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Everything posted by kiramon

  1. I tried regen once on homecoming, with a fully IOd character. I remade it a week later with electric
  2. 97-% of the height slider. when I was young I always did the shortest, now I’m near the tallest. I hate being shorter than others in game. this is true in other games — loved Elvaan in FF11 and Roe in FF14, females
  3. A year later and the ol man still not adding any value.
  4. Go away Terri bad
  5. Doms should probably have it backwards - mez protection while off of domination and losing it while dominated, allowing you to choose between controlling better vs being controlled. maybe a toggle like: domination: increase hold, recharge, accuracy subjugation: increase mez protection, regeneration, recovery and when your domination bar is full you get the burst of both that resets after x seconds, not perma able. 🤪
  6. I don’t want my character to be useable in full IOs and worthless when not, I already have expectations for my power level in full IOS- which is the only way I play anyways (plvl and fully io before doing any content at all on that character). as a side note/ I didn’t read anything in this thread at all
  7. Never happened to me and I’ve done it with extra levels not trained
  8. It’s fun to see scourge. for most the difference won’t be huge either way, as people play sub optimally where it would make a difference.
  9. 1 power
  10. You’ll find that poison will always play a secondary-style role, primary or secondary, since well it does debuffa that require you to do something else for the reward. that being said, defender is better than cor- but you can make it work either way. Water/Poison is pretty beastly ;3
  11. Here’s a topic needing to be locked If I ever saw one
  12. I e totally done this accidentally
  13. 1. You get em when I give em 2. you generally get a feel for when they’re about to expire. Just from playing you’ll get a hang of it. I used to know when songs in ff11 were about to expire before they blinked; lol. 3. stare at blinkies :3
  14. My brain read the word Titles wrong. I was worried before I opened the thread. Not that that’s the reason I opened the thread.
  15. Same for me- though even with support the clear all is faster than the 2nd to last. With lowest settings theres only like 12 mobs in the whole thing lol
  16. Now who told you that
  17. power leveling stopped me. from stopping in the slogs of the 30s. wouldn't have had any effect on longevity
  18. it's fine. since I started traveling primarily with ninja run and jet packs it serves the same as any other travel power. the problem for me is it means losing an easy 3% defense
  19. it'll work but you'd do more damage with fire... and that's relevant because it's a the only thing that they do
  20. kiramon


    kinda goes with everything so not really an Issue. nature is okay but pretty underwhelming in cor and defenders
  21. Sorry can’t make out picture - quality too low. Maybe take a picture of it taking a picture of itself with an iPhone or Samsung
  22. I do. Sometimes there's so many things I want to play, I won't play any.
  23. Venomous Gas is fine. That being said, Force Bubble is not. Now I take it for funzies, but it really needs to do something different. How about reduce its radius a bit, remove the repel and make it have a chance to do cast lift on targets in the aura... loool.
  24. It's calculating multiple targets.
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