn't that slow for single-digit levels. The last time it took me more than three hours to hit level 10 on a new character, it was because I had to Sprint across The Hollows for solo missions. You'd almost have to turn off XP to make level 5 SOs last meaningfully long, though I've occasionally heard rumors of people running "street level" characters locked in the level 10-20 range. Even then, it's a non-problem because the sub-10 content typically assumes you're running TOs (if anything), and 10-20 content typically assumes you're running DOs or a TO/DO mix.
  9. Never Have I Ever: Needed SOs before level 20. (I do recall my main on Live using a respec at level 37 just to sell everything and supplement the inf I had so I could afford to slot 40 SOs, but this was before IOs or Merits.) Seriously, level 5 SOs? Such a waste because those levels run so quickly even without DFB. The main reason people run DFB is to get to 15-20 (1) quickly and (2) without running the same low-level mission arcs on every alt. Now, I generally just slot whatever drops until level 22, when I slot 25 IOs to do me until 50.
  10. A bunch of these could probably even be made available on the P2W Vendor. Like a bunch of +RES to X powers (limit 1 to a character) that are grayed out until you buy one of the -RES to Y powers. It would also allow people to ignore the system completely if they don't want to deal with it, or even add it later if they have second thoughts.
  11. I imagine that would be the argument for skipping anything -19 for a while.
  12. As I recall, the original justification for Mind not having a pet was that with Confuse powers (both single target and area) we were going to make our own "pets" from the local mobs. That would be okay, if I got xp for stuff my "pets" killed (like other controllers get for their pet kills), or if my "pet summon" didn't require a to-hit roll (like other controllers can auto-summon pets), or at least if Confuse triggered Containment. But then we got Dominators, with a better inherent and more damage (ultimately, the name of the game is damage). And then we got Plant, with all the control and confuse of Mind plus pets. And then too many things became more mez-resistant, effectively cutting controller damage. Another problem is the mission design, with so many missions that are de-facto kill-all. Almost like a stalker, Mind is a scalpel in a game that encourages hammers. All that being said, I've mained a mind/kin controller since Issue 6, and nothing else holds my attention like it. Kin does round off some of the rough edges of Mind, though I respec'ed out of Repel and TK at the first opportunities and never looked back.
  13. 1155 badges.
  14. At least make the kid targetable, so I can beat him with the nerf bat when he gets out of line. He's not my kid, after all. 😛
  15. Mine showed up under Accolades, near the bottom of the list.
  16. I main a well-slotted incarnate mind/kin controller, and she can sometimes be tough to solo, especially against EBs and AVs (which neuter the AT inherent for controllers) and mez-resistant foes (which do that and also deny mind controllers their AT pet). On the other hand, my secondary is a well-slotted incarnate WP/SS tanker, and she rips through +4/x8. This game is as easy as you make it. You want a harder game? Play different AT/powersets, do different content. Or flashback to lower-level story arcs and/or increase challenges at the Pillar. There's a reason farmers tend toward particular builds and particular types of content. There's nothing wrong with that, but don't build a character that steamrolls content and then complain that it's too easy to steamroll content.
  17. I have one of these too, just as I was zoning to Peregrine Island. I can log in other characters, so it's just my main that's borked.
  18. First time I managed to get in on time. Wow, that didn't take long to close out, either!
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