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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. lol... checked my main... 666 vet lvls, 666 badges, and Marcus told me I've been on patrol for 777 hours.
  2. Already working on a shield/mace ... but ice/claws? Hmmmmmmmmm.
  3. My brother and I played the PnP version of Champions (and D&D and Gamma World) way back in the day. One day he calls up to tell me about this incredible video game that was like Champions but it's an MMO and yes you have to pay a month subscription and it's online 100% and ... no, bro, I'm not doing any of that it sounds awful. Have fun, kthxbye. Very little time passed before he came over one day and forced me to install it so that I could run around in this pay to play weird online garbage as some freaky short dwarf wearing green and has stone chunks all over him and he's got this big battle axe. Fine, bro, let's see. I'll run around a bit and then explain again that this just isn't my... wait a minute... I can build what? This is the character generator? You can super speed and jump or fly or teleport? WTF? Ok, fine. Account created. I'll build somethin stupid to learn the game and then trash it. Heh, white spiky hair, black skin, sure, why not... ooo claws like Wolvie, nah regen doesn't sound good... super reflexes? Never get hit? Probably not a bad idea... need a stupid name... HA, sure Bill Z Bubba. He's getting deleted anyway... That was right after Issue 1 went live.
  4. I really hope NOT to see Shadow at some point. It'll feel too much like work and we've already got the Shadow Shard in game.
  5. Hell, I'd be happy if the current base tport was as fast as the passcode port and that was that. Edit: With a drastically reduced recharge time as well.
  6. I've seen it. <shrug> No biggee one way or the other time me.
  7. Besides it being an easy way to never fail an Master of run? Or never be defeated in PvP? Or just plain being a get out of anything/let's trivialize everything card?
  8. If it can be coded that way, awesome.
  9. I just use the porters in my own base. Granted... I would like to see enterbasefrompasscode be blocked from usage within instanced missions (so you can't instaport from a bad scene) or pvp zones (for the same reason.)
  10. I thought it was /gignore @<globalname> for total blockage and just /ignore <charactername> to ignore a single character on an acct.
  11. When the base opinion sucks and is based on idiocy, it should be challenged. When others attempt to control what those around them do when no actual harm is befalling them, they should be challenged. If you think people like me suck, I applaud your continued right to share that opinion and will in no way attempt to stop you nor will I attempt to stop myself from explaining that you're wrong.
  12. Do you truly not believe that there are people on this planet that actually enjoy automobile maintenance?
  13. And there's the pretty thing. Want to rip AE and all the evil farmers out of your game? You can do so. Stand up your own gorram CoH shards and have at it. Oh, is that too hard? Are you not technically capable of such a task? Don't have the funds? Huh. Too bad.
  14. I'd say the same about tanks. And I'm building a new one right now. How about, instead, we just stop letting control freaks ruin everything for everyone because they think their opinions are global when it's proven time and time again that this belief is painfully false? Just a thought. Nerfherders kinda suck regardless of the facts of powercreep in this game.
  15. It is true... for him. Probably others as well. But as long as there's folks like us willing to stand up and counter ugly opinions instead of standing idly by while evil does its work, the world still has a chance.
  16. I'm not triggered at all. I'm simply capable of understanding that it is YOUR biased opinion that labels the activity "toxic." I don't find it toxic at all. Inf is not real money. Fact. Time is not money. Also fact. Get over it.
  17. I'm currently rocking 32.47 hp/sec on my claws/sr brute. Have you seen @Caulderone's SR tank build? It's sitting on like 45% damres to everything BEFORE the scaling resists kick in. This is not true. Why everyone ignores the scaling damres in the passives... I just don't get. It exists. It functions... it keeps me from faceplanting when I'm in the red more often than I can explain.
  18. I have 12 sounds silenced at the moment. Should I actually build an ice melee user, I'll have some more swords to silence. It's an incredible thing that all we need to know is the name of a sound, what directory it should go in and a silent.ogg file to rename in order to bring more joy to our gameplay experience.
  19. I know this one! First: Hit this thread for great info on silencing a whole slew of sounds. The specific sound you want to kill is called (whoda thunk) "recharge." So you'll place your silent file called recharge.ogg into this path: <install directory>\data\sound\ogg\frontend\ That annoying not ready sound will never plague you again.
  20. I've looked. I've failed to find anything that gives me the same feeling as CoH for pure visceral excitement in combat. Quite frankly, every other MMO I've touched bores the living #*($& out of me.
  21. I'm teaming more now that I ever did on live. Also playing a lot more squishies than I ever did before. My uptick in teaming has nothing to do with the player population but is entirely because of the small group of people that I found myself teaming with. Small... as in less than 10 players. As others have stated, no server mergers unless it becomes financially necessary. There's only 5 shards for fark's sake.
  22. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/57-homecoming-beta/ You can now copy characters to test, start new ones and insta-level to 50, grant yourself 2 billion inf or just load up with every enhancement and incarnate power you want. But it's a one way trip and they can be wiped out at any time. So I'll keep usin AE for new alts.
  23. The whole world would be a better place if everyone did.
  24. It's simple. The game gives you the tools to do what you like. Don't like seeing spam in your channels for AE related junk? Gignore and go about your day. Don't like playing with people that PL? Gignore and go about your day. Quit trying to ruin what other people find fun, be it farming or powerleveling or soloing or roleplaying or whatever.... Harm No Other and Do as Ye Will. Ruin my ability to PL new alts for testing? You're harming my ability to enjoy this game and that makes YOU the asshole.
  25. Were you doing it wrong on live?! The chinese would have gladly helped you out for $100 US or 1,000,000,000 infamy, which ever you preferred. One week. (joking of course) I was soloing.
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