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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. The change for me has been that I find the usual high damage toons, especially melee, are boring somehow, I'm all about control. I even tried a blaster and felt like all I was doing was clicking the same couple of pew pew pews, so he's languished since about level 25. Defenders and controllers are where it's at. I should try a Dom again.
  2. Ooooh, I misread, I thought there was talk of upcoming proc changes. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
  3. Proc changes? First I'm hearing of it, can someone fill me in, or point me to a link?
  4. Funny that I can still sell them for close to 3 mill though.
  5. I make this mistake at least once per respec, and I hate it.
  6. Also not "metal," but back on Live I had "Dark Inkling", which was the title for a track by the band Coil. She was a *something*/Dark troller, created to take advantage of the then-new Darkness Affinity set.
  7. All that other stuff aside, don't be afraid to get tool around on your new 50 and still play the game. Don't feel pressured to start participating in all the Level-Cap Content just because you're 50 now. You can still run the various TFs and so on, even exemplar down!, knowing that while you play, the stuff you need for the incarnate junk is slowly accumulating (or quickly; I've found Rikti mothership raids to be a nicely zippy path to unlocking the incarnate slots).
  8. Oh hey, how could I forget those "buried Rikti" maps? I love those, they play a bit outside the box of normal maps and have something of a "fancy yet alien" look to them, what with the columns and the glowing tech and so on.
  9. Everything you said about Hurricane is what I'm finding. It's an occasional-use power that's best indoors; sometimes I use for just a "get away from me" power, sometimes when luck lines up, to compress a mob back into a corner for the rest of the team to AoE away at. Gale tends to be the power I use most, no one can hit us when they keep having to stand back up! I just team so it's been working out great, although at level 44 where I am now, I'm starting to get a sense that I could probably solo if I was careful. My actual attacks still feel a little underwhelming, but I still have some slotting that needs to be done with them, plus that's about par for course the other Defenders I've played, ha ha.
  10. What sort of madman puts their Insp tray way up top like that instead of keeping it near their powers tray for quick access?!
  11. I've never thought to reroll characters, I just give up and move on to another. Then again, I have rerolled two toons from the olden days of yore (and only two), and I think I did change up what they were. I know neither of them had gotten far on live, although they were from near the end, but in today's world they easily made it 50. There's no reason why, but they're the two "Fox"es listed in my sig. I think I just liked the costumes.
  12. I'm a weirdo that likes the blue caves, annoying pancake layer included (well OK I only tolerate that). Part of it may be the weird ghostly atmospheric music you hear when you first set foot on the map. Orange Bagel maps are OK, but I so hate getting caight on the torches as I try to zip down a hallway; also a bit too World Of Warcraft to me (much like the redesigned Circle members turned out). I think I'd go with offices best, if boringest as well. I often play squishes who fight from afar and open space maps make AoE usage and avoiding angry foes a bit more problematic. Sewers are fairly good too though.
  13. That's what my experience with my Troller was: a long sort of dullish climb, then suddenly boom, "oh, ok, now this plays decently" once I started investing in the Stone Mastery powers. I mean, any Troller can invest in Stone Mastery though, so that would seem to speak ill of the initial combo. I probably shouldn't grouse, she can easily wade into melee range with little risk and pull off some great stuff thanks to a reall kickin' build (courtesy of these boards), and I'm not going to delete her or anything, but...
  14. This is always how I see this phrased, not to attack you for doing the same. I point out that the homework for doing so isn't often all that fun for some people. Just about all the characters you'll see in my sig are twinked out with some ATOs, purples, etc. because it can be done without the market-playing and so on, but it comes slowly. Gives me something to aim for I guess. Also still not sure the "concerns" with forum builds being twinked out should be dismissed because we tend to be harder core players. That still leaves open that some of us are not. Still, thanks to those who do post builds (twinked or not) when people ask for them, they've helped me a great deal. I do agree though that if you have questions about leveling, they do usually get addressed with forum posts like "how should I slot Earth's Embrace?" or "what's a good attack chain for Dark Melee?" or whatever. The question just needs to be more focused.
  15. I have one of those too! Overall I'm not actually all that chuffed by it, even after someone very knowledgeable about such things basically made a good build for me. I dunno, somehow I was just hoping she'd be more super awesome somehow (currently having the same experience with a Storm/Rad Blast Defender, although some of her problem was the End usage, now taken care of with the usual Panacea/Miracle/Numina's trinity). I stuck with her out of sheer cussedness, but I'm ready to move on now. Glad it's worked out well for you though.
  16. It's still a helpful set when you're leveling up, but most forum-goers are, I think, in the "I have my 50 purpled out and all Incarnate powers T4ed" group, not to mention min/maxingl. Which isn't a knock against them!
  17. My main back on Live was a stalker, and in some kind of deference to him I haven't really played another since HC started*. I mean, I have one, but she's not taken a lot of my attention. So I have tried those ATOs yet, do they really make that much of a difference? How much do they retail for on the AH? *I also can't remake him because he was an Energy melee, which is sucky these days I'm told.
  18. Suggestions from our herd aside, there's always outright theft too. Go check out the dev threads for the official costume contests they've held and steal what looks good! Heck, I even have one uploaded right now, I could send it to you, but everyone will think you're that guy they keep killing in the AE farms.
  19. I didn't get a picture, but I teamed with a character named something like "Rupert J. Fisticuffs" and had a costume resembling some sort of old-timey Turn of the last century look. He was a tank or brute I think, with some basic punching powers attack set. I've also seen some version of the same thing but done for a very well achieved steam punk look.
  20. Clave Dark 5

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    ✋︎ ♒︎♋︎❖︎♏︎ ■︎□︎ ♓︎♎︎♏︎♋︎ ⬥︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ ⬥︎♏︎🕯︎❒︎♏︎ ⧫︎♋︎●︎🙵♓︎■︎♑︎ ♋︎♌︎□︎◆︎⧫︎📬︎ 😓
  21. I still see it reasonably often on teams, and I'm often glad it exists when I'm invited to join a team deep in Indy Port somewhere. And when I get lost on an Orabungle map.
  22. "If you want to find out how to do a job quickly, give it to a lazy man," as they say.
  23. And I haven't even posted in this thread yet!
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