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Everything posted by macskull

  1. Back Alley Brawler is still a trainer in AP, isn't he...? EDIT: I am the dumb, nevermind. I misread the OP, or something like that.
  2. There's a balance between teaming and soloing and the same powers won't perform the same way in both environments. DoT powers are fine when solo or on small teams because odds are good you'll get most of the damage out of them, but on larger teams most things just die before most of the DoT can take effect because of all the AoE flying around. I appreciate the attempts to bring up DM's AoE, but I don't think this is the right way to do it. If you keep the damage calculations mostly the same way they are now and increase the radius or target cap, you'll have a more useful power that contributes more meaningfully to AoE output. EDIT: Also while I have your attention (I assume) please please please please fix Phase Shift suppressing while mezzed in PvP. It's incredibly frustrating to the point where people are changing builds around to take Hibernate because of a bugged power.
  3. That may be an improvement but generally speaking DoT powers are less useful than their numbers might show, especially on teams. It's nice if you can land Dark Equilibrium but if the mobs are dead before half the damage has landed then it's only doing half the damage is should be. Again, if the intention is that the power rival other mini-nukes, the damage should be consistent and delivered up front. If there's some DoT in there, great, but that shouldn't be where the majority of the damage is coming from. It seems like you're balancing this around edge cases of Scrappers near damage cap, or Brutes with tons of Fury and outside buffs and... I don't think that's a super-common scenario to be balancing around. Yes, the original version of this changed power could do lots of damage but that was only under very specific and uncommon circumstances. And if it can clear minions on an SO build... so what? On an SO build you're looking at 45 second recharge outside of Hasten/other buffs and even then you're probably giving up acc or damage slotting to get there. It is still far worse than other 45-second PBAoEs even on SOs. EDIT: I feel like when you start messing with the power that much you're removing it too much from its original form to the point where it's not even the same power anymore aside from the fact that it's doing +end (and only sometimes).
  4. The problem with this point of view is that if you're using Dark Equilibrium to refill your endurance, it's not going to do nearly as much damage as the numbers upthread have shown, and those are showing that even at best case when you're near 100% endurance (so it is effectively just a PBAoE attack at that point since you're getting little to no benefit from the +end) it's mediocre compared to more spammable PBAoE attacks from other sets. I don't think anyone here is having an emotional response, I'm just trying to point out that the power is basically being sold as and balanced around being a mini-nuke when today's changes have made it more of an okay PBAoE even in the best of cases. You don't skip Lightning Rod or Shield Charge or Savage Leap, but in its current form I'm betting a lot of builds will skip Dark Equilibrium.
  5. While I would normally agree with you, the rub here is how it's been presented in the OP (emphasis mine): That, and the justification for removing the ability to crit because the other mini-nuke powers don't crit, leaves DE in a weird spot. It's now basically an okay AoE power with a recharge time that's far too long and in reality has no similarity to the other mini-nuked powers except its recharge time. It's got a smaller radius, it's got a smaller target cap, and the extra damage within a 3ft radius was removed, and it does appreciably less damage than the other mini-nukes. While it may be true that the original version was overtuned, this latest patch has swung too far in the other direction and is trying to change too many things at once.
  6. The +special was 32.5% with Defender numbers, about 1/3 of what Power Boost normally does for Defenders. To be honest, +special has extremely limited utility in PvE and can be kind of overtuned in PvP so without the extra +special it's easier to balance. It's just that now there's nothing going for that power except a small damage boost.
  7. Since the justification for adjusting the Dark Equilibrium’s damage calculation and removing crits was its comparison to other mini nuke powers, can its radius and target cap be increased to match those?
  8. Two points: Now that Empowering Circuit doesn’t grant +special (I am very much okay with this) the only thing it does is boost damage. I feel like there should be some secondary effect especially given its short duration, whether that be a tohit buff or a recovery/regen buff. Call me old-fashioned but I don’t think a pet that’s targetable and affectable should have duration associated with it. Galvanic Sentinel is going to be one of those powers that is a pain to use because of how often it needs to be resummoned. This might be a good time to revisit all pet summons that behave like this (Dark Servant and patron pool pets come to mind).
  9. I don't know the exact design formula changes for making the jump from normal to epic/patron power, but there are plenty of inconsistencies even between similar powers (some holds have 16s base recharge, some have 32s, and so on). Soul Drain is just the most egregious one.
  10. A lot of the hero epic pools were not properly balanced for being epic pool powers, compared to their patron pool counterparts. For another totally asinine example of this, check out Defender/Corruptor Dark Mastery and Soul Mastery - they both get Soul Drain with identical buff values but the Soul Mastery version has twice the base recharge.
