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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. That's why I target them first, and if I fail to kill them before they go PFF, then I move on to the minions and lts and come back 20 seconds later. Every group has its own strategies, which is why you sometimes need to choose who to go after first.
  2. One or both of us don't know what the term trolling is, and I'm going to assume it's me. I thought that it was an attempt to evoke a negative reaction, not to put forth an opposing viewpoint, which is exactly what I did. It seems pretty clear, however, that you are actually doing exactly what you claim you are not doing -- saying "this as a facile insult for someone who said something that I personally disagree with" I did not say any of the things that you are claiming. I don't have an opinion on whether or not you deserve any salvage based on whether or not you are selling it on the market. I never claimed that there was any programming limitations on whether or not it was possible. Listen, like I said, it's clear what you want -- you want all the easy good stuff and you don't want to be bothered with the boring hard stuff. That's fine--the world is full of people like you But I don't believe that is conducive for "free" markets for salvage that you don't have any interest in. That's also fine. My belief that making salvage all or nothing as a solution to the OP's problem seems pretty healthy to me. It would keep supply coming in for whites and yellows and would have very little effect on the supply of oranges. I feel pretty confident that my perspective on this and my knowledge of how the AH works jibes with the long-term views of the devs. And if I'm wrong, shrug, I don't need to call people names to get over it. Good day.
  3. Actually, my comment that all or nothing seems like the best solution doesn't assume any of this. Not sure where you are getting this from. Your position is clear: you want to get rid of the part of the salvage system that you don't like, and you want to keep the parts that you do like. Understandable. We all want things. I believe that if the devs offered you your ten lollipops on a platter, then most people would opt in. Why not get everything good and not have to bother with the white and yellow salvage which is below your notice? The problem is that it reduces incentive for anyone to post that white and yellow salvage, and then you have market imbalances and those same people who complain about how much of a pain in the butt white or yellow salvage is start complaining about how expensive it is to buy compared to what they expect. You are correct that salvage is infinitely seeded, if by infinite you mean initially 10mm pieces. A cursory examination would show that there is a surplus on the market of white salvage, about even on yellow, and a deficit on orange salvage. You also didn't mention how happy you would be to pay seeded prices on that salvage. I have no idea what the devs think about your suggestion. In my observation, they seem to like free markets but adjusted to cut back on market manipulation, so I feel pretty good that they will not give you what you are looking for. That's why they call this forum Suggestions and Feedback. You gave your suggestion, and others gave their feedback on it. I think that your suggestion is not helpful for a market unless you want prices to all be at seeded values. That said, what I think has very very little with what the devs decide to do. Maybe they are sick of white salvage too and also don't want to use the tips and tricks previously listed in this thread. Drawback makes a lot more sense than tax, yes, thank you for clearing that up. I agree that there should be a drawback if you want to opt out of salvage, so that's why I gave a few alternate options that made more sense to me, would solve your problem of having too much white and yellow salvage, and would not affect the salvage market.
  4. Like I said, there's a lot to unpack from this thread. Having a flow of white and yellow salvage, which is entirely player-provided, is critical to the invention system. If you want to opt out of that system entirely, have at it. But I don't understand why you want to get the benefit of orange drops while letting the other little people provide your whites and yellows. No, I think that all or nothing is probably the best solution. All is the current default, so I'd expect that to continue. RE: your tax comment, I don't understand your usage of the term tax. If a child asks for ten lollipops and his parent gives him one, there was not a nine lollipop tax?
  5. I played around with this when it was first released, and mostly rejected it. It's similar to Efficiency Adaptor, but clutters up the End Mod 21-50 range when you are looking for Performance Shifters. But specifically to your concern, this is almost certainly due to the notorious display bug. I took a look a few minutes ago and found the following two listings: I don't think either of these displays are true, and certainly don't represent where you should expect to buy or sell these.
  6. I think of steamrolling as an overpowered group cutting swathes through enemies like butter. For the most part, I would consider it almost any team content.
