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Everything posted by Ukase

  1. What? No love for the hami raid? Go to your server's hami raid! 4 emp merits is pretty nice for a reward if you need emp merits. We run 3 on excelsior, and my tank will take those on one of the three runs, and when 50 are collected, I make a transcendant merit and email it to my next 50 for a boost in the goal for 50+3.
  2. Yeah, I remember dinging 50 when ITF was the weekly. I had to wait a whole week to get my first notice of the well. Water under the bridge, but I was pretty irritated at the time. A weekly notice ...I got all my other stuff besides alpha to t-4 before that week was over. I'm glad there's an option to use threads in lieu of shards. I was able to get to t-2 on the alpha fairly soon with shards, and when I did get the first notice, I had enough shards to get to t-2 again, and could've had t-3 on the other side, if I'd had another notice. Really wish they'd stop putting a cap on rewards, but I guess I should be thrilled they have rewards in the first place.
  3. While it's true that large teams get an xp bonus - what's not thought of is the incredible time sink most people suffer when forming that large team! Until/unless you've cultivated a list of active, competent global friends, you are without question better off soloing - from an xp over time or inf over time perspective. But - the more you solo, the less opportunity to cultivate that list of active, competent global friends. And, of course, a lot depends on your AT and your own creativity. It's clear to me that I have a much easier time soloing with my brute, scrapper, blaster and controller than I do with my tanks or defenders (because of low damage output). My Sentinels and Corruptors and Dominators are capable, but just not as fast. And Doms are always going to get the domination bar filled faster on a team. It just makes sense to team with a Dom. Others may have different experiences and abilities and find soloing to be very dull and completely defeating the purpose of the game. As for me, while one guy is taking 10 minutes to form his/her Penny Yin TF, in a solo effort, I'm halfway through the 2nd mission and will finish the tf completely in another 10-15 minutes.
  4. You're kind to share. I feel badly that you've been missing out on this gem for at about a month. I've been using this to expedite task forces for folks on my teams that don't have an SG since a @srmalloy shared it with me on a Posi 1. I'm an SG of 1, so I have no cares about anyone using my base to craft or move about the City. My base, like my macro, isn't that special or shiny - but it functions. /macro TP enterbasefrompasscode "ROW2000k-233" for Excelsior /macro TP enterbasefrompasscode "ROW2000k-1019" for Torchbearer
  5. I agree with Abraxus. Folks, tomorrow isn't promised to us. Not in real life, nor in this game. Anything could happen. Enjoy what you have now, and be cautiously optimistic. These are good first world problems to have.
  6. You simply type /gignore <player name> When they are ignored, should they try to pm you, they'll get a message saying they were ignored. After a few days or weeks, you can see who you have ignored, and if you like, take them off the list. They won't know they've been taken off, unless they try to send you another message. Ignoring someone can be amusing. I was ignored once - no idea why - but when I got a tell asking for an invite to the radio mission team I was forming, the system told me I couldn't invite them because I was being ignored. This really made me laugh, especially since I had no idea why I was being ignored.
  7. I'm a bit confused about how you auto-complete three of these 4 missions. I can only auto-complete 1 every 3 days..
  8. Thanks. I knew it was just a matter of time. I may have made the mistake of letting my ego get in my way. On a help channel someone insisted that converters were the best bang for the merit dollar. They were not, and still are not, particularly given their recent price drop. Silly me, I just had to explain precisely how. I should've just said, "oh, whatever you say". Eh, nobody's perfect.
  9. It's not you. Things are clearly cheaper than they were on "Live". (I have no idea why that time was referred to as "live") There are all manner of forces at work to keep prices low. The new devs, for starters. They seeded the market with a lot of salvage basically capping the cost. Converters are definitely changing the game. I guess it's a good thing that someone can just take a lethargic repose,(for example) buy 50 converters and make an lotg 7.5% eventually. (and maybe they are unlucky and don't!) With recent drop in the price of converters, there will be an impact on how people spend or don't spend their merits. They may stop using merits to buy converters. At 75-85k, they may not shake out to be better than other options. For me, they've made certain parts of what I do more inexpensive - but the competition is fierce! The prices of what used to be a market I considered mine along for a while has now been flooded (that may be too strong a word) with 10% cheaper prices. I can still make a profit, but it's reduced that profit by 25%. Not terribly happy about that. However, given how things are going on other brands of private servers, where there is no /ah command, there is no p2w, no placing of tp beacons without paying a lot of prestige...well, I'll take what we have every day, at least until there's extended maintenance, then I'll play the easy salvage game with a farming brute.
