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Everything posted by macskull

  1. In the I12 beta (the one that introduced widows and spiders) Indomitable Will was bugged and gave you a massive heal over time (or was it regeneration) boost to the point where you could toggle on that one power and then go fight +4/+5 enemies completely unslotted and survive.
  2. Well, I mean technically you can get Hasten to stack with itself (just like every other "does not stack from same caster" buff) if you zone while it's active but it'll only give you a few seconds of extra recharge at best. EDIT: Back to the topic at hand though. Nerf nerfherding threads, they're rarely constructive and almost always end up exploding and getting locked and/or nuked from orbit.
  3. This is one change that would break a lot of things and as such I don't see Hasten nerfs happening anytime soon. You can't stack Hasten with itself so it's not like it ends up in this infinite loop of +recharge.
  4. How exactly are player-to-player transactions open to exploit?
  5. One of my biggest complaints about the current forum software is that I can't use my "php script disguised as a jpeg that loads a different avatar whenever the page is refreshed" avatar.
  6. I was the same way for the longest time but my god do those extra buttons make things nice, especially when combined with the powexeclocation command. Being able to press two buttons and rapid-fire, say, Sleet and Rain of Fire directly onto a group of enemies is awesome. EDIT: Also, I have the Logitech G600. Less than $30 most places and has a bunch of extra buttons and some pretty awesome software.
  7. I did at least partially reference a post I wasn't quoting, but the majority of my response was in regards to the quoted post. All that aside, there is a not-insignificant difference between charging in-game currency for in-game services and charging actual money for those same services. If I'm understanding you right (and I think I am) you're saying there is really no difference between those two because: Time is money and therefore Being paid in in-game currency for your time is therefore equivalent to being paid in actual money for your time. I don't think any reasonable person is treating their time playing this game like a job so I don't buy the "time is money" argument here. They're playing the game in their free time and if what they're doing is providing a service for other people and making a little extra something in-game, there should be no problem there.
  8. I'm confused. You're stating that you think charging for powerleveling is exchanging an in-game item (XP) for real-world currency (time) and that that's barely removed from charging actual money... so by that same logic, isn't simply being powerleveled by someone else (even if you're not paying) also exchanging that same in-game item for real-world currency? That's more than a little absurd. There's no functional difference between being powerleveled for free and paying in-game currency to be powerleveled. I understand the crux of your argument here is "yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man," - of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion and no one's going to argue that but if you're of the opinion that, say, the sky is actually salmon-colored, people are entitled to think your opinion is bunk.
  9. 100% should. I'm seeing people slotting with 5 procs and a 50+5 acc/rech purple. Wouldn't slot the Force Feedback proc in there since it would only have a chance to fire on you on casting the power and after that pet powers are unaffected by recharge.
  10. I ended up buying about 200 when all was said and done. I opened up the first 60 shortly after I bought them and I'm probably going to make way more off selling things individually than I'd make by just re-listing the packs.
  11. It depends what you're doing but as a general rule, Stalkers lack the AoE and Scrappers lack the survivability (lower HP and resistance compared to Brutes and Tankers). Brutes are usually the cheapest to build and easiest to play so they're the most popular.
  12. Trust me, most of us don't like any of that either.
  13. The issue here is that you're trying to compare apples and oranges - while the Regeneration powerset might be named "Regeneration," that's not its only schtick. The Sentinel version also gets a heal that's on 2/3 of the cooldown of the one in Elec, an absorb toggle that's pretty damn good, another heal/+maxhp power, and one of the best T9's in the game.
  14. The superior versions seem to move a lot slower.
  15. Not a bug, that's diminishing returns.
  16. I'm a bit confused by what the problem is here: if you're talking about the enhancements themselves, then slotting heal enhancements (TO/DO/SO/IO/whatever) affects regeneration or absorb of the power that is being enhanced (e.g. slotting a heal SO into Instant Healing boosts its regeneration value, slotting a heal SO into an absorb power boosts its absorb value, etc.). If you're talking about IO set bonuses then that's a little different - healing bonuses don't boost regeneration and vice versa because those are handled differently by the game engine. There are no set bonuses that boost absorb either (IMO heal bonuses should also boost absorb).
  17. It's Kismet that gives 6% tohit, Karma is the set with the KB protection IO.
  18. It was a couple patches back. Happened after someone pointed out regular and superior winter sets were bucketed and a dev noticed - apparently they weren't supposed to be bucketed.
  19. I forgot to take a screenshot unfortunately but we finished the 3rd redside respec trial in 7:30 a couple nights back. Didn't realize that was the record or I would've saved it 😞
  20. What you are seeing in your buff bar is the damage buff from Defiance for each of those powers as you use them.
  21. Unfortunately base raids with the existing (post-I13) PvP system would probably end up being a crapshoot at best. I think Thunderspy's server is working on adding them back into the game but they haven't taken any steps to address some of the powers issues that would make it even worse.
  22. Multi-aspect IOs will work but Hamis will not.
  23. If the alpha didn't boost it the Hami-O won't either.
  24. Here is a good thread to look at for a starting point. Generally on a Blaster you're looking for building as close to HP cap (1847) as you can, getting plenty of range bonuses in, and making sure your heavy-hitting attacks have multiple damage procs slotted. Energy Blast isn't optimal but it can work.
  25. If I'm taking the fighting pool on a PvE build the end goal is Weave (it's like 8% defense on a Widow when slotted) and Tough is just something nice along the way. The poster I was replying to was trying to say that OP should take the medicine pool for the ally rez which is just plain goofy. Re: the leadership pool discussion, I'm mostly with you on it. I don't think I'd really take pool Maneuvers and would only really use it to get double Assault.
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