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Everything posted by macskull

  1. Sure, but look at it this way - that cost is going to be there whether you craft the recipe now or in six months. The assertion that being able to store recipes would prevent them from getting to market is bullhockey because those recipes are going to get crafted eventually anyways. I think it's far more likely that there's no recipe storage because at the time supergroup bases and item storage were added to the game recipes didn't exist. Salvage racks were for storing base salvage to craft base items, inspiration collectors were for inspirations, and enhancement tables were for TOs/DOs/SOs/Hami-Os/whatever-Os. I like having a bunch of base storage for items because I can fill it up when I'm not building new characters, so when it's time to build something I either have most of the enhancements I need for the build, or I have a bunch of other enhancements I can convert into what I need. For the record, I don't necessarily think recipe storage in SG bases is a necessity (though it would be nice), but the reasons people are giving for why it shouldn't exist don't make sense.
  2. There is zero functional difference between stuffing a bunch of recipes into storage in an SG base and stuffing a bunch of crafted enhancements into storage in an SG base. Vendor trash is still vendor trash, it’s just that instead of crafting and storing things now, I’m storing things now and crafting them later.
  3. My votes are firmly in there for Synapse and Citadel because even if you do them relatively quickly they’re not worth the merits for the time spent. Dr. Q at least is 122 merits for around an hour.
  4. I don’t know if you’re referring to the procs specifically slotted in that power don’t benefit from the -res on the same cast (which is true) or that damage procs in general don’t benefit from -res. Damage procs are resisted which means resistance buffs or debuffs affect the amount of damage the proc actually deals.
  5. Normal version of Assassin's Mark is a 4% chance on each attack, superior is 5% chance. Let's say I pop Build Up initially - there's a 90% chance at most for the BU proc to fire, a 5% chance for the next attack to trigger Assassin's Mark, and another 90% chance to trigger the BU proc a second time. On any given time I pop Build Up, there's about a 4% chance for the sequence I described to happen (double-stacked Build Up and double-stacked BU proc) and due to animation times you might get one second or so of the BU proc being double-stacked where you'd actually be able to do anything with it. I've got a few Stalkers and it's awesome when it happens but if it's that rare on a Stalker imagine how rare it is on anything else. Honestly, just double-stacked Build Up on its own is amazing. The Assassin's Mark proc has no right to be as insane as it is but I love it!
  6. Achilles Heel does not stack with itself even from multiple sources, it just refreshes the duration. Each -res proc will stack with the others though. All "chance for build up" procs grant the caster the power [Boost Up] and it does stack though the odds of that happening are extremely slim. The proc is checked on activation of the power it's slotted in but won't actually take effect until the activation time has finished so the attack during which the proc fired won't benefit from the buff. Generally speaking attacks with lower base damage will benefit more from slotting procs versus damage enhancements directly but in order to figure out what is the better option you've got to compare the damage added from enhancements with the average damage added by the proc (since it won't fire every time, you need to multiply the proc's damage by the chance it has to fire in a given power). If I had a power that dealt 100 damage base, an even-level damage SO would raise that by 33% for a final value of 133. Meanwhile, if I had a damage proc that did 72 damage with a 25% chance to fire (making up numbers here) you'd raise your damage by, on average, (0.25*72=18) for a final value of 118. The PPM thread in the guides section of the forum has the equations you'll need to calculate proc chances but normally procs perform better in single-target powers than they do in AoEs or auras/patch/toggles. Don't rely on Mids to tell you the average damage added by procs because Mids incorrectly calculates proc chances using global recharge instead of slotted recharge (the only thing that will affect proc chance is slotted recharge and recharge from Alpha abilities). There's no right answer here because it really depends on your powersets, AT, the power the proc is being slotted in, how the power in question is being enhanced, etc.
  7. The proc is only supposed to apply to the pet, not to you. The game engine has no way of checking a proc on you when your pet uses a power.
  8. Not sure if it’s working as intended or not since most procs aren’t affected by external sources but the +HP portion of the Panacea proc is being affected by heal buffs and debuffs (set bonuses, Incandescence, etc.). Pretty sure all the other heal procs are a fixed percent of HP and aren’t affected by buffs.
  9. That's not how it's supposed to work, no. In PvE if you get mezzed offensive toggles drop and non-offensive toggles suppress until the mez wears off. In PvP offensive toggles behave the same way but non-offensive toggles are unaffected and continue to work normally even while mezzed. Looking at City of Data, Phase Shift doesn't have separate PvE and PvP attributes so the "Cancel on Held, Stunned, Sleep" flag is still applying to the intangibility portion even though it should have a separate PvP attribute that doesn't have that flag. The issue stems from times when, say, you see a power in your buff bar and hit phase, but before/during the activation period another power does a hit check against you. If any power does a hit check on you before phase actually activates you'll still take damage from those powers (which is expected) but if any of those powers mez you then Phase Shift basically acts like it's not even on during the duration of that mez which means there's a few seconds of time where people can continue to throw attacks at you and more likely than not you end up dying. EDIT: Here's a link to the CoD page so you can see what I'm talking about.