  7. Defense is a strange and surprisingly easy mechanism. You can be a controller that is soft-capped and you can be a tanker that is soft-capped, and your enemies have the exact same chance to hit you. That doesn't sit right with me. At least damage resistance has caps based on AT.
  8. OP nailed it, and is dealing with it with both aplomb and gravitas. We should all do so well. Cheers to you Sir/Madam/Other!
  9. To OP, I don't farm for profit, but I gave it a shot last year and found it entertaining to an extent. That said, I haven't dusted off that farmer in months. I wrote a post about it!
  10. It was absolutely an inf sink. IIRC it was an exchange rate of 2000:1.
  11. There's a lot to unpack here, but I'm going to take the suggestion in the title on a stand alone basis. Three suggestions that I could ultimately support: 1. Grant the option to turn off all salvage drops, not just some. You don't get a shot at orange unless you deal with white and yellow. 2. Turn off the red notification that salvage is full. I'm guessing that those aesthetics are part of the annoyance. 3. Cut the drop rates of all salvage, not just some, by some percentage. 50%? 90%? I stand by the thought that ultimately Homecoming devs get to decide what they think is important and why. At the same time, in my opinion, this is of such low importance that I'd prefer that the devs don't even waste their time reading the thread if it takes 30 seconds away from something that I personally deem important for myself or for the HC system.
  12. What color were the mobs? Infragrey?
  13. My concern is that demand feels soft. There are a few major markets where 300-600 supply above normal levels entered the fray, and I would expect those prices to come down a bit. But there are others where supply is, on the surface, only marginally higher and yet prices are a few mm lower. To me that signifies a lack of demand. I'm definitely not above buying a few hundred of something if I think I can net 2mm profit after taxes on it, but at this point in time I'm a better seller until I see demand come back.
  14. Yes. I'm in exactly the same boat as you and I made an archery/pain corruptor and went Red side solo. I will not claim that it's the easiest character I ever played, but I'm in my mid-30s solo +1/x3, bosses, EBs. Totally doable! Happy hunting!
  15. I guess that you want the best parts of elec blast and the best parts of fire blast in one power? Maybe ask for a new set rather than making old sets easier for everyone? I enjoy playing underperforming sets, personally.
  16. They call that "fire blast", I believe.
  17. It should come through right away. Are you sure you sent it to your global name and not to the name of the character you were on?
  18. I think it's not important to get the exact same one, just that you were trying to guarantee that one was available at a specific price. Self-dealing is an important part of my crafting empire, but I rarely do it one item at a time.
  19. Right. So where did you say the option was to choose to not participate in invasions was? I was in Kings Row earlier and got bombed twice trying to level to level 7 with Blue Steel. Should I have gone to Talos to level, if I could have run fast enough to avoid the bombing? Speaking of not participating, thanks for your opinion on my Suggestions topic!
  20. I certainly can choose to not play the game, but when I cannot run to the trainer, or to a mission, or "normal game business", I don't see that as already existing. Is it in the Options menu, or did you find the solution at Null?
  21. I really do like zone events, especially unexpected ones. I appreciate the devs occasionally adding invasions, like the recent Nemesis one and the current Rikti invasion. (I'm still waiting for Ruularu). What I do not love is the hamhanded constant on/off nature of these invasions. Nemesis invasion in every zone, all the time, when the switch is flipped on. Rikti bombs in every zone, all the time, when the switch is flipped on. Minor exaggeration, but you see my point. I get that it's only a week or two at a time, but it's tiring, and I don't think I'm the only one who thinks so. Also, I have to presume that it is a lot harder to put together a group to combat a specific invasion if it is occurring constantly. In this case, I believe that rarity would provide some added value. Is it possible to allow invasions that are not player spawned to occur randomly on a less constant basis? Like a x% chance to spawn a random invasion at the top of every hour in one specific zone. Would it be possible to add a QoL button that would allow you to opt out of invasions entirely? It's annoying that I cannot level a character because the trainer is getting strafed by Rikti bombing. I can certainly work around this, but I thought I would ask. Happy hunting.
  22. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Reward_Merit_Vendor
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