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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Aha! Thanks for that, my speculation is unfounded!
  2. This is pure speculation on my part, but there IS a Winter event coming up in a few weeks. Let me put it this way: I've been liquidating my supply of winter packs and winter IOs.
  3. The MCU really pooped the bed when it came to the Hulk, and I understand that was in part a continuity problem.
  4. This. EDIT: An attuned Shield Breaker A/Def Deb (only level 10-30, not 1-30) will have a level assigned to it. If that level is 10-19, then it cannot become a Positron Blast, but if the level is, say, 25, then you can roll that. Now the Positron's Blast has a new random level assigned to it that is in the 20-50 range. If that level is 35+ is could potentially become a Sting of the Manticore, that would have a new random level assigned to it from 35-50.
  5. I would never use them on teams, because I have that hoarder's disease that means I'm always going to save it for that dire situation that never seems to come. Then I realized that the reason they are so cheap on the AH is that people who get them from super packs tend to dump them for 1-5 inf. So over the past month or so I've been soaking them up in bunches and I use them when the wind blows in the wrong direction.
  6. To OP, when I'm in doubt I use this: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Enhancement_Sets
  7. FYI, this is because Air Burst is the only IO in its category (Targeted AoE) from levels 10-19, so if you are converting by category you will be out of luck. Javelin Volley and Frozen Blast are available at levels 10-19, but are not in the same pool (PvP and Winter respectively). What's more interesting (I know, low bar, right?) is that sometimes you can convert attuned Air Bursts by category and sometimes you can't. This is because an attuned has a random level assigned to it that you cannot see, and you can only convert it to something else in the level range.
  8. I've run Staff/Bio (Bio/Staff) to 50 on all melee ATs. I'd rank them from most enjoyable to least (although they were all pretty enjoyable): Stalker, tanker, brute, scrapper.
  9. Winter. It was definitely winter.
  10. For what it's worth, I recently ran identical missions with TA/elec and TA/rad. in the mid-20s. /Elec killed significantly faster and that was with basic slotting.
  11. In this case, the crafting fee is onerous. A level 50 has a 490,400 inf crafting fee. A level 49 has a 233,580 crafting fee. And for the sake of completion, a level 10 has a 3,600 crafting fee.
  12. I would support the no salvage rule if and only if it were no salvage at all: no white, yellow, or orange. I understand that salvage is a pain, and that it is almost always better to buy it than to wait to pick it up through drops, but nonetheless CoH is a player-supplied economy. If you want to opt out entirely, I'm ok with it. If you only want to opt out of the cheap stuff, nah, you need to opt out entirely, imo. As far as your second suggestion, I don't have much of an opinion. I would love more influence sinks, but I rarely pursue defeat badges so I can't speak for the valuations. I appreciate your ideas!
  13. I'm one of those proponents, and I'm being extremely conservative when I value 300 converters at 100mm profit.
  14. I've had a number of defenders and corruptors with electrical blast, but no blasters or sentinels. I'd like to look at the set itself first, and then the endurance drain mechanic second. I'm going against type here, and I would argue that the set could probably use a damage boost for one simple reason: this set is most effective when slotted for endurance drain. Unless you are making a build that will really make use of that (and by that I mean have another power set or APP that uses end drain as well), then you have a character that is providing subpar damage and virtually no benefit from endurance drain. A little endurance drain is practically useless; a lot is very effective. So if you have a Kinetic primary/secondary or if you are using Mu or Elec for your APP, great. But it shouldn't have to be that way if you just want to pew pew with electricity instead of fire. Damage over time is a tough nut, especially if it is unremarkable damage over time. Changing Short Circuit or Ball Lightning or both to upfront damage rather than DoT would be a great shift. Every other power seems fine to me. Voltaic Sentinel is an underrated end drainer if slotted for it, and any free damage from an indestructible source is better than nothing. With respect to endurance drain, I'd love to see a detailed guide if anyone has one. I feel that either I am doing it right, or everyone else is doing it wrong, or that I simply have low expectations, but it does a good job for what it is supposed to do. Two or three slotted "attacks" like Transference/Short Circuit/Power Sink will take down bosses to zero and one or two more will take down EBs. (I don't solo AVs on these builds so clueless as to how ineffective it would be). Regular attacks from Elec, as well as Cross Punch from the fighting pool whittle down end as well. The complaint that one tick of endurance is enough for enemies to use any of their attacks seems a little dramatic, and I'm not sure that it's true. But regardless, keep the -end recovery attacks on them and it's not a problem. I would frequently solo EBs on my corruptor redside (and this is pre Transference) in near perfect safety. It was slow, but the only window of danger was getting them to zero in the first place and then it's just a matter of slowly kicking them to death. my two inf
  15. @Ukase is dead on. I found that liquidating thousands of hero or winter packs exhausting and got to the point where I only onsell IOs and inspirations and everything else accumulates. Even when I find I need converters or boosters or catalysts or unslotters, I can buy them on the AH from some other yahoo a lot cheaper than I’m able to sell them for. And then there’s the altitis. I like doing story arc content so have somewhere between a few hundred to a few thousand merits per alt, I’d guess.