  10. I was on Emancipist, as a matter of introduction. This is just a thought - but why transfer a character when you can make a new one? When transferring, sometimes the name you have on one server, you can't get on another. Before you transfer - make sure you can get the name you want. There's no reason why TT can't start with a bunch of lowbies on a given server each week, and resume the following month, is there? For example: All roll either the exact same or varying powersets for their tanks on each server. In lieu of DFB, go old school and clear out the sewers. Start at level 1 and come out at level 10 in Kings Row or Steel Canyon. Also - this will be a fine time for newer players to learn how to get the funds to deck out their new toon with the good procs. The next week, could repeat the same thing on a different server, or come up with something new. The next month, returning to the same server, when all are level 9-12, head to Perez park and street sweep. The whole street. Maybe the whole park. Just a thought or two.
  11. When I first got my character to 50 to do iTrials, I thought I must have had the only 50 because as far as I could tell, nobody was running any iTrial content. Now, I see them ALL the time. What seems to happen is a league will form, usually pretty quickly, and if you blink, you miss it. By default, the lfg chatter shows up with help, and rewards, system - all kinds of things, so it's easy to miss some or all of it, depending on what you're doing, unless you've changed some of your chat settings. The very best way to do incarnate trials is to form the league yourself. Be candid that you haven't run them and are hoping for a more experienced player to give guidance. The main reason most people don't form the leagues is the annoying stuff like returning tells, and the second-guessing from other experienced players. Just form it yourself. Even if no experienced player chimes in, Paragon Wiki does have further information on all the iTrials. Read.
  12. I would add just this one thing to those who are level 40 and trying to use the Signature Story arc out of Steel Canyon for the fakes: if you set it at -1, there will be no fakes. At level 41, you can go -1. But at level 40, you need to go 0 or higher. I guess, for some reason, Fakes don't show up at level 39. At least, they didn't for my level 40 scrapper.
  13. I'm leveling up a DB/invuln scrapper now. I think you get better dps ignoring the combos..because 1) anecdotally - seems like I miss 30% of the time. Maybe that's because my toon is still level 30 and needs some more slotting, and I'm set at +2. 2) Half the time, the power I'm supposed to use to continue the chain isn't recharged yet. It is a fun character, but waiting for powers to recharge to take advantage of some higher damage if the attack hits...well, that's just annoying. If I'd known this character had these combo attacks, I probably would have just gone with broad sword, but I wanted to try something new. Fun, but not sure I like having to always gain more slots to feel adequate, let alone super.
  14. Okay.. here's my take, and I won't say that it's riddled with logic. I can agree with the assessment of the value of the converter, at roughly 100k. Seems to be the prevailing rate if you list them on the /ah. If the "crap" enhancement is 1million, and the good one is worth 6million, then I can convert this turd 15 times (15x3=45 converters, at a cost of 4.5 million) before I will see the profit fade away. I would make the argument that each time you convert, the odds remain the same. For me, I will burn 6 converters, or try an in-set conversion twice because I might get lucky. If not - the recipe most certainly dropped randomly on my character. Didn't cost me anything. If it's a rare, and I have the salvage in stock, I'll craft it, try 2x to get gold, and if not, list it as it is. As long as I get 1million or more, I'm okay. In the case of LOTG's - the defense, and the def/end, both tend to carry value close to the proc. This is likely because those that slot these in a defensive power, they need/want some practical value beyond recharge. They want defense and some end reduction. So fortunately for us, there's really 3 favorable outcomes. 1 is just more favorable. Regardless of the IO recipe, I only craft with salvage that drops for my characters. I stash all of it, but limit my storage to 5 of any item, except rares. If I have more than 10, I'll list those. I play all levels, so I generally have something of everything.
