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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I will say, I am extremely pleased with what's happening in the End Mod complex, especially with Performance Shifters. Other than the Heal proc, the new IOs are (rightfully in my opinion) pretty much considered to be junk.
  2. I have no problem with farmers. Sometimes I go onto a fire farm, but for me that's not into order to earn inf, but really to just veg out and splode things. I have no problem with turning off XP in order to earn more inf; why not, they offer the reverse! I'm frankly not even concerned about "inflation", since if it were going to be a real issue, we'd be a lot closer to the soft cap in all the high demand expensive items, IMO. If there were a loophole that allowed you to sell level 49 IOs for twice the amount of level 50 IOs, and that was not due to some true market forces but rather through an unintended exploit, not only would I not be surprised if they fixed that exploit, but I would be one of the first to log it in Bugs. The only guilty pleasure that, I admit, I take is the threatened rage quitting and declarations that the economy is doomed, DOOMED without the hard work of the double-inf exploit farmers. It's histrionic and makes me think of flopping in international kickety-ball and the NBA. I think it's pretty freaking funny.
  3. Just for the record, I am unaware of any marketeers who do nothing but evilly cackle and wring profit from the AH, just like I don't know any farmers who don't use the AH. It's kind of disingenuous to simplify people that way. We're all adding supply to the system through gameplay. It's just that some of us are better at extracting value than others (and some of us are adding more raw inf into the system than others). Example, if the last 5 traded are: 10mm, 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, 5mm, you can probably sell it instantly for 5mm, or sell it in an hour or two at 10mm. Your choice. You can sell your PvP snipe recipe for a few mm, or you can craft it, spend a converter or ten to make it into a Shield Wall +res and either sell it for 15mm or use it. Your choice. No one says you market OR farm OR play other content. People market, and people craft, and people farm, and people run TFs, and people PUG, and people sometimes just sit around and chat about stupid things. You may now resume your previously scheduled marketeer bashing!
  4. This. The reason I'm "rich" in imaginary currency is that I know the system extremely well and I am able to accurately assess the motives and behaviors of others. Within a week or two, anyone who knows what they are doing would be back to flush at the expense of those who are, forgive the term, "market stupid."
  5. Great. I just made The Dismal Scientist, a Thugs/Poison redside mastermind in your honor.
  6. No, I see that purples and winters are lower. It was the comment that IOs in general have dropped that I'm not seeing. There was definitely a push up right after the patch "in general" for the invention IOs I was looking at, not a push down.
  7. Could you say more about this? I'm not seeing that at all.
  8. Did you dump them on the AH at Sell it NAO prices, or did you offer at higher prices? Just curious.
  9. Also, do not mistake the "last 5" for where the next trade will occur. In theory, I could buy 5 pieces of common salvage for 2bn each, which would be painting the tape. The next trade could be at 1.
  10. I'm putting together a really basic simple guide for how people who don't want to use the AH can make millions by doing as little as possible and making no decisions on the interface. I'm also testing out the algorithm on a new toon. If everyone provided supply as well as demand for goods, it would be a more liquid and robust market and would cut into the margins of those ebil marketeers.
  11. It's got a good rhythm and you can dance to it. 7/10. Jeez Jimmy, how many threads are you gonna merge into this one?!?
  12. Me and my SG used to do this on Live all the time. Glad to see people are still uniting on the hill in Talos!
  13. I realize this is an old thread, but why not slot this with endurance drain?
  14. The rain it raineth on the just, And also on the unjust fella. But mainly on the just, because The unjust stole the just's umbrella. I disagree with you that it was working as intended. From that post: Interesting discovery from a Discord conversation with @vppl . The influence is not actually doubled when using the 'Double Influence, No XP' option. At level 50 with XP turned off you get Inf+(XP converted to inf)=Total Inf When exemplared using that option you get Inf+(XPx2 converted to inf)=Total Inf I'd bet Canadian dollars to doughnuts that the XPx2 part was the clincher for the devs. I've got no problem with trading xp for inf or vice versa. The multiplier was the exploit, and I cannot imagine a scenario where level 49 characters were intended to earn 30-50% more influence than level 50 characters if you click this option and disable this other one and press up down up down A B A B return. It's kind of a moot point, but it's still fun to argue about it!
  15. With the recent changes to farming, I wanted to revisit this model. I've seen a lot of backlash against people being forced to use marketing, and I'm testing a new model that would follow a very simple set of rules and keep interaction with the AH to a minimum. I expect to come to the conclusion that by level X, you can have Y inf by following this really simple, extremely suboptimal model. More on those rules later, but I'd like to solicit your opinions on one thing. This model will necessarily have to involve some crafting, some converting, and some selling on the AH. What would you suggest as a super simple set of rules that could be followed by anyone and would minimize decisions and interaction with the AH? My current thoughts: 1. Save every invention recipe that does not require rare salvage. Vendor every other recipe. (This leaves lots on the plate, like PvP or LotG recipes). 2. Every 5 levels, craft every recipe. If you don't have the needed common or uncommon salvage, buy it on the AH for the seeded amount (10k or 100k). (This is a guaranteed trade.) 3. Convert by category until you get a rare. If you don't have converters, trade in merits for converters. 4. If the lowest price in the Last 5 history is > 1mm, offer your IO at 5 inf. 5. If the lowest price in the Last 5 is <= 1mm, convert once by rarity, goto 4. This is HUGELY suboptimal, would leave SO much inf on the table, and yet I still think it would generate a lot of inf. I could tweak this rules by making them more complicated, but that would also make it harder for really simple users. Thanks in advance!
  16. I'm not sure I'm seeing the same thing as you re: PVP recipe prices. Most of them are still in the 5-9mm range, and have been for a while. The craft and convert for PVPs is ridiculously profitable, however. You don't even need to hit one of the main 3 procs. I will gladly buy your recipes! Although I suspect you won't be selling them at or below my bids...
  17. This is great! You should put it up on the guide forum! You may want to add the nitty gritty details like where the convert option is on the interface. Also don't forget to mention that if you have no converters, the convert option doesn't appear at all.
  18. I'm not sure what to tell you, other than I was one of the first people if not the first to list the new End Mod IOs. One or two of them already had one offered by the time I got there, but they were certainly not seeded by the developers. I'm guessing that you logged into the servers later than you think you did.
  19. It’s not a niche that I ever used, personally, since I couldn’t understand why anyone would pay up for that service. But assuming a 30mm sell price (27 after taxes), minus cost of catalyst and unslotter (not sure what catalysts go for, but call it 3-4mm), if you bought the regular WO at 20mm, that’s only a few mm profit for your efforts. I’d much rather convert 10 yellow IOS for 10x the profit. Volume!
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