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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. In addition to my previous comments, my first stab at a very expensive build: EDIT: The two DSOs in Consume should be one Accuracy/End Mod and one Recharge/End Mod. For some reason I can't access all the DSO choices.
  2. Attaboy/girl/huge! Play what you want! I'm proud of you. This combo will do well with lots of knockdown, since the damage set is a little light on damage, and the defense set is also a little light on defense. On knockback/down, you are probably not doing what you want it to do. Knockback (which most people dislike since it takes the enemy out of melee range) and knockdown (where they fall straight down and stay in melee range) are the same thing and differ only in magnitude. Generally you want to keep your magnitude under ~0.75. So by slotting knockback enhancer, you are increasing the "natural" knockdown to a point where it turns into knockback. If that's your aim, groovy, but I suspect it is not. Also, definitely slot Force Feedback proc as much as you like! Powers (Primary/Secondary): I'd probably take Precise Strike over Mercurial Blow. The former can't slot an Achilles Heel, but the latter will proc so infrequently that you will be better off damage wise with the former. For Guarded Spin I'd de-emphasize the efforts you put on defense and put more on offense. The Karma can go in combat jumping, and you should be fine with only one LotG. Absolutely yess to the Superior Avalanche proc, but I'd probably find a different power for it. Like Burn. I like to split the Superior Scrappers Strike into 3 and 3 for the added defense bonus. Eye of the Storm with a Force Feedback +recharge is spectacular, but can't fit it in with 6x Obliteration. I'd like at least 5 slots for Healing Flames (5x panacea) if not 6 (6x Prev Med) since that is your most powerful mitigation power. I cannot imagine skipping Consume but if you are not having endurance issues, have at it! Fiery Embrace is also a great damage multiplier for the cost of a single slot.
  3. At 50, I have my stable of: Ditch Digger (Battle Axe/Shield) Maytag Repairman (Battle Axe/Electric Armor) Kimyata (Broadsword/Bio Armor) Jingo Updog Esquire (Broadsword/Regeneration) Ms. Spaceman (Ice Melee/Dark Armor) Gideon the Ninth (Katana/Dark Armor) Defcon Zer0 (Radiation Melee/Bio Armor) Granny Weatherwax (Staff/Bio Armor) Hellion Keller (Staff/Fiery Aura) Staff Sergeant (Staff/Regeration) Minion Zero (War Mace/Willpower) They are all overpowered, but Defcon Zer0 is ridiculously so. I tend not to play brutes so much anymore since they are so much easier than scrappers in my opinion. Don't get me started on tankers. My favorite to play is probably Jingo Updog Esquire, because he is constantly franticly running around mashing buttons and he's got a fun costume and backstory.
  4. Ok, here's the first round of my feedback on the play of the also-rans, level 1-34. I've soloed pretty much the same content at double xp except for a few times I turned off xp to keep from outleveling something. Started at +1/x1 and moved up to +2/x3. So far every build is aiming for a Fighting (Kick, Tough, maybe Weave) , Leaping (Combat Jumping), Speed (Hasten), for pool powers. Check out my navel gazing -- IF YOU DARE!
  5. No. Because then Corruptor fans would be all NO FARE WE SHOULD HAVE RAIN POWAH!
  6. Would neutering the ATO procs of the other melee classes help? I don't know about you all, but I'd use Brute ATOs even if the proc was "chance for light rain." But if attitudes would turn around, I'd be happy to support cutting the values of other ATO procs, especially tankers. I have no idea why anyone thought buffing tankers was the right thing to do, but clearly someone on the HC development team is married to a PvP tanker. Or is it a "lol unplayable" situation much like squishies get max resist with two or three powers and it is terribly unfair that every melee class has to use five or six powers?
  7. They repackaged Targeted AoE and Cones as Ranged AoE Damage, so that's just a continuity typo that was missed. Why is it a ranged AoE instead of a melee AoE? No idea. But it just means I put in the Annihilation -res proc instead of the Fury of the Gladiator -res proc.
  8. I want to come back to something that keeps coming up: brute ATOs being the worst invention set known to humankind. I find that opinion interesting, since they do sell very well. Is this hatred based on the set bonuses, or the procs? Because the set bonuses look like the best in melee class. If it's the procs, well, it's hard to compete with the massively powerful trio that are tanker, stalker, and scrapper ATO procs. Great stats and unneeded procs v. good stats and critically necessary procs? Sounds like a trade-off.
