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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Oh sure, because people who play this game never look for corners to cut or easy pathways to exploit! 😉 Damn it, now I want pie...
  2. Oh sure, because people who play this game never look for corners to cut or easy pathways to exploit! 😉 Damn it, now I want pie...
  3. Mind. BLOWN. But yeah, I was hoping the snow and such would last for at least half way through January. I'm glad I took the time to slide about a bit on the lake in Atlas last time I was on.
  4. Cool, thanks. My first 50 after we returned is a Beam/Rad Corr, and although I've somewhat got her refined by this point (I only play that toon occasionally), there's always room to look into improvements.
  5. Interesting. Do you know off the top of your head if this would extend to Corruptors' version of BR as well?
  6. That's what kills me aboput doing tough content on an MM, is the resummon+re-equip times while combat is raging all around you (but hopefully not bothering you whilst you're doing all that). I was going to say that it would seem unlikely to make those equip powers auto, but actually, I'm not sure therte's a reason not to? Unless they just like watching an MM stand there getting slammed whilst summoning and equipping their pets. But maybe others have a better idea why they wouldn't.
  7. Now I want to make a new toon called GAZE BO...
  8. It killed AE for me before Live shutdown as it, yes, ruined pacing and left maps silent, all that good stuff. I'd like to get back into AE, load up and retool my old stories (still have the files!) but this bug really broke them, so.... I've mentioned it here before but I have no idea if the current devs are looking into it or not. We should pelt them with fish and handfuls of yogurt until they tell us. :)
  9. Hm, never heard of this one! But I was mostly on redside and still haven't done a lot of heroside stuff. I recall a screen shot or two about those guys who hacked the system to be giants, but the only other detail to the story I recall was they got banhammered for it. 😄
  10. Sappers can smell fear. Sappers can see through walls. Sappers can turn milk sour and cause your crops to fail. Sappers speak with the Devil on moonless nights. A sapper once bit my sister...
  11. Mercs are usable, I've done it myself! But not if you're a min/maxer or something I guess.
  12. I like it! Even though it's a tad darker for the "dark 'n gritty" take on everything. That said, this could also easily double for the red side too.
  13. As someone who's so far leveled up two MMs (of five 50s total), this sound phenomenal. Both times, once I hit that magical land of 50, I was also hitting that wall of "I'm sick of wrangling pets! I just wanna go out and shoot something my own damn self now!" Neither of my 50th MMs have seen one jot of Incarnate anything, Alpha slots nor trials. This maybe be subject to change now.
  14. I coulda swore I saw some good posts here about proccing up the Beast Mastery set, but I can't find it anymore, because my search in unslotted, so I'm just asking to be PLed here. (and yes, I still haven't downloaded Mids; I only think about this at work where I can't and when I get home I don't feel like doing the homework) I have Call Ravens/Bees etc. well procced as described by a post in the following source But the given suggestions for the Beasts themselves (rather than the secondary MM attacks) seems less proccy than I recalled. Or am I misremembering? Are there other suggestions for frankenslotting the heck out of my Beasts?
  15. Not long ago I was thrilled while battling my way through a couple of missions to see the orange text "Recipe Found!" pop up a few times, along with a yellow one and several whites. So afterwards I went and opened up my recipe list to see what I had gotten. Two, TWO copies of the same Perfect Zinger recipes, then another one of a different acc/taunt/whatever mix, and then a sleep recipe. All trash on the market. But that's not the market's fault.
  16. Cynicism tears up the road map before you get anywhere.
  17. Pretty sure I saw that on a character I was leveling up like last week, yes.
  18. If we got it, I know I'd end up using it, I;'d like a 'distressed' one for example. It seems like it should be something easy to do, but I'm no coder. I want bold and italics too. Sure, why not? But if it doesn't happen, not gonna cry over it.
  19. It's not really all that dynamic without the flashy purple stuff though, it's just your character taking a half squat like somebody on green-screen surf board from some dumb beach movie from the 60s. Plus it was meant to be a flashy "special" thing for the City of Heroes Collector DVD/Hero Kit. But I do wish we could recolor too, and even make it invisible for you if you so want. I mean, the more options the merrier, right?
  20. It's funny, during Live I rarely took anyone to 50, I think I had maybe 3 by the time it shut down, after joining in Issue 6. Now here I am with (counts up names in signature) FIVE! At least one of them was by sheer random chance too! Maybe my experience will rub off on you or something, good luck!
  21. Speak for yourself! I recently ran that string of 50 level missions where every map is the destroyed city and it's repopulated each time with single types of foes, and got to run the "Oops! All Warwolves!" one. Crowds and crowds of Warwolves throwing presents! Maybe I'm more easily entertained by silliness.
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