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Lunar Ronin

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Everything posted by Lunar Ronin

  1. Then, IMO, at character creation there should be a pop-up that asks if you want the new player controls, or the veteran player controls instead of imposing different controls on people who've played the game for over a decade. Again, just IMO and YMMV.
  2. I understand that, and having the options of changing bindings and controls for them is a good thing. But changing the defaults for people who have played the game for 20 years isn't a good call, IMO.
  3. This is just my two cents, but I think changing the default power tray labels and key bindings for a 20 year-old MMORPG is a mistake. I mean, for me, it doesn't matter because the first thing I'm going to do when Page 7 launches is change everything back to the way it was and save it to my options.txt file. As options, they're fine. But for people returning from both live and earlier on Homecoming, changing the way a 20 year-old video game works by default isn't the way to go. It'll just cause confusion. City of Heroes is City of Heroes, not any other video game.
  4. Yeah, those badges were moved to the respective Echo zones five years ago. I'd recommend downloading and installing the VidiotMaps for Homecoming mod, which you can obtain by following - That will let you find exploration badges quickly and easily.
  5. Some badges in Faultline and RWZ were moved to Echo: Faultline and Echo: Rikti Crash Site, respectively, back in 2019. That's the most likely culprit. Which exploration badges specifically are you aiming for?
  6. Better? No. They just play a bit differently. Some Scrapper secondaries have a threat aura that will negate the stealth for one thing. Secondly, Stalkers can control critical hits while Scrappers cannot. Thirdly, Stalkers will have more single-target damage while Scrappers will have more AoE as a general rule.
  7. No, there was no General chat back on live. It was added around 2020.
  8. It's just the way of MMORPGs now. Every online game's open chat is a sewer. SWTOR? Sewer. WoW? Sewer. You just learn to ignore it, preferably by removing the chat channel(s) entirely. Also, you mentioned above of needing to remove General from every character. You don't need to do that. Go to Options > Windows, and at the bottom is an option to save your chat tabs as you have them. Do that. Then you can load it the same way on every character you have, and every character you make in the future will automatically not have General.
  9. This is the answer. Not one character of mine has General in a chat tab, and it makes for a better game experience.
  10. Take that with two large grains of salt. I don't care about procs. About 90% of my characters use the Agility Alpha, which is supposedly "terrible." Yet I've done everything there is to do in the game, including hard modes, just fine. Also, it's going to be nerfed at some point as it unbalances the game. Tankers vs. Brutes, Defenders vs. Corruptors, etc., etc.
  11. It shouldn't take a hour or more to spawn Deathsurge. I used to do it often solo for funsies, taking me approximately 35 minutes. It may be slightly faster duoing it, but not by much as the gremlins respawned at each station just prior to my getting there. It sounds like you may not have hit all of the gremlin stations. It's been a couple of years since I used to do it regularly, but there are three or four stations on the north side of Cap au Diable, and another three or four on the south side. Also, if even one gremlin is left alive at the station, the others won't respawn. They must be completely defeated in order for a respawn.
  12. Yep. That's a long-standing but rare bug since the days of live. I've had it happen on live a couple of times, and I've had it happen on Homecoming a couple of times. Fun.
  13. Sounds like fun, and a good mix for Admiral Sutter. The three Controllers and Dominators can lock down Primal Duray so he doesn't teleport all over the map.
  14. Sadly, you're not the only one as others were hit by that as well. Submit a ticket here.
  15. There've been several. A Marvel Comics adaptation of the film, and some prequel comic books by Moonstone Comics in the mid-to-late aughts.
  16. There's no unofficial red side server, although some have claimed Everlasting is. While technically true that they have the highest ratio of villains to heroes of the five shards, many of them are... otherwise occupied. You'll find villains and villain activity on all shards. I've found that it takes about the same amount of time to recruit for a PUG Strike Force on Indomitable as it does Excelsior. Excelsior has more people, but also has more lag as a result. Everlasting is the unofficial RP server. Torchbearer and Indomitable have less people than Excelsior, but also less lag. Reunion is the European shard. Just pick your poison.
  17. IMO, Lex Luthor (since the Post-Crisis revamp), is the quintessential Mastermind. He's a businessman, but he pulls the strings and gets others to do his dirty work. That's usually my inspiration for playing Masterminds, since 2005.
  18. That's a bug with Crey lab map elevators, it's been with the game since at least Homecoming launched and very likely back on live. Pets (including Mastermind henchmen), can get tripped up on Crey lab elevators and just wig out. Only known fix is to dismiss and resummon.
  19. As I mentioned to you on on the Homecoming Discord earlier, there's a very slight chance that Praetor Duncan and Anti-Matter, along with Praetor White (and possibly others), can spawn in Studio 55 and dance. But that's it.
  20. Welcome back to Paragon City and the Rogue Isles! I can attest that a Gravity/Force Field Controller is not solo friendly. I think Sentinel would be a good first character for you, as it will require less positioning. There are no traps in the Sentinel AT, everything can work well together. The only thing I would mention about the Sentinel AT is that the primarily resistance-based armors like Fiery Aura, Dark Armor, and Electric Armor don't work as well as on Tanker and Brute due to the lower resistance cap. But, play whatever you'd like. It'll work just fine. Another option would be a Brute (especially a Willpower Brute), with the Combat Teleport power, which a macro can be made to take you into melee with a single button.
  21. I like to use travel powers, as that is a good part of the game's fun to me. So if I can avoid using it I will. But I also primarily play red side, and forming co-op teams in co-op zones like Rikti War Zone and Cimerora can get real funky. So if someone is forming something in the RWZ or Cimerora, I'll use the LFG to teleport over before requesting an invite.
  22. I wouldn't delete them, I'd just mark them as historical and unlink them, like other outdated pages.
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