  15. First, let me say thank you for revealing the mystery of setting the access code. Second - all I did in my sg was use a floor tile and then set up the teleports and storage stuff. You folks would be bored stiff. I just went for function. I'm very happy that y'all are having what looks to be a lot of entertainment putting things together. Very creative! What I learned today. After you set up your base access code - try this: /macro SG enterbasefrompasscode "passcode" That will tp you into your base with a much faster animation than the base tp from p2w. I learned it today from @Srmalloy.
  16. It tells me when my PA is about to fade, so I'm thrilled. Looking forward to seeing other things with other characters, but for now, very happy! Thanks!
  17. This may be a known issue. But with different characters, different zones, I'll be converting various enhancements - tossing them into the auction house to see if they're worth selling - and the client will crash. Not every time. But enough to make me think it's not a coincidence that the auction house window and the converter box is open at the same time with an enhancement in it.
  18. Look - I don't intend to come off as harsh - but why wouldn't you simply stash the IOs in your very own sg base for your alts to come in and access them when needed. I do understand that some folks just don't bother with an sg base..but it's such a time saver over the long run. Or maybe you belong in one sg and your alt doesn't. Suggest you form your own, and make a coalition with your current one. This way, you have a big hassle removed from your game time. Just my .02 inf.
  19. I'm ashamed to say I didn't see the poll in time to vote. I would consider that wealth in this game is relative - relative to how many characters you play. If all you do is incarnate content with your 1 level 50+3 character - then really, it's safe to assume that character doesn't need any influence at all. Maybe 10k here or there for an inspiration? So, wealth for that player is different than for someone like me who has multiple alts leveling up. Base storage is limited. I typically only store purples and pvp IOs, and some sub level 20 SOs for my alts to use until they start using sets around level 20 or so. The rest of my storage goes to certain salvage which I use in part to fund everything. Last count, I have 7 level 50s, each ends the day with 1 billion inf, and the rest is compiled into an email, which will go (and grow to 1 billion) for the next level 50. Right now I'm at about 7.5 billion. It would be hard to evaluate the enhancements and the 5 bins of 3rd and 4th tier inspirations for value. They certainly make playing easier. I would make the argument that enough influence is when you're in Striga, and you've leveled - but you're on a tf. You know you have the enhancements you need in storage - but using base tp and then returning would be poor form on a task force - so you just use AH and over spend by a couple million to get what you want. I mean, a couple million? I can make 5 times that with one catalyst. (if you can figure that math out, good for you. Shhh!)
  20. I know we can pay for it - but that doesn't give you the badge(s) does it? I wouldn't think so, but ya never know. 10 million is probably cheaper than doing all the crafting.
  21. This was a big, big help. Thanks. Apparently I was supposed to refuse help from Sister Solaris, among other things in Dream Doctor's arc.
  22. "Within Dark Astoria, acquire all six mission completion badges, all six personal arc completion badges and all five mission achievement badges." I have 14 of 17 complete. But - other than Ephram Sha, who just gives out random missions and no arcs...I've nobody left in my contact list in DA to give me missions. I went through Ouro, and I've done all the Dark Astoria content that's in Dark Astoria. What am I missing? Is Cimerora tied to DA badge-wise? Or RWZ?
  23. While it's true that the igneous aren't seen often, the CoT is the best way to deal with them and get what you need. What I did: Use base buff stations to give myself stealth - didn't have it at until mid-20s. At level 50 I can carry a lot of inspirations. I did. As someone who has bought super-packs, I also have access to a lot of inspirations in my email. I opted to solo the CoT - the time it takes to organize such things is longer than the actual thing usually. I go in, and I simply put down my ice patch and started blasting, making prodigious use of lucks. I got about 38 bosses in each run. And I got some nice merits for my trouble. All in all, it took less than an hour. If you're not solo capable, then simply wait until next week when it's the weekly and get your assistant badge at the same time.
  24. Share please. First I've heard of this.
  25. Let me just say this. Anecdotally - farming aside, I've done the Market Crash tf 6 times with 6 different characters, got a purple with each one. Maybe I'm playing more than I was before - I doubt it - but discounting Market Crash, I've gotten more purple drops since this game came back then I did during my entire time playing CoH before - since Issue 4. So..it's just anecdotal, but seems to me that the rate is more generous than it used to be. It really isn't hard at all to get a bunch of purples. 100 merit rewards and you can get salvage from the merit vendor, sell it, and buy a purple outright. It's just not that hard.
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