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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. See also The Handmaid's Tale. And we keep tellin people books are good ... 🙂
  2. I never did get into the speed runs for Heather's arc. Always cleared all at +(whatever I could deal with)/x8 for the iXP to unlock the incarnates and then more for the extra emp merits that come from vet lvls. Granted, I'm apparently a murderous bastich.
  3. Have to take CJ for immobilize protection. Have to slot multiple KB protection IOs. Have to slot recharge debuff protection. The more I play non-defense based armors the more I appreciate almost never being hit by debuffs.
  4. Tried out Rad Melee - Irradiated Ground with 4 damage procs on a Wp/Rad tank. That is amazingly broken.
  5. No way, man! Kin's secondary effect is damage debuff! That's far too much mitigation. 🙂
  6. Any mitigation from an attack set will benefit any other armor just as well as it benefits regen but I agree that perceptions can be colored when leaning on such mitigation. That's why I'm testing with a fire/regen brute and SOs. I'll be giving up on the SO side of things very shortly since I'll need every possible edge to make up for all of regen's weaknesses.
  7. Pretty sure the stats for buffed enemies and player debuffed were listed by someone in the Tank Gods thread. You can skip the seafood buffet at the end of mission 1. When you exit the door after setting free the ladies, fly straight up and pull the minotaur to the center. Never cross the threshold back to the stairs/courtyard, and the khels won't spawn.
  8. Came to state this as I was messing around trying to fix something else. Looks like having it enabled at all has been the cause of my crappy antialiasing all along.
  9. This. If I have it toggled on, I'd like to see it. And @EnjoyTheJourneynailed it. Reset the powerset to Original in the costume editor and now the vines are persistent. Thanks!
  10. But you'll happily force one of the greatest songs ever into my headpsace. Yea, I'm ok with that.
  11. Correct. So it's clicking something that's not doing damage to an enemy. Sounds like double-bolter level heresy to me. 🙂
  12. No. I was diggin seeing it because I never do. Perfect sense. Add a 5th (end/rec maybe) to any of the LotG sets you're runnin for another 3.75 SL resists. Honestly, if it is workin for your playstyle, do it.
  13. I'm still not a fan of how clicky NrgAura feels. And it's just two clicks.
  14. I still love my 1080, it handles what I need it to for the most part, but I've been itching for a 3080 since Sep of 2020 or at least since I bought Cyberpunk.
  15. Holy crap... a scrapper build with confront! Defense is good, HP is good, regen and recovery are fine. 10 sec downtime on hasten is a bit ouch in my brain. Only thing really making me go huh? is the slotting on Aid Other vs Aid Self. Why not 6 slot Self with Numina and 2 slot Other with the Panacea? Other side note, with that much recharge, you absolutely don't need the recharge IO in PB. It has a 2 minute duration. Edit: Another note: Guessin for ST you'll be shooting for BF-AS-SS-AS-repeat which is fine but having only SS for AoE? Not too sure how that's gonna work for ya.
  16. This has been my plan all along. Unfortunately, with the state of chip manufacturing/delivery these days, I'm not looking forward to the price tag on a new rig seeing as how vid cards are still sitting at 2x MSRP. I'd be ecstatic if they were down to 1.25x.
  17. Is there any way to make the vines for Wild Fortress permanent? They fade out after just a sec or three. I changed it to show floaters but it made no difference. And I've still no clue why my screenshots are blurry. Game doesn't look like this.
  18. Same here. Which explains to me WHY I don't remember how my mains were fully tricked out back before the snap. I wasn't in a big SG. I never had alts tucked away with 2B inf laying around. I think I hit it once on BZB. I never played the market. I can only assume what wealth I had came from the same sources as now: killin shit and sellin everything for next to nuthin.
  19. BZB (claws/sr scrap) can't do it. No heal, they're obviously packing major tohit buffs. Zariela (shield/nrg tank) faceplanted on 3rd spawn. Might do better with rebirth but then I'd probably get sapped to death on both. I could certainly respec completely to get the jobs done but I wouldn't want to play those builds.
  20. Is there any power in this game that actually follows the equations laid out in the OP? I ask because none of this is making any sense to me. Looking at Midnight Grasp in Sentinel Soul Mastery... A 34 second recharge single target attack should be doing 5.8 base damage and costing 30.16 end. With Sent AT Mods, that means it should be dishing out 306 damage (5.8*52.8297 at 50) which, of course, it most assuredly isn't.
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