  11. Those are both pseudopets though (both of which are the same for every AT so no AT can actually leverage them as much as they should be able to) so it’s not really fair to compare them like that. To the damage buff thing, I think the “portion is enhanceable and a portion scales” seems like a reasonable mechanic.
  12. That’s fair. I knew about the ET one (but their crit removes the self damage so it at least does something) and there’s a power in KM that recharges Build Up when it crits. I would be okay with a reduced-scale crit on Dark Consumption a la Total Focus. Depending on how the damage DR’s the proposed changes will absolutely make this power objectively worse on Brutes than either Tankers or Scrappers.
  13. I think having a diminishing returns curve on damage buffs for Dark Consumption sets a dangerous precedent. There’s probably not going to be an intuitive way to see how damage buffs affect it outside of actually testing it and I’ll bet a billion inf it won’t be adequately documented in-game. I don’t really agree with removing the critical aspect of it either especially considering how long the recharge is. If the amount of damage this power can potentially put out is such a big deal, reduce the base damage or don’t have it scale with endurance. The “damage scales with endurance” schtick is cool and all but if you need to impose artificial limits on the power to keep it from being too good, the simplest solution is just to lower its damage rather than try and implement diminishing returns and make it not crit. Are there any other Scrapper non-epic attacks that either don’t crit or otherwise have some special feature associated with them? I can’t think of any off the top of my head.
  14. Nothing's wrong with Recall Friend. I'm assuming the "bug" you're seeing is happening in Atlas Park and in that case it's not a bug, it's a feature. Sometime before shutdown Atlas Park was refreshed and now has parts of the zone where each character experiences their own "version" of that area and can't affect or be affected by other players, mostly to prevent dozens of players from fighting over the same mobs after Galaxy City got removed as one of the starter zones.
  15. Does the +special from one boost the +special of the other? Given the recent nerf to +special boosting -special, I'd say that interaction is definitely a bug. On the topic at hand, I don't care at all about Farsight benefiting from PB but Fade benefiting from it is obviously a bug and I'm surprised it's gone this long without getting fixed.
  16. DC's base recharge is just too long to be this insane outlier like everyone's thinking it's going to be.
  17. Literally none of those sets play anything alike, I have no idea what you are smoking but I want some.
  18. Well it's a good thing that Dark Melee's not exactly hurting in the single-target damage department then, isn't it? These changes are simply making it also competitive in the AoE department. I could make the same argument and assume you're playing the same game I am, in which case I have no idea how you're moving so slowly that clearing a spawn takes 30 seconds, but I'm not going to and I'm going to point you to the fact that game's balanced around SOs which means absent any other buffs this power will be available every 45 seconds tops. I don't see how adding some AoE damage to a set that's sorely lacking it is a problem, but okay. Let's look at it this way: Single-target-heavy sets are useful in encounters against single hard targets with lots of HP (basically, AVs and EBs, maybe multiple bosses) which, let's be honest, are not the majority of encounters. AoE-heavy sets are useful in encounters against pretty much everything else, where there are lots of targets, which is the majority of encounters but they can struggle against harder single targets. Sets that have good AoE and single-target damage might not perform as well as either of the above sets in their applicable scenarios (which isn't even the case, since they'll perform just fine) but they're going to be pretty much universally useful. There's no reason most or all sets can't fit in this category.
  19. Also, if you're interested in speed, you can drop and regain any of the missions to try and get a closer mission door since there are only 4 or 5 total options in Port Oakes. Usually I shoot for the sub in the southern part of the map because you can get the first 4 or 5 missions at the same door. With some luck you can knock out the entire accolade in less time than it takes to finish a single TFC task force.
  20. I mean, you're talking a recharge of 14 seconds (soon to be 11) for Shadow Maul versus 90 seconds for Dark Consumption. Yes, DC is going to be extremely good when you aren't using it for the end boost, but pretending it's enough AoE on its own with a recharge time that long is laughable.
  21. Granite's movement and recharge penalties are flagged as unresisted so slow resistance will have no effect on them. You need to counteract them directly with movement/recharge buffs.
  22. The issue there is that every current end mod set except Energy Manipulator (and now Preemptive Optimization) has an acc component somewhere in the set so they'd have to get recategorized and you'd have to go through every power and make sure to update it with the correct category. EDIT: I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't think it's actually a big deal that people could get a huge movement bonus with the cost of a single extra slot in an inherent power, but I think it's a little weird that when someone suggested being able to slot universal travel sets in Sprint and the prestige sprints everyone lost their minds and started yelling about power creep.
  23. The animation on Sonic Siphon could stand to be reduced as well, it's way too long for a single-target debuff.
  24. ...Its animation time is now shorter than it was before.
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