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Everything posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. Your Phantasm is you, I see. Good work! Henchpet customization, here we come!
  2. People also don't like to upgrade the Lich and Oni for various reasons.
  3. The Candy Keeper, who has been available in the Ski Chalet since Sunrise, offers the following Badges for the cost of various quantities of Candy Canes (apparently available through AE missions and Booster Packs) and Inf: Cold Front Festive Frostbitten Gifted Longbow Reservist / Jet-Setter Joyful Miraculous Holiday Spirit / Scrooge
  4. Do you mean the Chris Jenkins billboard, Mari? https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/File:Chris_jenkins_ad.png
  5. I'm surprised this thread hasn't already devolved in to everyone saying: No; _I_ am Rathstar.
  6. Packrat is for Souvenirs, Rose. It sounds as though you're taking it as 100 Badges.
  7. Don't forget an Assault Set similar to the Wolf Spider stuff (Single Shot, Burst, Bayonet, Pummel) to pair with the Commando, and if possible a Blades Assault (combine Dual Blades with the Knife Throwing stuff from the likes of the Snakes) to pair with the Ganger.
  8. I apologize. I don't play Melee'ists to that point very often, or that recently. I recall all of them getting the Debt Protection mechanic added, but I did not realize they were all given the immortality clause too.
  9. Normal mission difficulty settings work. So if you set it to -1/x1, that's what you get. WITH the caveat that you still have an Archvillain as an Archvillain, and often capped at the highest level for the Task/Strike Force. So, say you did Positron 2 as a level 12, solo. You'd be facing appropriately sized mobs at the appropriate level, until you made it to Dr. Vahzilok. He'd be Level 15 regardless. But at least his guards would be your level. Mercifully, Positron 0 (the original flavour) is available in Ouroboros, and it doesn't have any Archvillains, just Cortex. I actually run it every few days/weeks. It's pretty good Merits for the amount of effort I have to invest. Travel time can be a pain in the butt, since the mission doors are quite random for the most part. Then again, Powers like the Mission Teleporter and Base Telepads help immensely.
  10. So, uh . . . I, um . . . I'm kind of embarrassed to say this, but since I didn't realize it for so long, maybe some other folks didn't either. There's a SEARCH function in the character select screen already, and you can toggle flags to search by Name, Archetype, and Powers. It's just above the little dots that allow you to instantly skip to the different pages in the character select screen.
  11. I'd be interested in participating as well, but discord is not an option. Was there some issue with doing this on the forums or even in-game? These both appear to be very solid and reliable means of communication.
  12. So, I've got a couple of characters on Everlasting who are here to provide services to those in need. On my @GraspingVileTerror account, I have Grim Isolator, a Level 10 Titan Weapon/Fiery Aura Brute parked in Outbreak. Yup. Level 10, in the Blueside Outbreak Tutorial Zone. And Grim Isolator is here to help you earn your Isolator Badge lickity-split! All them AoEs work wonders, especially against enemies con'ing 9 levels lower. On my @TemporalVileTerror account, I have Temporal Taxi, an Illusion Control/Time Manipulation Controller who has Recall Friend and Grant Invisibility. Do you have any Exploration Badges you want for a lowbie, or maybe a lazy high level character? Need to get to that damnable Mother of Mercy Hospital in First Ward for your Psychology education? Temporal Taxi is here to help! In either case, it's better to reach out to me on my main account: @VileTerror We can schedule a time and hopefully get you what you need with minimal wait time.
  13. I may be slightly confused about how Alignments work in this game, but I believe the original Hero Alignment still exists in the game as a Neutral Alignment (no icon in the Status Window). This alignment acts like the Hero Alignment for Zone Permissions, but the Praetorian Alignments for Badges. I would like to propose that this Alignment allow access to ALL Zones (Villain Zones, PVP, and Praetorian Zones), not just Hero. Now, of course, this is NOT an alignment which you are supposed to be able to achieve . . . so it's likely that my efforts to see this Alignment officially recognized may backfire and have access to this Alignment closed off as a bug. I feel that would be regrettable . . . but I understand if it's a can of worms that poses too many risks to the stability of the game.
  14. A Wild Tangent Appears! I like the look of that character in the corner of the shot there. Yours?
  15. Not a man, but thanks for the support of the idea, Emmy.
  16. Day Job Powers, Purchased Powers, Prestige Powers, and a few choice Temporary Powers. When I get around to it, there will also be Incarnate Powers. I have no Macros, except for on a single Peacebringer with squidy form.
  17. How many more trusted moderators would you and/or Jimmy propose the community needs before such a board would be deemed acceptably manageable?
  18. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/12425-announcing-the-november-costume-contest-groups-nov-23rd/
  19. I totally thought this WAS the Suggestions board . . . derp. Reporting my own Thread to the GMs now to get that fixed.
  20. I dunno. I think the new "endgame" for the City invalidates a LOT of gameplay which isn't just DPS with an IO Build which caps Defenses and squeezes as much Recharge and Resistance out. I feel it's hardly a unique problem that high level content isn't adequately balanced, particularly around non-DPS Archetypes. Control suffers pretty heavily along with Masterminds.
  21. Some do, some don't, ericzero. But to the original suggestion: Yes, it's "annoying" to have to resummon your Henchpets in combat, and then Upgrade them . . . but it's part of the gameplay for Masterminds. Your Henchpets aren't /just/ your Pets; they're a Mastermind's core mechanic. They're essentially a click Resistance Power which a limited number of Hit Points, thanks to Bodyguard mode, on top of being your Damage, Control, and Debuff Powers (and even Buff Powers with the likes of Demons and Robots). Making them immortal or granting them Absorb when they respawn is essentially giving the Mastermind a get-out-of-risk-for-very-cheap card every 25 to 50 seconds, depending on how much Recharge you've decided to Slot for (before even getting in to the IO Set Bonuses). Some Secondary Sets are better at keeping your Henchpets alive than others, and some are better at front-loading that survival the moment the Henches are spawned in. I generally don't like the sentiment of "get good," and I think a game's design should facilitate a level of accessibility, but I genuinely feel that Masterminds have a pretty solid playstyle baked in. The biggest thing is: You have the power to command your Henchpets. This is monumental, and while the UI and AI can make it a rather daunting task to get the Henches to do what you want them to, I personally find it immensely rewarding to have this form of gameplay available in City. If AoEs are nuking your Henches, remember that position for Masterminds is like location for realtors. So, instead of the Absorb buffer, I would like to propose improved UI/UX for Masterminds! Let's help elevate the players who might find it difficult to wrangle their Henches by improving the controls and response on Henchpets.
  22. I kind of want to see "The Knockback Police" now. When you use too much Knockback, they come busting in to your mission, slap cuffs on you, and read you your rights. Something like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRxwBb7ev1Y&t=54s
  23. Many thanks! Stiff competition on this one. I foresee some are /very/ deserving of the win.
  24. I understand that I'm probably well outside of the norm (in a lot of ways), and that most players don't use anywhere near as many Powers as I do, but . . . I've filled up all 9 Power Trays. May I have some more, please? And, yes. I use all those Powers. Thanks. And, no. Keybinds aren't a great solution, since I want to have the countdown timers visible on the Powers' icons while they're recharging.
  25. Uh, I think you mean @Number Six there, Fasttrack2. "Make it so, Number Six!"
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