  9. I jut googled and found it on reddit within three seconds. It will probably take longer than that to download. EDIT: also plenty of stuff on youtube
  10. I think that, like anything, where we are depends on how we got where we are. Today, there are different parties with different motives and agendas that there was a decade ago. And that's cool. Since the code is now available, if not strictly legally available, there is nothing to stop anyone with the desire and the knowledge of the code to reprogram and launch a version of CoX that meets their specific requirements. Personally, I'm happy enough to let other people manage this version, since it is in no way in my best interests in terms of time or effort or whatever for me to launch my own server.
  11. Well, why do you play, for example, Scrabble(tm)? I think some reasons could be: 1. You enjoy playing the game. 2. You like getting better at it as you play. 3. You want to win. 4. You want your opponent to lose. 5. You want your ranking to increase. 6. You make a good living off the professional Scrabble(tm) circuit. 7. You enjoy solving the problem of coming up with the best play off any given rack. 8. It's an enjoyable pastime to share with other people. 9 to a much higher number than 9: other EDIT: I'm mostly 1,2,7,8. But I'm not going to begrudge anyone profiting off the professional circuit!
  12. Intuition is, well I can't call it sneaky good because it's listed there in the description exactly what it does, but just plain good. And not just for ranged. Broadsword/katana, dark melee, ice melee, radiation melee, spines, and that's just the attacks.
  13. This is exactly why I issued my scrapper contest this thing here I really enjoy getting progression on my characters, but when they hit end game I usually start anew. So I'm trying to rethink that.
  14. You mean *more* robot upskirt shots, right?
  15. Brutal, Juice.
  16. It was shut down after a trademark dispute with one of Elon Musk’s family members. Many expensive lawyers were involved.
  17. Defense debuff resistance is important enough that you can find in short order many many many posts asking for more defense debuff resistance in both sets that have it and sets that don't.
  18. I can’t remember how things were on Live, but there also seem to be different categories of glowies. Some make (relatively) loud noises, some make quieter noises, some make no noise at all. no sound mods
  19. Mass Levitate is a power that meshes extremely well with Regeneration. Up to Boss level are knocked up for enough time to get off one or more heals or other buffs.
  20. I guess this suggestion is about getting merit rewards for Ouro story arc completion, since you are still getting xp and/or inf for individual missions? There are always repeatable missions (paper/radios, contacts that give infinite missions, etc.) but those don't give specific merit rewards. And unless you have already played out all your contacts for a given level range, you can always abandon a "real" story arc and come back to it without losing progress. But I'm sure you know that. I have no idea how the Ouro system is programmed, but yes, it would be more generous if it counted as one of your active missions rather than as a TF. You can make the same argument for AE missions. Conceptually, I can see how making them separate makes sense thematically -- you are reliving an experience, or playing a game, that is different from your "real world" experience. But again, i have no idea if Ouro or AE *can* be reprogrammed differently. Interesting thought experiment though.
  21. How about this? https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1408&c=688&a=1376&f=HEX&dc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
  22. Welcome back! Very little of this is rocket surgery, but there are a lot of moving pieces and there are confusing names for a lot of stuff. Just playing will help, and eventually making new alts. If you go to the guide section of the forums, there are a number that are geared up for new(-ish) users. Happy hunting!
  23. Here's how I'm looking at it: New tradeable item? Absolutely I'm interested, both in terms of figuring out how others are going to use it and how I can solve the puzzle and get some rewards in the form of profit. Where does it come from? Advanced TFs? Ok, those are relatively hard and time consuming. Weekly TFs? Ok, much less so. 2% drop on every mission? That's a-lotta missions. So probably a little less common than, say, rare salvage? What is it used for? Non-unique costumes? That's essentially meaningless to me, so I would have to rely on it being meaningful to others. New badge? I'm not really a badger but I can see the case for it. I'd think that getting 50 to drop over the course of a month would be reasonable in normal play. New interface for new badge? I haven't looked into it, but I can imagine it would be useful. Absolutely a net seller of these things. Right now they are useful for things that are mostly irrelevant to me, and if I got stuck with, say, a few thousand of them it would be a terrible waste of my time and effort. Can I sell any I get to drop to someone who seems to value them more? I sure hope so. But I'm not planning on hoarding a stash. Someday they may use them for something useful, so I'll watch for signs of that.
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