  10. If you activate Phase Shift after a mez appears in your buff bar but before that power actually takes effect on your character, the intangibility portion of Phase Shift suppresses until the mez effect expires. This is probably working as intended in PvE because all toggles that don't drop get suppressed when mezzed, but in PvP toggles aren't supposed to suppress.
  11. Yep, between the merits from just doing task forces and the marketeering I can do with the resultant converters I have absolutely no shortage of inf.
  12. Nope, that's what I'm seeing from the live status on the Discord.
  13. I left out the part of the post where you listed people who'd recently registered for forum accounts because while sure, someone registering a forum account is a prerequisite to them also registering a game account, you have no way of knowing how many of those new accounts are just alts of current players, and the population of these forums is a very small subset of the playerbase as a whole. As of my typing this post there are 2077 players ingame and 79 active forum accounts logged in - that's less than 4%. Fact is, most people aren't looking on the forums at all, ever, let alone new players who are trying to figure things out. If a new player is coming to the forums and asking for help they're already more interested than the vast majority of players. Besides, it seems like most of these "how to get started" threads are asking for ways to make inf and the answers that are given aren't wrong. Farm, get converters, play the market... people are asking the question and they're getting the answer.
  14. If you're not using the IO system, inf is essentially meaningless once you reach level 50 and the only thing that really matters is being able to afford new enhancements every 5 levels as you go. In that regard, yes, perhaps inf gain below level 50 needs to be looked at to ensure players aren't struggling to keep their enhancements current. Regardless, it doesn't matter how anyone argues whether the game should be balanced around IOs or SOs or hami-Os or no-Os because both during the game's live run and here on Homecoming the developers have repeatedly stated the game isn't balanced around IOs. Counterpoint: Homecoming has been up for about 9 months now and inflation has been essentially nonexistent.
  15. I thought it was fixed in one of the patches before Page 4 was released but apparently not.
  16. The problem with the OP's premise is that they think there's something wrong with the fact that doing different activities earns inf at different rates. Of course some activities are going to make inf faster than others. As long as those activities are available for everyone (and they are - hell, even a newly-minted level 1 can start playing the AH and make bank) there's nothing wrong with that.
  17. BUG: Panacea's tooltip still states that it gives a regen bonus to its target in PvP. NOT BUG: There are a few other powers in the game that should be changed for consistency (currently give +regen in PvP but heal or HoT in PvE): Blaster/Sentinel/Defender/Corruptor Water Blast -> Dehydrate (versions with and without Tidal Power) Defender/Corruptor/Controller/MM Nature Affinity -> Regrowth (the initial heal functions normally but the follow-on HoT is just +regen) Defender/Controller/Corruptor Pain Domination -> Soothing Aura (note the MM version of this power isn't the same and is supposed to do +regen) Defender/Corruptor/Controller/MM Time Manipulation -> Temporal Mending (same issue as Regrowth) Defender/Corruptor/Controller/MM Time Manipulation -> Chrono Shift (this one doesn't actually give any heal at all in PvP even though in PvE it's an initial heal and then HoT)
  18. I don't think that last one will work, it'll try and queue up TP Foe every time since the game reads commands right-to-left, so if there are no enemies targeted and in range it'll give you an error and won't even try to execute Recall Friend. That being said... every character I play has binds to toggle on/off travel powers (usually T, shift+T for a secondary travel power for those characters with SS and SJ). For characters with an Aim/Buildup/Power Boost-type power, that's bound to B (a secondary one is on V for those characters with both). I've got a G600 gaming mouse with a dozen extra side buttons and the first several of those get used on characters with location-based powers (Rain of Fire, Carrion Creepers, Sleet, etc) to make it easy to drop those powers on my target with one click.
  19. The biggest issue with Cold right now is that with movement slows not really doing much, it can be hard to land Sleet unless you mez your target. The Power Boost nerf didn't help but Cold is far from useless.
  20. Not really sure how having the inf to build literally any character you'd want is embarrassing, but to each their own. I could make the argument that taking the time to build an SG base like that is embarrassing since all you really need is some storage and transporters, but I also recognize that different people play the game in different ways and I don't shit on them for it.
  21. Not quite - special IOs that act like set bonuses (they show up under your "set bonus" list in your character's info window) follow the -3 rule. Common examples of this are the knockback protection IOs and the Steadfast Protection +3% defense IO. The exceptions to that are the special PvP IO pieces that give resistance (Shield Wall) and defense (Gladiator's Armor) since PvP IO set bonuses exemplar just like purple set bonuses. Procs that don't act like set bonuses (damage procs, "chance for" procs, "always-on" procs) will work no matter what level you're exemplared to as long as the power they're slotted in is available for use. If I slot a level 40 Miracle +recovery into Health it'll be available at any level because Health is unlocked at level 2 (and even if I exemplar down to level 1 I'd still have any power I picked up to level 6). For procs that fit this description, the level range of the IO set is irrelevant.
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