  16. I’m building a fort out of them. I have no idea how many I have. More than 20k; less than 200k?
  17. I'm going to be completely selfish here, and ask the question, "What will best suit Yomo?" The tradeoff is what will make my life easier without making it so much easier for others that competition ramps up. Like I said, totally selfish. 1. Absolutely. Adding a third radio button would be a huge QoL for mass converters, especially since converting by category is the real inf maker. I'm willing to give up making it easier for everyone in exchange for making it easier for me. +1 2. Abstaining. I understand that it's a pain when mass converting, but since I *think* that many/most individuals who use the convert function don't do it in huge quantities, I think that having to drag it each time prevents accidental conversion. 0 3. Rejecting, but for selfish reasons. I think a lot of people would love this, but don't actually realize how many converters it may take in order to get exactly what you want, so I think that people will burn through more converters than they expect and spend more money on converters and actually lose inf on the IOs they then post. Frankly, I don't care if they make or lose money, but there would be a HUGE supply of everything in demand, which would put a damper on prices and therefore negatively affect me. -1 But I do like the way you think!
  18. I don't ever spend my merits except if it's on a new character to get converters to bootstrap my marketing efforts, but, if I were looking to liquidate 100 merits: 1. Convert to 300 converters, sell for 77,777 inf each, netting 70k each after taxes. 21mm inf net. 2. Convert to 200 unslotters, sell for 150,000 inf each, netting 135k each after taxes. 27mm inf net. 3. Convert to Winter-O, sell for 20mm, netting 18mm each after taxes. 18mm inf net. I think these are pretty realistic for a sale within 24 hours or less -- you may be able to get more out of them (although I doubt unslotters can go higher than that. That may be a pretty full level but I've been selling them there.) If I had 1,000 merits to liquidate, I'd probably go for unslotters. If I had 5,000 merits, I'd go with converters since that's a much deeper and more liquid market. I haven't looked into catalysts or boosters. Purple recipes are a lot cheaper than they used to be, so I'd guess that they'd net a little more than half winter-o's and even more when you craft them to IOs (but still netting well under 18mm). There are a few other sweet spots but I'd rather not talk about them at this point in time.
  19. Great job! Some comments based on your bullet points: * That's as good a way as any to get initial capital. I would use 20mm: 10mm to buy portable converting table, about 8mm to buy converters, about 2mm to buy recipes and salvage. * I generally vendor or AH level 50s and buy lower levels. The crafting costs at 50 are significantly higher than they are at 49 or lower and it adds up. * It's definitely worthwhile putting in bids ahead of time rather than buying whatever is available. Also, I've had success with varying level ranges: 10, 15, 30, 31, 41. Each of those is a slightly different strategy. * Yup. * Many categories have only one uncommon recipe and one rare recipe for a given level. That's your best bet to create a rare with 2 converters. * Yup, * For a six-piece set, on average it takes 5 conversions (15 converters) to get to a specific piece in the set. It could take one conversion. It could take a million (although the highest I've done is somewhere in the 50s). * My basic rule of thumb on sell or reroll is: is this something that I have wanted to buy in the last month? I generally reroll by rare Miracles that are not procs. * SO MUCH of your profits go back into buying converters! * Yup. * Yup. Anyone can do this, and once you get the fever, it becomes inconceivable that not everyone does do it.
  20. Well, one idea might be to make five new blueside arcs, one for each origin. Don't make them locked to your origin though. Unlocking any one of those arcs could unlock ancillary pools. Consider it incarnate lite.
  21. I generally +5 some sub-50 sets with good bonuses, like Kinetic Combat or Basilisk's Gaze. I don't often exemplar below the 30s.
  22. This is another good point. There is a diminishing marginal utility of inf and merits: the more you have, the less incrementally valuable a given amount is.
  23. There are a small number of procs that have both a proc element and an adjustable element. Two that leap to mind (and they may be the only two) are the Def/Global Recharge LotG and the Res Dam/Def Steadfast Protection. For those, level does matter to a small extent.
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