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Everything posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. Tell ya what. Someone convince the Homecoming Team to add some additional "briefs" options (or just straight up a thong) to the male and huge models, and I'll dust off my copy of the old fem thong mod to share.
  2. Take a look at the AoE Hold in the new Radiation Manipulation Set. It has the old values for AoE Holds. I mained Controllers back in Issue 0. I am 110% in support of getting the Recharge and Duration of AoE Holds back toward their original Issue 0 values. Here's an alternative compromise . . . give Controllers the option between two mutually exclusive Inherents! Containment as-is for damage output. Confinement to increase Duration of all Controls, and reduce the Cooldown on any non-damaging Control Powers.
  3. Web Grenade is absolutely . . . what's the kid the words use these days? "Baller?" -Fly and Slow should not be scoffed at. Sure, ol' Webby's pretty heavy on the Endurance cost, but that can be compensated for without too much agony. Gotta have another Power you could use for your example, no?
  4. I imagine you'll find that most people will have shaky hands while sanding their own loins with powertools.
  5. That's a bug that hits on the Live servers too. Make sure that you are fully trained, and that you are in a public zone.
  6. I don't like to double-post or to "bump," but this bug is continuously interfering with my enjoyment of the game. I'm curious just how complex of an issue it could be preventing this from having a quick fix. Do any codedivers out there have the opportunity to run a local server of the game, then compare the character files of prior to hitting the button, and after hitting the button?
  7. It's a bug which I believe has persisted since Live. It's an odd one, and I wonder what's happening under the hood to cause it.
  8. Toggles come in a variety of flavours. Some Toggles can be dropped, some can be suppressed, and others just keep on keeping on.
  9. Heck, if it's possible, why not a scaling Interrupt/Cast Time which gets shorter with more allies within range.
  10. I don't think the game's existing code could handle something like that, Darkne. However! They could add Powers which are mutually exclusive Toggles, and clicking the Toggle will set the character as operating under a certain "Day Job" with all associated Powers that would grant. It's a bit of work, but not as severe as trying to create a new internal system for matching Powers to a selected Badge.
  11. And really, in most cases (go away Force Fields, no one is ever talking about you in this context), making constant use of your Mastermind Secondary Powers will probably yield far better results than adding one more "voice" to the cacophony of attacks your Henchpets are already pumping out. The Prestige Attacks are good enough filler for a Mastermind if someone is really -that- bored that they feel compelled to attack personally.
  12. All additional lore at this point is unofficial lore. Heck, considering how many hands have been on the writing in this game, I even consider some existing content "unofficial" already with how contradictory it is. Exploration Badges are a nice, low bar. However, they're also pretty much all done already. The Homecoming Team already said that they want 8 Badges and 1 Accolade for Exploration per Zone, and we're pretty much already there. Plaques, on the other hand . . . let's have at it! I like that idea. Maybe even add some Merit rewards for History Accolades like the Exploration Accolades. You also make an excellent point about grinding. As it stands, the raw number badges are just . . . daft. Especially with stuff like how the Inf Badges were increased to such absurd levels. I really think a solution for that needs to be put in place: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/9967-born-in-battle-500k-damage-badge-plz/?tab=comments#comment-90184 Content like that should not essentially require the player to be max level before any meaningful progress can be made. It should be spaced appropriately for an entire "career" of a character. If they can be achieved without AFKing, then that's the appropriate threshold necessary.
  13. I will stress that I've admitted to not having done any -recent- intensive research. If anyone has official documentation from the Homecoming Team, that would be the best evidence.
  14. I personally think the best solution to this problem is to put it in the hands of the player community. Rather than have the Homecoming Team or OuroDevs program a whole new game system to procedurally generate an Archrival for your character, make it an opt-in system where you create an Archrival for a different player, who is then randomly assigned to that player who also opted-in. To make sure there's a good supply, players should be able to craft and publish up to 5 Archrivals per account, like AE Arcs. These Archrivals could also have a list of in-game enemy factions that they would be likely to work with, so missions could be populated with some lackeys. Yeah, we'll probably see quite a few lame creations. In response to that, I say give players the option to permanently defeat an Archrival they find more annoying than engaging. That Archrival is cycled out, and a new one rises up. However, if the player rates their assigned Archrival as a great creation, then it can stick around as a constant thorn in their side. And if a particular Archrival gets enough positive feedback from other players, then maybe that creator-player could be rewarded with another slot to unlock. Providing such Archrivals with consistent and appropriate dialogue should probably be left to prewritten "bundles" which the original creator can choose from. Such as "moody killer," or "boastful megalomaniac," or "proud hero." Sure, the dialogue will get predictable over time, but it's probably safer than leaving it to be written by the player-creator. You'd get some serious "phone it in" dialogue for probably half or more of the Archrivals in that case, if player-character backstories are anything to judge by. Similarly to above; players with proven positive ratings could potentially be offered the chance to write additional dialogue for submitted approval. This also provides players with a meaningful way to engage with the game world, rather than just the whole "theme park" thing that a lot of people have been talking about lately. There's some potential satisfaction in knowing that a hero or villain you created has brought enjoyment to another player's gaming experience.
  15. I am actually, unironically in full support of a playable civilian Archetype. Slap whatever warning labels you need on it to avoid it being a "newb trap," but the roleplay potential it offers is quite significant. More tools and more options for player-defined gaming experiences are what I consider the pinnacle of what the City has to offer.
  16. Potentially not safe for some viewers due to strong language and mocking opinions, but here's a little comedy skit about exactly this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qci9OoX3cSE
  17. They added three new Badges with the recently Rogue and Vigilante Story Arcs. So, I suspect they're not done yet. But it's a volunteer team which is very cautious in their recruitment activity, so I imagine it will be a slow process overall.
  18. I just want to consistently use my Envenomed Daggers and Shivan on Sylvia . . . everything else in the Blockbuster is simple enough that I don't /need/ my Temp/Prestige Powers to complete it. But sometimes a team just gets softlocked at Sylvia because of her infernal Regen.
  19. I mention the chat logs as language can be a tricky monster sometimes, with plenty of unintended consequences from things like subtext. While I'm not a licensed psychologist, I did have to study a great deal of psychology as part of my past career in the games industry. The way we communicate can prime our audiences to be more or less receptive in a given scenario. The precise messages you had sent, starting with recruiting for the team, may provide contextual clues to how the team reached that particular moment. And you mentioned that this is something you've observed on more than one occasion, right? Patterns and trends are important to analyze for reaching conclusions that can lead to applicable solutions.
  20. According to my document from a data dive from just a couple months ago, there was not any badge by that particular name. All Badges with "Gift" in the name are as follows (according to my document): Gifted Gift Which Keeps Giving Gift Getter Gifted Speaker So, unless the Homecoming Team added one by that name with the last couple of patches . . . no, I don't think there is a "Gift Giver" Badge.
  21. Do you have a copy of your chat logs for how you initially brought this up to your team, and for how you communicated with them prior to that moment? Could be rather informative and helpful for giving an accurate answer.
  22. Speaking of that rendition of Hannibal, my spouse absolutely adores him for exactly those reasons! She thinks he's the greatest representation of that character, and she giggles with glee at the mention of how ridiculously petty he is. . . . is this more telling of who she is as a person, or of me, since she married me?
  23. I also notice that Temp Powers and Prestige Powers are inconsistently (un)available in the Summer Blockbuster. Often even in the same run they'll toggle between the two states.
  24. Same with every command. /bind KEY info Where "KEY" is whatever button you want to bind the command to. You can also /macro it if you want to add more buttons to your Power Trays.
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